Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 09, 2024, 08:03:09 PMI wrote that as absurd humour. If it's good satire to you, that's because you have an absurd sense of reality. QED.

When was your last booster and do you feel let down by the lies you were told to make you take the first one?

Careful of that old establishment mister

I have zero regrets over any actions I took during the pandemic, except maybe my failure to convince some statistically vulnerable yet misled friends and acquaintances to get vaccinated, two of whom ended up spending months in intensive care. But at least I tried. There were certain political and corporate abuses, but I remained level-headed in my contextualized evaluation of them: there has always been and always will be a certain level of political and corporate power abuse in any given national or international situation, genuine crises being no exception. All you can do imo is try to navigate them as objectively and soberly as possible, which in my libtard woke communist case means using the universal welfare of all humans as a moral compass.

And how about you? How are your predictions from the 2020 to 2022 period bearing out? Is your day to day pretty much back to where it was in 2019 or are you trapped in a localized Orwellian dystopia? Tap out 101 in Morse code if you need us to send help.

I thought it was impossible to give yourself a blowjob (believe me, I've tried), but you've managed it there.

Fair play.

Get out of your SS uniform and you might find it easier.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 09, 2024, 10:23:07 PMI have zero regrets over any actions I took during the pandemic, except maybe my failure to convince some statistically vulnerable yet misled friends and acquaintances to get vaccinated, two of whom ended up spending months in intensive care. But at least I tried. There were certain political and corporate abuses, but I remained level-headed in my contextualized evaluation of them: there has always been and always will be a certain level of political and corporate power abuse in any given national or international situation, genuine crises being no exception. All you can do imo is try to navigate them as objectively and soberly as possible, which in my libtard woke communist case means using the universal welfare of all humans as a moral compass.

And how about you? How are your predictions from the 2020 to 2022 period bearing out? Is your day to day pretty much back to where it was in 2019 or are you trapped in a localized Orwellian dystopia? Tap out 101 in Morse code if you need us to send help.

So did you stop taking the boosters or not? You know they're still recommended don't you? Stopping them is admitting you don't need them you know

Edit: I actually laughed the tea out of my mouth there at the universal welfare of all humans as a moral compass bit. It's not too often I read something so stupid

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 09, 2024, 10:51:22 PMI thought it was impossible to give yourself a blowjob (believe me, I've tried), but you've managed it there.

Fair play.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 09, 2024, 10:55:12 PMGet out of your SS uniform and you might find it easier.

I don't wanna sound like a queer or nuthin', but I would watch this porno scene just for the quality banter.

#6488 August 10, 2024, 02:51:18 PM Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 02:54:33 PM by astfgyl
Wait until you tell us all when you stopped taking the boosters for the certain death everyone faced.

How many have you had and how would you compare that to my experience of not having any?

I'm dead of course, writing from beyond the grave

Edit: you got done. Prove me wrong

Edit 2: what are the long term effects of that stuff you got injected? Would you mind pointing me towards the 5 year studies? Oh wait there aren't any.

Some critical thinking from you and everyone else. Yup no brains

We'll pick this up again in two years then? By that point there'll be plenty of five year studies. In the fact that millions upon millions who took the vaccine didn't subsequently die within 12 or 24 months, there's a pretty big hint already that those predicting this didn't have a damn clue what they were talking about, but if your prediction now is that something will be revealed by five year studies, grand, let's wait and see.

I got the flu jab and a booster a couple of months ago cos my GP said it'd be no harm. We all got COVID 2 weeks ago. The missus who isn't much of a believer in the vaccine, after getting the 2 initial jabs, was wiped out for a couple of days. I only had a tickly cough. I'm much more prone to picking up colds etc whereas she's never sick. Read into that what you will.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 10, 2024, 03:21:22 PMWe'll pick this up again in two years then? By that point there'll be plenty of five year studies. In the fact that millions upon millions who took the vaccine didn't subsequently die within 12 or 24 months, there's a pretty big hint already that those predicting this didn't have a damn clue what they were talking about, but if your prediction now is that something will be revealed by five year studies, grand, let's wait and see.

Are you actually serious?

Had whatever that shit was about 5 times now and it was a load of shite. I can't imagine taking several experimental treatments for that. Some shite.

You still haven't said whether you're up to date or not....

In for the penny in for the pound.

I would hope that a true believer such as yourself wouldn't have thought that any of the recommended shots were unnecessary

#6492 August 10, 2024, 05:12:52 PM Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 05:14:23 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
I didn't at any point feel personally at risk, not from COVID, not from the vaccine. I replied this to a friend on FB whining about Ireland's decision to close schools/colleges/etc., way back on 12th March 2020 (at the time, France had introduced no measures at all):

QuoteI'm not worried about getting [COVID] myself at all, not in the slightest, which is why I'm not panicking and why no one of our age or younger and in good health should be panicking. But that's not to say there isn't very good structural and civic reason to take extreme measures in order to circumvent the collapse of the health service. You can't at the same time observe what's happening in Italian hospitals right now and talk about "the overreaction of this century."

Later, I applied the same logic to getting the vaccines. I didn't feel personally at risk, but it was clear to me why governments were rolling out blanket public health mandates rather than leaving it up to (often misinformed) personal choice. Even if in some cases I thought certain governments were rolling that blanket out unnecessarily far, I didn't think I was in a "too far" category: my evaluation, based on the best science available at the time, was that the public health risk-benefit balance favoured everyone in my demographic getting vaccinated. Which I told everyone in my demographic who happened to ask me or read my posts on the subject on social media. Unfortunately a few people in my circle nevertheless chose to listen to paranoia (such as the blown out of all proportion "experimental gene therapy", etc., shite) rather than scientific consensus and two of them ended up separated from their families, their children, suffering in intensive care, occupying beds in intensive care, for months as a result. They and their families could easily have been saved that fear and suffering and the health service that enormous cost.

I know you've just described the most basic statement of enlightenment progressivism as "so stupid," but do you understand this difference between acting out of self-interest and acting out of civic interest? You can disagree with it of course, but do you understand it?

Do you think that everything I say is not in civic interest? Read it all. Think about it.

I am for freedom and I can't believe that anyone else isn't. Sometimes I think people took that mad shit just so they wouldn't be anti

I've had four years to think about everything I've read from you on the subject. It was bursting with misinformation that was absolutely not in the civic interest, even if you genuinely thought otherwise. The two unvaccinated guys I know who ended up in intensive care had their heads filled with all the same misinformation. Now, as I said, if you still believe that what you humbly refer to as "that mad shit" is going to produce some horrific negative long term effects, well literally the only thing we can do about that at this point is wait and see. So let's wait and see.