Fucking Ticketmaster.

Went to buy 2 tickets for Dark Angel. When trying to sign in, the cunt tells me that I'm required to change my password, won't let me use the same one.
I enter another password and it won't let me use it as apparently it's an old one (looks like they made me do this before!)
Enter another password and apparently that's an old one too!

I used the arrow keys to throw a "1" somewhere in the password to spice it up, and I accidentally fat-fingered the enter button. Now my password has been changed, and I'm not sure exactly what it is because there was no second time entry confirmation. Whatever... they're gonna make me change it again anyway.

Then I got stung with 12 fucking euro fees for the privilege!!!

My bed is beside a wall, and I ended up kicking the wall the night during a dream where I was playing football.  So confused when waking up suddenly and feeling the pain, then trying to work out if the pain is real or a left over figment from the dream.  Not the first time I have done it either... Not only knackered this morning but my big toe hurts like hell.   

I have a similar one from when I was a kid. I had just fallen asleep and began dreaming that I was playing a football match. Someone ran up and booted me in the shin and I launched up in the bed into a sitting position (the only time I've ever woken up like that to this day) and I was so dizzy and confused that it felt like the whole room had flipped up on its side. It felt like I was going to fall forwards and land on the wardrobe and I grabbed the sides of the mattress. Quite an amazing experience and obviously one that has been burnt into my memory.

Waking up to sneeze when curled up and headbutting the wall. That's my highlight.

Dreaming about the cunting Leaving Cert. I'm turning 45 this year and I'm still having nightmares about those fucking exams.  >:(


Funnily enough, also turning 45 this year and the closest thing I have to a recurring dream (or nightmare) is failing college exams. Didn't have any issues with LC and it was probably the last set of exams I did well in. Went to college, and just couldn't cope with the freedom that entailed, namely the choice between going to lectures in the morning or just head to college bar which opened at 10.30 every morning! The latter inevitably won out.
Obviously every choice has a knock on effect but it's only years later I now realize how inconsequential the leaving cert and college actually was, in that both had no bearing whatsoever in what I went on to do.

Quote from: Maggot Colony on February 28, 2025, 09:12:40 AMDreaming about the cunting Leaving Cert. I'm turning 45 this year and I'm still having nightmares about those fucking exams.  >:(

Back in my yokes days I'd often suddenly get the nightmare conviction into my head that I had to resit LC maths the next morning. Bad buzz, safe to say. But then instantly hilarious once returned to "reality"

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 28, 2025, 11:30:49 AM
Quote from: Maggot Colony on February 28, 2025, 09:12:40 AMDreaming about the cunting Leaving Cert. I'm turning 45 this year and I'm still having nightmares about those fucking exams.  >:(

Back in my yokes days I'd often suddenly get the nightmare conviction into my head that I had to resit LC maths the next morning. Bad buzz, safe to say. But then instantly hilarious once returned to "reality"

When I was a strong lad for the yokes and the billy I used to often forget that I had work in the morning until the alarm went off and then I'd be all ah jaysus ah fuck.

Still reckon LC maths would be worse

Quote from: Maggot Colony on February 28, 2025, 09:12:40 AMDreaming about the cunting Leaving Cert. I'm turning 45 this year and I'm still having nightmares about those fucking exams.  >:(


Not too far behind you and I'll still get the same. Either I somehow forgot to study all year or I messed up the timetable and I'm not prepared for the exam I'm about to sit.

Quote from: mishima on February 28, 2025, 07:59:46 PM
Quote from: Maggot Colony on February 28, 2025, 09:12:40 AMDreaming about the cunting Leaving Cert. I'm turning 45 this year and I'm still having nightmares about those fucking exams.  >:(


Not too far behind you and I'll still get the same. Either I somehow forgot to study all year or I messed up the timetable and I'm not prepared for the exam I'm about to sit.

Fuck, I still wake up sone days thinking I've got to go to school and I try desperately what my timetable is and where I have to go.
Then I realise I left school 30 years ago...

I don't think I even had a stress dream about the leaving cert when I was doing it. I did so little work or study it seems to have barely registered as an event in my life, even while it was happening  :laugh:

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 28, 2025, 10:13:28 PMI don't think I even had a stress dream about the leaving cert when I was doing it. I did so little work or study it seems to have barely registered as an event in my life, even while it was happening  :laugh:
Same here. Didn't care about it at the time, done OK, never went to college, never understood this whole fear about it. Just went out into the workforce and I'm still here doing fine. Don't really remember anything about it, but it was 31years ago. Haha.

26 years ago for me. I was definitely anxious about growing up and getting a job but not enough to study. I could never focus my attention on anything that I found tedious, and I'm the same today, the major difference being that I find a lot of stuff that bored me back then interesting now so my attention span has widened considerably.

I was only thinking yesterday about how scary the prospect of joining the workforce is when you're young and clueless, but then you end up in it and can't imagine not working your arse off every hour of the day  :laugh:

Regarding work I've lived the mantra of just show up every day and be better at what you do, than the guy that's been there 10years. :laugh: it's worked out fine so far.

Quote from: Hellyeah on February 28, 2025, 11:05:15 PMRegarding work I've lived the mantra of just show up every day and be better at what you do, than the guy that's been there 10years. :laugh: it's worked out fine so far.

That's basically how I operate in any job unless they don't let me, and then I leave