Couch potatoes with an extensive porn collection.

Amazing how some trends, no mater how critically reviled they are in retrospect, are just destined to repeat themselves. That shite above is basically just Kid Rock all over again.

I like how he keeps a straight face and is able to sell it!
His son has a band. It's dog semen.

That's fucking cuck allright, why does he do it?
I wouldn't mind but he has a great set of pipes on him to be fair, he puts in a great vocal performance with Stonesour like.
Why he would involve himself in scutter of this ilk is beyond me.

Quote from: VimFuego on January 30, 2021, 10:10:03 PM
I feel like there's so much awful and hilarious stuff floating around in modern metal, especially on Napalm Records that picking that stuff is like shooting fish in a barrel. Here's some truly awful vintage metal though. Possibly the most brilliantly awful thing I've ever heard.

Reminded me of Vic Reeves club singing

#236 March 04, 2021, 04:57:05 PM Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 05:02:38 PM by John Kimble
Speaking of shit music, and following on from Metal Hammer on another thread, I see MH have decided that nu-metal is cool again. Apologies, 'nu-core'. Fuck me. How easily they forget.