Days Gone And Last Of Us 2 Are The Ones I Am Looking Forward To The Most Next Year. 

Got a new laptop the other week. Not really a gaming laptop but has an okay graphics card. Played CS:GO heavily for like two weeks as I played CS:S semi-competitively back in the day and now I've stopped as its like heroin and also the community is so toxic now. Headsets seem so much more ubiquitous these days and its mainly Russian teenagers who just shout everyone down.

Installed Civilization 6 at the weekend and been playing that very heavily also. Also quite addictive, though a bit easier to jump in and out of I suppose. It's surprisingly difficult to do well so it's been good learning how to play more effectively.

Got RDR2 when it came out and I've only put in about 3 hours. My past self is shaking his head at me.

Quote from: The Butcher on November 27, 2018, 09:57:57 AM
Really looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077.

Same. The gameplay vid looks very promising. Hope it's not one of those situations where it promises too much. Though I have faith in the developers.

Looking forward to getting a Nintendo Switch at Xmas, Present to me from me (Well from the missus).

Theres a wealth of video games out there spanning so many genres but i always go back to mario kart, smash, pokemon, zelda.

Quote from: KingBuddha on November 21, 2018, 07:16:24 PM
Speaking of the PS1 and it's games, anyone else hyped for the Medievil PS4 remake? I thought the trailer they showed at halloween looked great.

Oh fuck that looks ace! I spent ages playing that on ps1, great fun! Definite purchase for me anyway.

I've only really gotten back into gaming in the last month or so, lack of time to get stuck in more than anything else kept me away. I'm not much of a fan of online gaming. I tend to favour games with an emphasis on solid, engaging stories and engrossing worlds. Current working through AC Origins and loving it. I've only played the Ezio trilogy and Black Flag so I luckily avoided the rot that was present in the other series entries. Can't wait to get stuck into Odyssey and RDR2

Quote from: Born of Fire on December 02, 2018, 08:52:54 PM

Oh fuck that looks ace! I spent ages playing that on ps1, great fun! Definite purchase for me anyway.

I've only really gotten back into gaming in the last month or so, lack of time to get stuck in more than anything else kept me away. I'm not much of a fan of online gaming. I tend to favour games with an emphasis on solid, engaging stories and engrossing worlds. Current working through AC Origins and loving it. I've only played the Ezio trilogy and Black Flag so I luckily avoided the rot that was present in the other series entries. Can't wait to get stuck into Odyssey and RDR2

I am partial to the odd multiplayer game that comes around, but for the most part I prefer story driven interesting single player games. Sounds like you would love the Witcher 3, if you haven't played it already. It was the best single player experience I've had in recent times.

Origins was a quality entry in the AC series alright, they did a great job recreating ancient Egypt and bringing it to life. Always a setting I have been interested in.

I can agree with the Witcher 3. I'm not an RPG fan at all but I sunk a lot of time into it. The blood and wine DLC is one of the most amazing looking games of I've played, especially after spending 100+ hours on the dark and gritty main game

Quote from: KingBuddha on December 03, 2018, 10:32:29 PM

Sounds like you would love the Witcher 3, if you haven't played it already. It was the best single player experience I've had in recent times.

Origins was a quality entry in the AC series alright, they did a great job recreating ancient Egypt and bringing it to life. Always a setting I have been interested in.

You're right, I do love The Witcher 3! Such a masterclass in strong character driven narrative and immersive world building. I loved just fannying around Skellige. Didn't play Gwent at first, ended up getting hooked on it about halfway through Novigrad!

Yeah Origins is just beautiful to look at. Was a bit apprehensive in Siwa as I wasn't liking the area at all but then you get to Alexandria and it's incredible to look at. Going by reviews Odyssey looks to be a step up again.

Odyssey is a much better game than Origins even though it looks fairly similar but there isn't as many mind numbing fetch quests.

Still playing GTA far too much, might try out RDR2 when the price drops.  I wonder how Rockstar plan on trying to make money with those infernal cash cards in RDR2, after all, it's not like they can bring in cars,  orbital laser bunkers and jets, is it?
And I'm sure there's only so many type of different saddles and horses they can get away with.

Also playing Super Robot Wars V. It's not quite what I expected, not bad though.

Have you seen this Dodgy Prick? He's selling knock off consoles which are basically emulators and a load of ripped of ROM's. Reportedly Nintendo aren't happy and they can get quite litigious regarding their intellectual property.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

I find it hard to enjoy a lot of games these days because it seems the companies never want you to stop paying for them. Was great when full games were on a disc and you could just own them. No DLC no virtual coins for real money etc.

Quote from: livingabortion on December 22, 2018, 07:56:44 PM
Have you seen this Dodgy Prick? He's selling knock off consoles which are basically emulators and a load of ripped of ROM's. Reportedly Nintendo aren't happy and they can get quite litigious regarding their intellectual property.

QuoteAccording to a new video posted by Youtuber ProtoMario, Soulja Boy has already received a letter from Nintendo suggesting that the Soulja Consoles violate the Trademark Counterfeiting Act, and if that can be proven, Soulja could face up to 10 years in prison.

"Now that he has four different game consoles that he's selling, I'm gonna go ahead and say that Nintendo's going to shoot for the 20-year sentence," ProtoMario claimed in his video. "But they're going to want his money, they're going to want a lot of his money first."

While Soulja may not spend time in prison for offending Nintendo, ProtoMario believes he will at least "go broke over this."

Couldn't happen to a nicer fella.

Was gifted Black Ops 4 for Christmas. Zero interest in it so traded it back in at GameStop and picked up AC Odyssey and The Last Of Us remastered instead.

Spotted Resident Evil 7 marked down to a tenner on Xbox 1 in there if anyone is looking to pick it up on the cheap.

Treated myself to a Switch this time last year. I figured with two young kids and not a whole lot of time to invest in gaming that it would be a better choice than the other current gen consoles. I have to say, it's worth it just for Zelda alone. In fact, plenty of decent Nintendo only titles such as Mario, Mario Kart, Bayonetta 2 etc. I wouldn't recommend to anyone who isn't a casual gamer though, the 3rd party stuff is vastly inferior to what's available on the other platforms and I suppose technically it's extremely underpowered.

Anyone been playing Dusk? It's a cool wee Quake meets The Hills Have Eyes type throwback FPS that goes from blasting demons at point blank range with a shotgun by the dozen to creepy ass mine crawling and back again with amazing skill.