Tbf, on the last album I do think with Priest they had a bit of an advantage bringing in younger guitarists to aid with the songwriting.

Can't imagine Hetfield being as willing to hand over the mantle like that.

Sure, they'll make money off it, but is this move not just good business sense? Plenty of smaller bands and labels, had they the funds, would jump at the opportunity to buy into a vinyl factory if it meant an end to the production delays caused by Taylor Swift, etc., fans for whom vinyl are mere collectibles.

#183 March 15, 2023, 02:55:43 PM Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 02:58:33 PM by Squigs
Quote from: astfgyl on March 05, 2023, 07:00:08 PMI still like up as far as Black and some of the Loads but even with all the goodwill built up over the years it ends there. St Anger, Death Magnetic and the last one just don't really have anything to justify the status of the band and I wouldn't even go see them live again if I was given a free ticket and backstage passes and it was 50 yards from my gaff.

Find memories of the old albums which I still throw on here and there but it's well and truly over

How in the name of God are people still writing posts like this in 2023, you are the most boring people alive.

Do you think perhaps that there's maybe one good album of material spread across the two Loads? Did you think that had they taken the direction hinted at by -Human/No Leaf Clover in 1999 would have been a positive shift for the band? Have you strong thoughts about the drum sound on St Anger?

Quote from: Squigs on March 15, 2023, 02:55:43 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on March 05, 2023, 07:00:08 PMI still like up as far as Black and some of the Loads but even with all the goodwill built up over the years it ends there. St Anger, Death Magnetic and the last one just don't really have anything to justify the status of the band and I wouldn't even go see them live again if I was given a free ticket and backstage passes and it was 50 yards from my gaff.

Find memories of the old albums which I still throw on here and there but it's well and truly over

How in the name of God are people still writing posts like this in 2023, you are the most boring people alive.

Do you think perhaps that there's maybe one good album of material spread across the two Loads? Did you think that had they taken the direction hinted at by -Human/No Leaf Clover in 1999 would have been a positive shift for the band? Have you strong thoughts about the drum sound on St Anger?

Maybe I should've written a really exciting post like your one?

If you're that bored why not just stay out of it?

To answer your questions though, I used to think there was one great album to be had from the Loads but they have aged pretty badly and now it's more like an ep to be had from them.

No leaf clover and -human didn't exactly hint at a new direction either, they were just half decent Load type songs with an orchestra making them seem more interesting.

Lastly, the songs on St Anger are so bad that the awful drum sound is really a moot point.

So have you got anything of use to add to the discussion yourself in 2023, or did you just tip in with the exciting contribution that my post was boring to you?

Good man yourself.

I'll just let ChatGPT take the conversation from here.

Metallica's musical output from 1991 has been a subject of much debate and criticism among the band's long-time fans. The departure from their earlier works was a significant turning point in their career, and many fans felt that the band had lost touch with their roots.

Their 1991 album, "Metallica," commonly known as the "Black Album," marked a significant shift in the band's musical direction. While their previous albums were characterized by thrash metal, the Black Album embraced a more mainstream heavy metal sound with slower tempos, simplified song structures, and a more polished production style.

While the Black Album was a commercial success, it was met with mixed reactions from Metallica's long-time fans, many of whom felt that the band had abandoned their aggressive, raw sound in favor of a more accessible sound that lacked the energy and intensity of their earlier works.

Subsequent releases such as "Load" and "Reload" further alienated long-time fans. These albums featured a more alternative rock-influenced sound, and the band's image and style underwent a significant transformation with haircuts, clothing, and a more commercial-friendly approach to their music.

The shift in Metallica's sound and image led many long-time fans to feel like the band had sold out and lost touch with their roots. While subsequent albums like "St. Anger" and "Death Magnetic" attempted to recapture some of the band's earlier sound and energy, they failed to resonate with many fans who had already moved on from the band.

Many Metallica fans have held out hope on multiple occasions for a return to the band's original sound. For example, when Metallica announced that they were working on their ninth studio album, "Death Magnetic," in 2008, many fans were excited at the prospect of a return to their thrash metal roots.

"Death Magnetic" was marketed as a return to the band's earlier sound, with a focus on faster tempos, complex song structures, and raw production values. While the album was generally well-received by fans and critics, some felt that it didn't quite capture the magic of the band's earlier works.

Similarly, when Metallica released their latest album, "Hardwired... to Self-Destruct," in 2016, fans were hopeful that it would be a return to form for the band. While the album did feature some heavier tracks, it was also criticized for being overly long and lacking the energy and intensity of their earlier works.

Today, many Metallica fans no longer feel like they're the band they first fell in love with. While the band continues to tour and release new music, their legacy is often associated with their earlier works, and many fans remain critical of their more recent output.

Throughout the years, Metallica has made various statements about their musical direction, with some members expressing a desire to return to their roots, while others have emphasized the importance of evolving and trying new things.

Despite this, many fans continue to hold out hope for a return to the band's thrash metal roots, while others have come to accept and even appreciate the band's evolution and experimentation. Ultimately, Metallica's legacy is a complex and multifaceted one, and it is up to individual fans to decide which aspects of the band's musical output they connect with the most.

Great, so you had so little to offer to the thread yourself that you got chatGPT to write it.

People who use chatGPT to write their responses are the most boring people on earth.

Quote from: Squigs on March 15, 2023, 02:55:43 PMHow in the name of God are people still writing posts like this in 2023, you are the most boring people alive.

Squigs, I feel like you're projecting some insecurities about the Internet. Do you need a hug 🫂

I abandoned Metallica as soon as I had let 'The Black Album' sink in fully. I hated it then, still do now.  Never looked back. Ultimately I would like to thank them for making me retreat down a rabbit hole of more extreme music, like the burgeoning death metal scene at the time and the industrial scene, hardcore, noise etc. Thanks Metallica!

No interest in this new one either, it isn't made for someone like me and that's OK. I still have the first 4 albums to enjoy. My favourite is 'Justice', which sounds great by the way.. no need for any Jason to make it better.

Quote from: leatherface on March 16, 2023, 09:53:31 AMI abandoned Metallica as soon as I had let 'The Black Album' sink in fully. I hated it then, still do now.  Never looked back. Ultimately I would like to thank them for making me retreat down a rabbit hole of more extreme music, like the burgeoning death metal scene at the time and the industrial scene, hardcore, noise etc. Thanks Metallica!

No interest in this new one either, it isn't made for someone like me and that's OK. I still have the first 4 albums to enjoy. My favourite is 'Justice', which sounds great by the way.. no need for any Jason to make it better.

A fella sent me a link to the latest one and said it wasn't bad but just couldn't do it, it'd be like poking a dead thing with a stick to see if it's as smelly as I thought it'd be. Then again some hillbillies do eat the roadkill so best of luck to anyone who finds it palatable.

I'd even go as far as Black but I can fully see why someone who was on board before that would draw the line there.

Kill Em All is undoubtedly the worst of the first 4 but there's a case to be made for any of the other 3 to be the best depending on the mood

Quote from: astfgyl on March 16, 2023, 02:05:33 PM
Quote from: leatherface on March 16, 2023, 09:53:31 AMI abandoned Metallica as soon as I had let 'The Black Album' sink in fully. I hated it then, still do now.  Never looked back. Ultimately I would like to thank them for making me retreat down a rabbit hole of more extreme music, like the burgeoning death metal scene at the time and the industrial scene, hardcore, noise etc. Thanks Metallica!

No interest in this new one either, it isn't made for someone like me and that's OK. I still have the first 4 albums to enjoy. My favourite is 'Justice', which sounds great by the way.. no need for any Jason to make it better.

'Kill 'em All' has the unfortunate position of 'first' album so it gets flack for sure, but still has some tasty riffs to enjoy throughout (Mustaine?).

It's pointless arguing about this band anyway, they stubbornly play what they want and that's been the case for quite some time. Like what you like.

A fella sent me a link to the latest one and said it wasn't bad but just couldn't do it, it'd be like poking a dead thing with a stick to see if it's as smelly as I thought it'd be. Then again some hillbillies do eat the roadkill so best of luck to anyone who finds it palatable.

I'd even go as far as Black but I can fully see why someone who was on board before that would draw the line there.

Kill Em All is undoubtedly the worst of the first 4 but there's a case to be made for any of the other 3 to be the best depending on the mood

Kill em All would surprise you. Actually I'm thinking it's up there with Puppets

Quote from: Don Gately on March 18, 2023, 11:45:09 AMKill em All would surprise you. Actually I'm thinking it's up there with Puppets

I just think it's a bit primitive compared to the next 3 but maybe that's the charm for some

Kill Em All is savage, you muppets.

Ah yeah I'm not suggesting it's bad or anything but still reckon the next 3 are better