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Messages - Ducky

Metal Discussion / Re: Jon Schaffer
October 25, 2024, 10:33:03 PM
Pissy little bitch got away with (almost) murder. "Disciples of the Lie", indeed Jon, in-fucking-deed.
Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
October 25, 2024, 07:31:44 PM
Black Curse - Burning in Celestial Poison.

Only one proper listen so far, and it sounds absolutely feral.
General Discussion / Re: Pet Peeves
October 25, 2024, 12:25:38 PM
Bags of spinach (and other leaves). There's only one other person in the house and they don't eat spinach, so I usually end up chucking some out every week because as much as I eat the stuff, the bags are usually too big for one person to get through before the use-by date.
Pretty sure I had Under a Pale Grey Sky on DVD, in one of those early "ultra jewel" cases that were the size of a typical DVD box, but made of the same brittle plastic as a CD case.

I did find my Dead Can Dance "Toward The Within" DVD recently in the same sort of box, and it's immaculate, so what do I know :laugh:
Metal Discussion / Re: Random metal related thoughts
October 24, 2024, 11:59:25 PM
Thank you Andreas! But our drummer is in another band  :abbath:
Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
October 24, 2024, 11:56:21 PM
Quote from: ldj on October 24, 2024, 06:24:47 PMDeep Purple - Burn

Controversial one, but while it seems they have become a little bit forgotten when compared to the legacies of their peers in Sabbath and Zeppelin...would it be fair to say when it comes to the recordings Deep Purple were able to capture a much more energetic/lively sound on record compared to them? Don't get me wrong both were a bit more consistent in their output than Deep Purple, but the sound on DP's stuff is amazing for the period, even Lizzy a couple of years later were never quite able to capture the power of their live sound on record.

Also, metal needs more organs imo.

Never heard a DP record from that era that didn't sound class.

I also think Ian Paice was a much better drummer than the likes of Bonham and Moon. He had a fluidity to his playing the others didn't. Probably prefer him to Ward and Downey too to be honest.
Metal Discussion / Re: Random metal related thoughts
October 24, 2024, 10:25:35 PM
Those four notes of the guitar solo in Sepultura's "Slaves of Pain" at 2:25 sound like getting coins in a Super Mario game.
Metal Discussion / Re: Now Playing
October 24, 2024, 12:55:46 PM
Quote from: Paul keohane on October 22, 2024, 08:11:44 PMMorbid Angel- Gateways,an album that divides opinion,but I love putting it on every few months!

I'll die on the hill of "Summoning Redemption" being their best song :abbath:
Metal Discussion / Re: Notable Deaths
October 24, 2024, 12:54:37 PM
Wait, is that what those little umbrellas in cocktails are for?! ???
General Discussion / Re: The Donald vs Big Tech
October 24, 2024, 11:50:19 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on October 23, 2024, 05:55:21 PM
Quote from: Ducky on October 23, 2024, 01:25:22 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on October 20, 2024, 12:47:23 PM
Quote from: Ducky on October 20, 2024, 12:03:34 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on October 19, 2024, 08:31:37 PMAll available evidence points to CO2 not being the apocalypse, but the shit that the terror about it is used to justify will be another rotten wealth transfer. In fact I'm sure it will lead to digital ID like everything else will.

No, CO2 will green the planet if we stop getting rid of trees at the same time. Yes it looks likely that it contributes to atmospheric warming but we as a species could be looking to adapt instead of terrorising ourselves with it, especially in light of the fact that our attempts are experimental and very likely to make no difference to the planet but a massive difference to our quality of life on it.

Let's just say we were good as gold and then this happens, rendering our efforts pointless while China uses coal to power air conditioning for half a billion people and the fuckin eejits in Europe are bollixing on with the same oul paper fork shit and hardly a rex to their name but the place still isn't getting colder or staying at the imaginary optimum.

There's also a mad idea floating around that there's an absolute optimum amount of Co2 or optimum temperature for the earth, even with all the known variables, such as the amount of it that's absorbed by green cover. Well do we think that the earth has ever reached that equilibrium before, and if we do then why the fuck didn't it stay that way? Because it can't but yet here's the fuckin humans thinking they can get there. Lord above. Am I to assume that the absolute optimum was reached right before the industrial revolution and we ruined it by burning things? Ah the whole thing withers me

All anyone has to do is forget the fuckin scientific consensus for a minute and look at the thing as it is and the evidence available and if they are anything like me they will see it's another bullshit game but lots of people are being paid well by pushing it.

The "anything like me" bit got me, so I have to ask - what are your scientific credentials, exactly?

Please, not the credentialism. It's an extremely weak position.

So you're cool if your surgery is performed by Dr. Nick? Because if not, then you're fine with credentials when it suits your narrative.

There's plenty of lads with qualifications who will do a rotten job. Qualifications do not make one right, just that there's more chance one will be right.

You find me an expert with an expert opinion and I'll find you one saying the opposite so the appeal to authority is still as weak as I said it was

You can teach people things, but what they do with those things is unpredictable.

Yeah I broadly agree that there's some dopes who qualify and no one knows how they did, but do realistically think when climatologists collectively say "we're boned, it's largely due to CO2, and here's the mathematics and data to prove it" they're all clueless?
Metal Discussion / Re: Notable Deaths
October 24, 2024, 11:04:45 AM
Plot twist is ol' Brucie used to compete at fencing and happens to pilot aircraft, while Di'Anno shuffled about in a wheelchair and got stung for benefit fraud.

Di'Anno was as tough as a cold pint in a sunny beer garden after a hard day's work.
General Discussion / Re: The Donald vs Big Tech
October 23, 2024, 01:25:22 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on October 20, 2024, 12:47:23 PM
Quote from: Ducky on October 20, 2024, 12:03:34 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on October 19, 2024, 08:31:37 PMAll available evidence points to CO2 not being the apocalypse, but the shit that the terror about it is used to justify will be another rotten wealth transfer. In fact I'm sure it will lead to digital ID like everything else will.

No, CO2 will green the planet if we stop getting rid of trees at the same time. Yes it looks likely that it contributes to atmospheric warming but we as a species could be looking to adapt instead of terrorising ourselves with it, especially in light of the fact that our attempts are experimental and very likely to make no difference to the planet but a massive difference to our quality of life on it.

Let's just say we were good as gold and then this happens, rendering our efforts pointless while China uses coal to power air conditioning for half a billion people and the fuckin eejits in Europe are bollixing on with the same oul paper fork shit and hardly a rex to their name but the place still isn't getting colder or staying at the imaginary optimum.

There's also a mad idea floating around that there's an absolute optimum amount of Co2 or optimum temperature for the earth, even with all the known variables, such as the amount of it that's absorbed by green cover. Well do we think that the earth has ever reached that equilibrium before, and if we do then why the fuck didn't it stay that way? Because it can't but yet here's the fuckin humans thinking they can get there. Lord above. Am I to assume that the absolute optimum was reached right before the industrial revolution and we ruined it by burning things? Ah the whole thing withers me

All anyone has to do is forget the fuckin scientific consensus for a minute and look at the thing as it is and the evidence available and if they are anything like me they will see it's another bullshit game but lots of people are being paid well by pushing it.

The "anything like me" bit got me, so I have to ask - what are your scientific credentials, exactly?

Please, not the credentialism. It's an extremely weak position.

So you're cool if your surgery is performed by Dr. Nick? Because if not, then you're fine with credentials when it suits your narrative.
Day after Napalm Death/Crowbar...
Another Arise fanboy here. BtR then... A-Lex. I reach for the Greene stuff way more these days as it is. Kisser is the heart and soul of Sepultura, Max is a washed up has-been and has always rode the coat-tails of those more talented than himself.

I still have a very soft spot for Roots too, "nu" bits be damned, it was heavy-as-shit, particularly for an album that spawned a single that was featured in whatever the Irish top 30 show that went out around 8pm on a Tuesday was called.
Quote from: Carnage on October 22, 2024, 05:44:18 PMMy go to these days is Schizophrenia but that's purely because I've played BTR and Arise to death. I'd have to go with Arise as my favourite.

Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions are unlistenablez anyone who votes for either has AIDScancer of the ears.

Or "hearing AIDS" as I like to call it.