Quote from: John Kimble on September 13, 2024, 09:28:01 PMFinally got 'round to playing the new Warhammer on Xbox after what seemed like an eternity of updates. It's good craic but fuck me, it's just too chaotic. I think it's actually old age and the brain slowing down but there's so much going on, enemy-wise, that I completely struggle to maintain any focus.

No shame in playing on easy!

Had a couple of hours on it the other day, it's savage.
And I did have Bolt Thrower on in the background while playing it!

#391 September 29, 2024, 10:23:34 PM Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 10:29:08 PM by leatherface
Not sure if anyone is aware of this site but it's packed full of retro games you can play on laptop/PC (use the mouse/arrow buttons and, usually, ctrl/z/x buttons for play). Use search function for anything you might want to play.


Has anyone ever has to deal with error code x0800700b whilst trying to sign into their Xbox profile?
It started on Friday. I'm driven demented from online chats and the lack of rest from Xbox!

Are you able to sign in from the app? Tried connecting to Xbox Live using a different connection? (as in, 2.4Ghz instead of 5Ghz, hotspot your phone, ethernet, etc.)? Log into a different profile?

When I had an Xbox I found it to be a bit temperamental with signing in occasionally alright.

If I can use my phone will that not eat all the mobile data allowance?
It seems to have been reported by quite a few people but no fix on the way.

It's more to see if it's a router issue than an account issue, one off sign in would only burn a few Mb. I think once you're signed in you can put the Xbox in offline mode? Then disconnect.

This sort of stuff is such a pain in the hole. Bless the days of inserting a cartridge and pressing start. This is like when the stations broke down on the TV, except videogames!

I hear you.
It's all a pain in the hole, kids nearly frothing at the mouth as they were about to do some sort of wonder mission in Rayman today. Of course it was my fault!

Hahaha, that's the same energy as the dirty looks I gave my auld lad when the telly broke down and I missed my episode of the original Transformers  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

At least they're playing Rayman. One of my mate's young fella's spends most of his gaming time glued to Fortnite. If he's winning he's shouting "noob losers" at the screen, but when he's losing everyone gets called "sweats".

Is my know what that means but by fuck am I using it. Everyone is getting it, I the big sweats.