Quote from: Ollkiller on June 01, 2024, 08:58:31 AMWatched The Handovers with Paul Giamatti. Same guy who directed Sideways. Really good flick with a savage script but about half an hour too long.
been meaning to give that a watch. Sideways is brilliant, such a funny film

Enjoyed it. Like an early 90s movie or something. Very predictable but nice.

Quote from: Ollkiller on June 01, 2024, 08:58:31 AMWatched The Handovers with Paul Giamatti. Same guy who directed Sideways. Really good flick with a savage script but about half an hour too long.

I liked it too. Didn't love it like I did with Sideways, but it was decent.

I picked up The Zone of Interest on DVD at tyre weekend so looking forward to sitting down with that over the next week or two.

Godzilla Minus One just came on Netflix. I enjoyed it. As with all these films the human parts are dull and the monster parts are good, but in this one I felt both the human and monster parts were better than normal. I especially liked Godzilla in this one as his styling and movement is quite faithful to the classic Japanese films, which really gave it an old-school monster movie feel, as opposed to some modern fake-looking CGI fest. Godzilla may have been CGI in this, but almost looks like a model in the parts where he's stalking though the cities. Also enjoyed the fishing boat v Godzilla part. It's lifted almost wholesale from Jaws, but still really enjoyable overall.

Watched Rollerball (the 1975 one) last night for the first time. Really enjoyed its concept, and of course it does seem even more prescient today with our corporate overlords. Probably a big influence on the likes of Running Man and Hunger Games. As much as I love James Caan, he seems to mumble his way through this one a bit, but he's great in the action scenes.

Overall though really solid b movie goodness, albeit with what seems to be a decent-sized budget? Would pair really well with Death Race 2000, which I posted about here a few weeks back.

Also that scene with Moon Pie, was that directly lifted for a certain other scene with Opie in Sons of Anarchy (trying not to spoil either)?

Love Rollerball.
I'd agree on your comments about Caan, too. He's hard fella to warm to in a flick, no matter what he's in, but pulls it off in the action scenes.
Whooda'thunk rollerskating could be so cool.  :laugh:
The remake was utter scutter, though.  :-[

Furiosa: A Mad Max Story

Not quite as good as Fury Road but still pretty good, Chris Hemsworth is great in it.

Quote from: ldj on June 07, 2024, 07:23:53 AMFuriosa: A Mad Max Story

Not quite as good as Fury Road but still pretty good, Chris Hemsworth is great in it.

Saw it last night. Thought it was just ok to be honest. Lots of cool bits but it also felt overly long, and dragged in places. They just turned Furiosa into the exact same character as Max, except female. Also, while the way it links all the Wasteland outposts together is cool, it kind of de-mythologizes the world a little I thought.

I'm actually not a super fan of Helmsworth in it either (I know he's getting good reviews in general). For me he's just doing a wasteland impression  of Captain Jack Sparrow. Immortan Joe is way cooler.

Worth a watch, and definitely not a bad film, but I'd say it's arguably the worst of the series. Prob better than Thunderdome, but I do enjoy the cheesiness and nostalgia of that one now.

I was looking up the cinema listing the other night because the missus tried convincing me that beetlejuice 2 was out and it was the first I heard of that mad max story. Did Disney buy the franchise? I dunno if things should just be left off ta fuck a lot of the time like was there a need for this, or indeed beetlejuice 2?

Hit Man. A bit slow but a grand watch. And Adria Arjona, what a beaut!

The Zone of Interest. Dark, subtle and interesting. The song at the end is unreal.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 07, 2024, 11:44:41 PMHit Man. A bit slow but a grand watch. And Adria Arjona, what a beaut!

I didn't enjoy that one at all but the bird is unreal to be fair

Quote from: astfgyl on June 07, 2024, 09:38:44 PMI was looking up the cinema listing the other night because the missus tried convincing me that beetlejuice 2 was out and it was the first I heard of that mad max story. Did Disney buy the franchise? I dunno if things should just be left off ta fuck a lot of the time like was there a need for this, or indeed beetlejuice 2?

Still both owned by Warners.

In fairness to both, Beetlejuice 2 has been on the cards since the first one and George Miller had done a fair bit of world building with Mad Max.

The criminally underrated game on the Xbox/PS4 had concepts that he'd put together for Max stories.

Not super excited for Beetlejuice 2 as the writing team ain't the best but my youngest is hyped for it so more than likely I'll be there opening day with her.

I'll end up going to Beetlejuice for similar reasons and will likely watch the mad max story but probably not in the cinema. I dunno, I just find it annoying for no particular reason the whole universe and world things that spawn a thousand offshoots.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 08, 2024, 03:26:26 PMI'll end up going to Beetlejuice for similar reasons and will likely watch the mad max story but probably not in the cinema. I dunno, I just find it annoying for no particular reason the whole universe and world things that spawn a thousand offshoots.

I know what you mean. I think it's the cynicism of it. Studios with dollar signs in their eyes excited about how much they can milk a universe and its fans. It's an era where intellectual property is king, and genuine creativity really struggles to filter through.