I definitely had a great time but wouldn't go again, don't think there's any great repeat value in it. There were flaws that you'd forgive first time round but I think they'd begin to grate, and I don't believe the set would change too much either.

Quote from: Paul keohane on February 22, 2025, 10:29:06 AM
Quote from: mickO))) on February 22, 2025, 10:10:02 AMWas 93 really the last time they played in Ireland? They didn't come here on the FBD or GST tours? I know all about the foot and mouth problems but I didn't realise they never played here during what you could argue were the best years of the band.
They were ment to play 2001 but for 911 happening a day or two before!.
Apparently they were in Dublin at the time and all.

Yeah that was the foot and mouth thing I mentioned. I have seen people over the years say it was 9/11 then others say it was foot and mouth. Didn't someone on MI say they saw them in Supermacs on O Connell street. Have also read that them being stranded here and stuck around each other not knowing when they could leave contributed to the break up.

That was my third time seeing them and I would definitely go again.

Yeah that gig was supposed to be 13/09/2001. Think Slayer being unable to leave the US is what put the skids on it more than anything.

Quote from: Pagan Saviour on February 22, 2025, 11:42:15 AMI definitely had a great time but wouldn't go again, don't think there's any great repeat value in it. There were flaws that you'd forgive first time round but I think they'd begin to grate, and I don't believe the set would change too much either.

Ya I'd probably agree with that.

They were stuck here for a week after 9/11.

I loved it. I've been very sceptical about it since they "reformed" and I think you could spend a long time talking about what a lineup like that isn't, but what we got was a fun setlist of songs I've loved since I was 12, with friends I don't see enough of anymore. It was deadly.

I'd go again, absolutely. Would like a few deeper cuts in the set, but I think you just have to be glad with what you get.

Power Trip were class too, again, you could argue they were Riley Gale and I know there was initial backlash from his family about them touring without him, which seems to have cooled, but I really enjoyed them.

I'm still fairly bitter that I didn't go, zakk wylde or not.

Big thread on Facebook Ireland Metal heads  is interesting, lots of people wringing their hands over the crowd being obnoxious.....I mean no shit it's Pantera!

#398 February 22, 2025, 04:57:03 PM Last Edit: February 22, 2025, 05:12:50 PM by mickO)))
Like I said in my earlier post I definitely noticed a big dickhead element in the crowd that I didn't see at the shows I went to in 2023. I think it had a lot to do with as was mentioned on here people who haven't been to a gig in years or even listened to metal in years coming out to this and just being grumpy pricks.

When I walked in I saw a row break out at one of those circle table things near the bar. It was hilarious some fat lad threw a terrible punch but managed to connect perfectly dropping the fella he hit then your man's pint went all over him as he fell :laugh: . The lad that threw the punch then had his shirt ripped off by security as he was being dragged away.

Don't be surprised if you see more of this at Biohazard. It will be a similar crowd and while a sold out academy isn't as bad as the 3 arena it's not a pleasent experience either.

Decided to drive up and down to this on the dry. Done it a few times but this one really stood out as the most intoxicated crowd ive been around sober :laugh:

It was a good gig, really enjoyed it. Found the set very short. 1hr of music according to spotify and thats with the full versions of domination & hollow. We got an extra tune with "Yesterday" but its under an hour of actual music and the rest of the time is the low E string ringing out at the end of most tunes with zakk doodling/cymbals crashing, talking before songs, intro tapes etc. I remember when they finished song 6, I looked at the time and half the set was done and they werent even on stage 30 minutes.

Definitely for the price of gigs these days, they should be playing abit more I think.

But they were very good. Phil got himself in shape for this reunion and got his vocals down. Zakk in fairness does the job fine, could lay off the pinch harmonics and Charlie was absolutely spot on. Rex is Rex, grand.

Cool to see them play those songs in 2025. Don't think id need to see again though.

Watched a video there that was shot in line with the middle of the stage and the sound was much clearer than where I was standing off to the left side.

And yeah the set did feel a bit short, could've easily put in another song in place of the useless widdling!

I'm happy to have finally seen a band I've been listening to for a couple decades and I enjoyed the set but yeah I wouldn't bother again unless there was some class supports with them.

The curtain drop was epic (not my video)