Krusher Joule, Phil Alexander and Anne Kirk. Raw Power.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 01, 2024, 10:47:37 AMPulkas, Defenestration and Kill II This were other names that seemed to get mentioned a lot in MH in the late 90s. Earthtone 9 as well who were pushed as being more mature sounding which I think meant they ripped off Deftones and Tool rather than Korn and Coal Chamber.

Defenestration got some doing supporting Megadeth in the SFX. They were pelted with drinks and the only cheer they got was when they announced their last song.

I think they supported Napalm Death in... the Pod was it? Not a combination that made sense at all.

Who thought either of those support slots would be anything other than a disaster

I only heard a song on a MH sampler back then and they were shockingly bad. So bad that even the crappy band I played in back then could have rightfully looked down on them  :laugh: beyond terrible.

At the Megadeth gig a lad tapped me on the shoulder to get past me. He had 2 full pints in his hands so assumed he just didn't want me to bump off him and spill them. Nope..... he wanted a clear shot at the singer to fuck one of the full pints at her. Then he sank back to enjoy the other pint himself! I typically hate stuff being thrown at anybody but that one made me laugh.

#66 February 02, 2024, 09:00:39 PM Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 09:12:44 PM by Pagan Saviour
QuoteI think they supported Napalm Death in... the Pod was it? Not a combination that made sense at all.

Incorrect, Napalm were supported by the woeful Superskin for that show. The other band that played were an incredibly bland indie sort that had even less business than Superskin being on the bill. You know the drill, shirts trousers craft shoes haircuts and 4-5 chords.

Baffling choices, we had appropriate options back then for sure. How cool would Abaddon have been on that bill?

Large Mound...

... of shite.

Quote from: ochoill on February 01, 2024, 12:43:20 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 01, 2024, 12:24:54 PMI had a quick YouTube listen to parts or two K2T songs. Jesus.
:laugh: yeah absolutely woeful.  At the end of one of the albums they do a sort of spoken word rewritten version of the Our Father, it would make you fold up like a deck chair from the shame

But can it compete with the hilarious awfulness of Clawfinger?Specifically the classic line 2.17

Haven't heard that one in a long time. The chorus is actually catchy enough but the rapping is like something you'd expect to see in a buddy movie between a streetwise black lad and a white square, when whitey has half a pint, takes off his tie and starts to loosen up and becomes embraced by the black community. I'm tearing up here actually. Just the image of that is so beautiful. Kumbaya my Lord....

I bought that in cassette in the sound cellar when visiting Dublin. I thought I was hot  shit for having it and for where I got it.

A couple of friends liked them but even as dubious as some of my taste was back then Clawfinger were beyond the pale to me  :laugh: the name alone was fucking awful but then the lyrics and the dude's white old man rapping with a Dutch accent was too funny. Compared to say Downset or the first RATM they sounded really corny.

Superskin! they seemed to get a lot of support slots back then for some reason!.Ive very little  recollection of that Napalm Death gig on the Red Box that time.

Quote from: Pagan Saviour on February 02, 2024, 09:00:39 PM
QuoteI think they supported Napalm Death in... the Pod was it? Not a combination that made sense at all.

Incorrect, Napalm were supported by the woeful Superskin for that show. The other band that played were an incredibly bland indie sort that had even less business than Superskin being on the bill. You know the drill, shirts trousers craft shoes haircuts and 4-5 chords.

Baffling choices, we had appropriate options back then for sure. How cool would Abaddon have been on that bill?

Ah right, I waddle corrected.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 02, 2024, 10:55:27 PMA couple of friends liked them but even as dubious as some of my taste was back then Clawfinger were beyond the pale to me  :laugh: the name alone was fucking awful but then the lyrics and the dude's white old man rapping with a Dutch accent was too funny. Compared to say Downset or the first RATM they sounded really corny.

It was on the metal show so it was good enough for me at the time. It's the aural equivalent of pig swill but yet there I was like a gimp droppin' rhymes along with it.