Can anybody recommend their favourite point-and-click adventure games? I have played all the Broken Swords, Beneath a Steel Sky and Gemini Rue. Something along the lines of those. Modern or otherwise. Preferably with spoken dialogue. Thanks.

#76 February 24, 2020, 10:14:25 AM Last Edit: February 24, 2020, 10:16:43 AM by Kunt 4 Life
Have you tried Simon the Sorcessor? The first one was voiced by Chris Barrie from Red Dwarf.

There's also The Dig if you like sci fi. Think Speilberg was involved with that one.

I take it you know already about Full Throttle, day of the tentacle, Sam and Max and Flight of the Amazon Queen?

The Dig was pretty good, but I think it lacked the humour present in a lot of those LucasArts/Scumm engine point and click games.
The best for me will always be the first two Monkey Island games.
Thimbleweed Park, from a few years back harks back to the likes of Monkey Island, Zakk Mckraken and Maniac Mansion.

Nope haven't heard of any of those games. Will check them out cheers lads.

Check out the Telltale Games titles, they're effectively a modern take on point and click (Tales from the Borderlands and The Wolf Among Us are the two best).

#80 February 24, 2020, 10:37:40 PM Last Edit: February 24, 2020, 10:40:13 PM by Trev
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade was always one of my favourite point n clicks, and Fate of Atlantis.  The Discworld games are definitely worth checking out too, but I remember the first one being ridiculously difficult

There's a recent Point & Click called AfterParty which is pretty good. Somewhat about trying to get out of hell by outdrinking Satan at a massive kegfest.

Man of medan is savage would highly recommend it

Started the Full Throttle remaster a while ago. Loving the theme and the music/character voices. But fuck me, that dog in the scrap yard is wrecking my head.

Finished it there. Very short game. Some parts were annoyingly awkward, like I knew what I was supposed to do, just not sure how to actually do it. Great characters!

My 2 cents which don't matter. I was always into gaming but never much into the big titles as much. I'm only in my early twenties and I don't have any desire to play them as I used to. Constantly staring at a full steam library and if I ever launch a game its either old ones like Deus Ex, Mount and Blade or Counter-Strike Source. Anyone else in the same boat?

That being said, Bannerlord is the only game I am looking forward to. Not getting much out of my PC these days gaming wise though.

Thinking of downloading the Resident Evil 2 remake today to pass a bit of time in the evening. Reading good things about it.

Has anybody here played the FFVII remake demo yet? I find the fighting a bit all over the place and badly hampered at times by the weird camera angle. Also the music suffers a bit in the reinterpretations, especially the shinra theme which doesn't sound half as evil as the original. Also, the full 3D doesn't do half as good a job of setting the mood as the original pre rendered backgrounds, which were works of art in their own right.

I honestly expected to feel like this though as I'm a nostalgia whore. On the plus side it seems like it could be a nice hard game which would help matters

#87 March 14, 2020, 04:56:09 PM Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 04:57:47 PM by Caomhaoin
Have the left hand strapped so I can't use the playstation at the moment but I was enjoying Bioshock which I got as a free download. Interesting story and combat. Those drone guns are an absolute pain in the arse though. Combat should build up in difficulty, not being massacred within a minute of getting into scraps.

Now that I have all this time on my hands, I'm considering throwing myself into the black hole that is football manager. 'Just one more match...'

Resi 2 Remake is amazingly well done. Is a modern game with modern production values but still feels entirely like Resi 2.

Although fuck Mr. X from a great height.

Used the lack of gigs and general lockdown situation to go all in on Civilization 6. Woke up last night after a dream in which all of my archers were wiped out when the Aztecs developed mechanised artillery. Time for a break.