Well with Furiosa underperforming it's likely it'll be a while before Warners sign off on more (and they've billions of losses to start with anyway).

Thought Challengers was well cool. Soundtrack is killer.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 08, 2024, 11:56:23 PMThought Challengers was well cool. Soundtrack is killer.

Listened to the soundtrack a couple of times and enjoyed it, there's an official dance mix version as well. Laughed at this little tidbit I was reading while listening:

QuoteIn a recent GQ profile, Atticus Ross remarked on how funny Luda Guadagnino's notes on each song were, Reznor responding with the quote "unending homoerotic desire", elaborating, "it was all a variation on those three words."

Watched the zone of interest there. Thought the idea was hammered in after about 20 minutes and the rest of it was hammering the same bleak nail in over and over again. Was OK but not actually a good film really

Harry Dean Stanton in Paris, Texas. Watching it again on telly now, the man was a gift.

Watched Arcadian last night. Was curious as it was filmed in wicklow somewhere. Wasn't great but entertaining enough watching with the kids

Been watching my way through all the Mad Max's since watching Furiosa last week.

Mad Max - I seemed to remember it being slower, but I was actually really entertained the whole way through. Toe cutter is a great, campy villain, and the whole Nightrider scene is epic. Amazing to see the stunts they did and know every part of it was real. "I'm a fuel-injected suicide machine, travelling at the speed of fright!"

Road Warrior - One of the best films ever, every thing about it is magic. The stunts are ramped up, and again are amazing (the biker crashing and pinwheeling through the air, holy fucking shit!). This is where it holds the edge over Fury Road for me, which had real stunts too but also tons of CGI. I think this is my favourite set of MM bad guys, though every film is great for that. Bennett letting off some steam in assless chaps is a properly unhinged bad guy. "Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!"

Thunderdome - Watching tonight

Fury Road - Probably the second best in the series for me. The world-building and lore they added with Immortan Joe and the War Boys is incredible. Did lead to a very entertaining run of sexy time for a while with the woman where I would say things like, "You are awaited in Valhalla!" during, and she would respond with, "Mediocre!"  :laugh:

Furiosa - Need to see it more than the once I have, but it dragged in parts, and the action scenes felt like a retread of FR. Still really good though, and another different feel for a MM film. They almost all are a different film each time, and almost all high quality. "Lady and gentlemens! Start your engines!"

If I had to rank them I'd say RW, FR, MM, Thunderdome/Furiosa tied at the end.

Can't stand Thunderdome. Haven't seen Furiosa yet. First 2 and Fury Road are savage.

Watched the original The Manchurian Candidate tonight, first time. A grand watch in itself, probably most interesting today as a document of the society that made it, and a fascinating document at that. Also maybe first time I've seen Angela Lansbury play a domineering rather than lovely character  :laugh:

She was chilling in it, and only three years older than Harvey. Great film, avoid the remake after.

Only 3 years? That's mad alright: I said to herself when Lansbury first appeared on screen, "Was she always old?"  :laugh:

Noted re the remake!

Looked up on Amazon to see what Sutherland movies they had. Eye of the Needle looked the best pick, one I'd never seen. Class, great for a Saturday night thriller if any of ye looking for anything tomorrow. Like something you might have caught on telly late one night as a kid (if you're one of us fogey 80s kids, that is).

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 22, 2024, 12:27:55 AMLooked up on Amazon to see what Sutherland movies they had. Eye of the Needle looked the best pick, one I'd never seen. Class, great for a Saturday night thriller if any of ye looking for anything tomorrow. Like something you might have caught on telly late one night as a kid (if you're one of us fogey 80s kids, that is).

That's good one, Prime are adding a lot from the MGM/UA library so tons of classics and cult stuff is finally turning up on the service.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 22, 2024, 12:27:55 AMLooked up on Amazon to see what Sutherland movies they had. Eye of the Needle looked the best pick, one I'd never seen. Class, great for a Saturday night thriller if any of ye looking for anything tomorrow. Like something you might have caught on telly late one night as a kid (if you're one of us fogey 80s kids, that is).

I've only seen him in body snatchers and he's obviously great in that, anyone recommend any other films he's in? Will check out that one above!