Yeah of course, we aren't talking about the left but the woke left or far left. Those who actively hunt out things to get upset about rather than accept that there are a range of responses to any issue, and that dialogue is possible. When a Grave Upheaval gig gets closed down it makes you wonder if every metal band is fair game. Apart from pandering to these bores, and kowtowing to their every whim, it seems that just being a death or black metal band puts you in the firing line these days. They are like the nosey neighbours of the underground, peeping through their curtains acting outraged by what the kids are at on the street but secretly exhilarated by it. It's a strange, unhealthy obsession.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 12, 2024, 08:36:19 AMYeah of course, we aren't talking about the left but the woke left or far left. Those who actively hunt out things to get upset about rather than accept that there are a range of responses to any issue, and that dialogue is possible. When a Grave Upheaval gig gets closed down it makes you wonder if every metal band is fair game. Apart from pandering to these bores, and kowtowing to their every whim, it seems that just being a death or black metal band puts you in the firing line these days. They are like the nosey neighbours of the underground, peeping through their curtains acting outraged by what the kids are at on the street but secretly exhilarated by it. It's a strange, unhealthy obsessi
Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 12, 2024, 08:36:19 AMYeah of course, we aren't talking about the left but the woke left or far left. Those who actively hunt out things to get upset about rather than accept that there are a range of responses to any issue, and that dialogue is possible. When a Grave Upheaval gig gets closed down it makes you wonder if every metal band is fair game. Apart from pandering to these bores, and kowtowing to their every whim, it seems that just being a death or black metal band puts you in the firing line these days. They are like the nosey neighbours of the underground, peeping through their curtains acting outraged by what the kids are at on the street but secretly exhilarated by it. It's a strange, unhealthy obsession.


Quoted you twice by mistake. Apologies.

#63 February 12, 2024, 08:57:55 AM Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 09:10:47 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
For as long as there are people creating extreme art, there will be people to get extremely upset about it. It is in fact the primary source of validation that there is anything "extreme" about the art in the first place. And as ldj was saying above, I personally have also met more than my fair share of metal fans who are genuinely extremely upset about the subjects those bands shriek and growl about. I.e. people with straight up fascist views, aggressively held. Many were white male European immigrants I met while living in London. If you want extremity in art, do you not have to accept that the part of the human condition that pushes certain people to create it is related to what makes other people lose their shit over it? Yes, the fallout sucks sometimes, be that a cancelled gig or, y'know, the occasional actual beating or murder rooted in fascist views held by someone in the scene.

We are going in circles. I would understand if an actual fascist band was cancelled, that's the game they are playing. But a link to a band's former band association, low down the bill who were removed to appease Big Brother etc etc etc.... whatever.

It's in everything. We are ruled by the whiney, neurotic and unhinged. You're right though, this only ever goes around in circles on here.

It's too easy nowadays - just email the venue/promoter. And no doubt they are going through all the gig listings with a fine-tooth comb finding "troublesome" bands or band members. I'm sure I've gone to plenty of gigs or events or films whatever art you can think of and, unbeknownst to me, there was people with extreme views working on it or behind the scenes. Not once have I gone to a gig and stood there thinking "oh my, does this person have the wrong political views?" - I'm there for music end of.

You think of the horrible things going on that actually have some impact and this is what these dopes decide has higher priority? Cherry picking narcissistic wasters. Nothing but for their own power grabbing ego in their groupthink echo chamber *drops mic*

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 12, 2024, 09:36:37 AMWe are going in circles. I would understand if an actual fascist band was cancelled, that's the game they are playing. But a link to a band's former band association, low down the bill who were removed to appease Big Brother etc etc etc.... whatever.

Yeah, I get it. I'm not talking about your one gig cancellation, I'm talking about the broader movements they're part of. Things are out of hand. But they're out of hand because of serious lack of intelligence across the board, which if we're honest with ourselves we have all witnessed.

"We are ruled by the whiney, neurotic and unhinged," like, grand, have it this way if you like. But then that includes whiney, neurotic and unhinged adult men who do things like review bomb children's movies :laugh: Same way as you can't be like "ah yes, such wisdom from this child" when said child is parroting a political view you approve but then be "omg that child has been brain-washed!" when it's a view you don't approve.

I cant be bothered contesting your nonsense anymore. Not giving you any more excuses to warble for ten pages. You've had your fun now fuck off.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 12, 2024, 09:54:31 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 12, 2024, 09:36:37 AMWe are going in circles. I would understand if an actual fascist band was cancelled, that's the game they are playing. But a link to a band's former band association, low down the bill who were removed to appease Big Brother etc etc etc.... whatever.

Yeah, I get it. I'm not talking about your one gig cancellation, I'm talking about the broader movements they're part of. Things are out of hand. But they're out of hand because of serious lack of intelligence across the board, which if we're honest with ourselves we have all witnessed.

"We are ruled by the whiney, neurotic and unhinged," like, grand, have it this way if you like. But then that includes whiney, neurotic and unhinged adult men who do things like review bomb children's movies :laugh: Same way as you can't be like "ah yes, such wisdom from this child" when said child is parroting a political view you approve but then be "omg that child has been brain-washed!" when it's a view you don't approve.

I agree with that. Both differs are caught up in bullshit in their own ways but it's easier for me to ignore one that has no direct impact on my life, ie reviewing children's movies etc...

Just as a matter of interest, what numbers would the gig have attracted if it had gone ahead?

No idea. I've never been to that venue but I can't imagine more than a couple of hundred for Grave Upheaval.

I was listening to the new Gama Bomb album and there's a song referencing ancient Egypt, who used slave labour. They're clearly nazis so anyone know who to contact to get their gigs shut down this week?

I just don't get why venues and promoters give these people any time. Impaled Nazarene were supposed to play Incineration Fest this year, but got removed after a load of people online got pissy about them because they've some dodgy lyrics. But then Faust, a convicted murderer, played with Emperor at the same fest two years ago and everything was fine. The promoters weren't going to pull such a big draw, they should give the same courtesy to all bookings

Grave Miasma were accused of being nazis by some fuckin idiots that tried to cancel a gig in Germany on their last tour. A band with 2 Jews in it. Hilarious how ridiculous and retarded these people are.

Have you not heard man? There's a veritable global epidemic of self-hating nazi Jews at the moment!