#315 November 30, 2023, 01:33:36 AM Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 01:37:45 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
It's not rocket science:

QuoteFar-right politics, or right-wing extremism, refers to a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservative [e.g. Catholic, pro-Life, etc.], ultra-nationalist [e.g. #IrelandForTheIrish, etc.], and authoritarian [e.g. achieving objectives via intimidation and/or force, aggressive/violent imposition of will, military fantasizing, etc.], often also including nativist [e.g. "indigenous Irish"] tendencies.

That's not to say some of these dimensions don't have quite easily identified causes in the current case of Ireland, but for me most of those boxes are ticked by the heads I personally take to be and have no problem referring to as far right. It's like the way Hamas are psychos regardless of whether the causes for their popularity and ease in recruitment in Gaza are very easily identifiable. And just like in the case of Gaza, albeit for quite different motivations, those easily identifiable causes in Ireland are not being addressed. The classical socialist part of me has a tendency to believe that's because it serves the ruling class for there to be as much conflict as possible between demographics they see as equally beneath them; the working/services and welfare class vs migrants/asylum seekers. And if the ruling class can exacerbate that by simply doing nothing intelligent, great! These NP lads and so on often seem convinced that closing the borders is going to operate a miracle, whereas that miracle needs to happen way higher up the food chain, imo.

I see Leo has run off to Dubai for some climate change conference. Flying to Dubai on a private jet to preach to everyone else about how they need to cut back.

I am sure some have seen this

Sounds like an incitement to violence to me if you go by the logic that has been used to accuse others of the same thing. I have no doubt this man will also be put under investigation now.

I had to laugh when I saw it. Serious Four Lions vibes  :laugh:

#319 November 30, 2023, 11:01:20 AM Last Edit: November 30, 2023, 11:25:01 AM by hellfire
The Gript claim was that he had not has his application to remain supported by NGOs. There was another donkey who made a bunch of shit up yesterday about the victims and secrecy surrounding them. That lad should have the tongue cut out of his head for those lies. I didn't see anyone try to identify him, but I don't see everything.

EDIT: Gript Comment

Quote from: hellfire on November 30, 2023, 11:01:20 AMGript Comment

If it turns out they were deliberately mislead by state sources, this will galvanise the far right and give them the ammunition to turn this horrendous event into proof that the state don't care about ordinary people and further blame immigrants who have been contributing to Irish life for decades.

The vast majority of people that have been protesting for over a year now or have concerns with what is happening to the country have no issue with immigrants it is refugees / economic migrants that most people have an issue with. Immigrants and economic migrants are not the same thing. People need to stop throwing the word immigrant around and trying to pretend all of these people are the same just to push an agenda.

When the far right heads are being as nuanced as "We need to close the border!" they're not leaving much room for such subtleties  ;)

I was in the vicinity of one of their protests outside the cork library a while back. Such a bunch of absolute wankers. I have no problem with people having a discussion on immigration but those people are not putting forward any coherent argument.

That is the problem the Government from the very beginning have refused to engage in any discussion on the matter they have just shouted down anyone who voices concerns as far right and racist. It also makes you wonder what is the Government getting out of all of this seeing as how determined they are to still continue with it given all the trouble it is causing in the country.

They're getting division of the riffraff out of it. Wonder no more!  :laugh:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 30, 2023, 12:21:55 PMWhen the far right heads are being as nuanced as "We need to close the border!"

Thus reminds me that they extended their demands the day after the riots when one issued a call to arms to meet again at noon the next day and every day "until they close the boarders". So they're not fans of boarding schools either it seems  :laugh: 

Quote from: mickO))) on November 30, 2023, 12:10:52 PMThe vast majority of people that have been protesting for over a year now or have concerns with what is happening to the country have no issue with immigrants it is refugees / economic migrants that most people have an issue with. Immigrants and economic migrants are not the same thing. People need to stop throwing the word immigrant around and trying to pretend all of these people are the same just to push an agenda.

If they keep pushing the same nonsense that only appeals to 20% of the population and infuriates the rest then it will only get worse. All the huffing and puffing about the far right is falling on deaf ears. A big ol bag of bollocks fed to the public by the same people who claim some women have a penis.

So Mick O'Keeffe in a tweet (presumably also on Telegram, etc.) and also The Liberal in an article both published the name of the wrong suspect, who is now apparently under garda protection. Have to admit I'm not totally sure of the situation now though. Does this person, wrongly named for the stabbing, nevertheless match the mental back-and-forth, courts, NGOs, etc., story that Gript published? In which case, all that nonsense did still happen, it just didn't involve the actual attacker...? Is that it?

If they published a name and it wasnt the suspect then that's a pretty easy libel case. Didnt another fella get wrongly accused in the aisling murphy case and had to have garda protection as well. Its get the torches shit right there that serves no one.