#915 November 12, 2021, 05:00:34 PM Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 05:02:26 PM by Pentagrimes
Nothing controversial about either of those. Except that they're not "Endless War".

Man,those first two Flotsam lps are fantastic.

Quote from: Carnage on November 10, 2021, 05:23:34 PM
I wouldn't be a fan of that one but I enjoy the fourth album, Subliminal Verses I think it's called. Still has all of their tics and trademarks, but it has a nice, dark edge to it that the others (that I've heard, anyway) lack.

It's OK to say you like Slipknot, we're all friends here.

'My own summer' is a metal classic.

I thought the first Deftones album was the business when it came out but 'Around the Fur' was a bit bland to my ears. I've checked out various songs by them over the years due to hype on MI and here and nothing has ever clicked for me. I bought 'White Pony' when it came out, actually, after reading great reviews and it was total shite. I just can't see the appeal of them at all anymore.

Agree with most of the above, but I quite enjoyed Around The Fur when it came out. Haven't listened to it for at least 15 years, I don't know whether it still holds up. Nothing since has done anything for me, though I haven't heard the most recent album.

I never really minded the Deftones, had White Pony like everyone else, and they had some other tracks I found decent, but nothing that ever made me a fan. What I never understood is how they ended up as the kind of default "thinking man's" nu metal band though. I guess all they had to do was not be as retarded as the incredibly retarded competition, but their fanbase was always something of a mystery to me nevertheless.

Big fan of a lot of Deftones' stuff, White Pony particularly being class but also the s/t and Diamond Eyes I'd rank very highly.  Wasn't gone on Saturday Night Wrist for years, but had it on again lately and enjoyed it a lot.  Can see why lads don't like them though, wouldn't see a like or dislike of them as being controversial.

Love the first two but lost interest when White Pony came out. Sold it not long after buying it. Came to tolerate it through manys the yogurt session later in my teens. Have dipped in and out over the years and enjoyed the album from last year more than anything since Around the Fur.

Always thought they were a decent band, have a few albums now. I wouldn't consider myself a huge fan or anything. They were brilliant when I seen them in Vicar Street a few years ago. Definitely a band worth seeing live

I find I really enjoy 2-5 songs off every Deftones album, but could take or leave the rest. Very similar to RATM in that regard, bar the s/t.

Having tried several times since the early 90s, I just can't get into Emperor. Or Mayhem. Or most other black metal. When I do find a black metal band that I like, I tend to get really into them and binge on them for a while but I just can't connect with most of it. I can appreciate the vibe and the aesthetic but musically, no, not for me.

I only listen to a small few black metal bands,i find a lot of the first wave of BM albums not that great tbh.The likes of Emperor,Immortal,Enslaved,i find their mid/later period output to be much better.

Killers is the worst of the first 7 Iron Maiden albums. Blows my mind that people reckon it's their best.

Quote from: Anton Arcane on November 18, 2021, 09:28:37 PM
Having tried several times since the early 90s, I just can't get into Emperor. Or Mayhem. Or most other black metal. When I do find a black metal band that I like, I tend to get really into them and binge on them for a while but I just can't connect with most of it. I can appreciate the vibe and the aesthetic but musically, no, not for me.

Emperor do nothing for me either. As for Mayhem, De Mysteriis and the stuff recorded with Dead is excellent but you could live without the rest. The later album with Attila are grand but not essential. Maniac is an unlistenable cunt.