Jesus, there's a blast from the past. Are they the I - WANT - TO - GO TO - THE ZOO band? Dire.

I dug out the We've Come For Your Parents album as the thread got the better of my curiosity. It's grand, actually hasn't aged too badly, parts of it are caustic enough though it's limited by the constraints of their own musical blueprint, and it's very much of it's time. Another sign of the times is the necessity to include as many tracks as possible, so at 14 it well wears out it's welcome even though it's has a 44 minute running time.

Looked up a bit of footage too, they were an energetic bunch and I do remember that show here being fun, 2001 at the Temple Bar Music Centre. Chaos is indeed a knob too.

I found a review from the Independent, which is worth reading if only to serve as a reminder of how shit the standard of journalism was and is in Ireland.

Now, that's the curiosity serviced. Will probably never listen to them again, on with the rest of my life.

One of me mates had a CD of that second album and I never got into it. Last I heard of casey chaos he was doing an interview in metal hammer I think it was, saying he was homeless and had no money

Quote from: Pentagrimes on January 31, 2024, 12:11:23 PMI will defend Human Waste Project til the end. They were far closer to Janes Addiction/Smashing Pumpkin than nu-metal, and had both actual songs and a decent singer.

Very underrated band.

Quote from: Ducky on February 01, 2024, 12:39:00 AM
Quote from: Massey Ferguson on January 31, 2024, 11:38:00 AMThe amount of shite albums I bought based on Kerrang and Metal Hammer reviews - Coal Chamber and Human Waste Project spring to mind, but there's countless others that my mind has repressed.

That's an interesting way to say you own a copy of Psycore - "Your Problem"  :laugh:

:laugh: I don't remember Psycore but I definitely owned albums by the likes of Stuck Mojo and Groop Dogdrill.

Lol at the Psycore album

Pulkas, Defenestration and Kill II This were other names that seemed to get mentioned a lot in MH in the late 90s. Earthtone 9 as well who were pushed as being more mature sounding which I think meant they ripped off Deftones and Tool rather than Korn and Coal Chamber.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 01, 2024, 10:47:37 AMPulkas, Defenestration and Kill II This

I heard songs from each of these on sampler CDs back then, thought they were alright but never got around to picking anything up. Thank fuck for that as when Youtube came along I listened to the albums in question and... no.

Pulkas were one I was excited about at the time, the reviews were calling them the next Killing Joke and the like. They were not.

Janus Stark was another one that was getting pushed at the time. Glorified pop punk if memory serves.


Christ they were awful. Singer was/is married to Michael Mckeegan from Therapy? Unfortunately caught them supporting them around that time, but fair play to them they made a supposedly modern sound at the time sound dated and their 30 minute set felt like an eternity.

QuoteKill II This

Another awful awful band but their bassist was attractive (I think) so they get a pass.

Quote from: Pagan Saviour on February 01, 2024, 11:00:59 AM

Christ they were awful. Singer was/is married to Michael Mckeegan from Therapy? Unfortunately caught them supporting them around that time, but fair play to them they made a supposedly modern sound at the time sound dated and their 30 minute set felt like an eternity.

Is that definite? Would have been a fair age gap there, particularly back then.

Ok, looked him up since Married someone else in 2008. Maybe mistaken but was pretty sure I'd read it somewhere and recall something being said from the stage that night.

Loved those Kill II This albums in my teens, a recent revisit gave me some laugh as they are shockingly bad with the most mortifying lyrics known to man.  Don't even hold up as a guilty pleasure.  About three good riffs on each album.

I had a quick YouTube listen to parts or two K2T songs. Jesus.

I used to think those Kill II This albums were decent as well. I was very young and innocent though. They are almost impossibly bad. The drummer was in Killing Joke briefly as well I think, sometime around Hosannas

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 01, 2024, 12:24:54 PMI had a quick YouTube listen to parts or two K2T songs. Jesus.
:laugh: yeah absolutely woeful.  At the end of one of the albums they do a sort of spoken word rewritten version of the Our Father, it would make you fold up like a deck chair from the shame