Sleep Apnea - complete bastard of a thing, like waking up with a hangover, if I didn't have the CPAP machine I wouldn't function at all

Tennis Elbow - complete bastard of a thing, but getting better

Quote from: The Heretic on February 06, 2025, 01:17:27 AMSleep Apnea - complete bastard of a thing, like waking up with a hangover, if I didn't have the CPAP machine I wouldn't function at all
On the auld machine meself nowadays and it is like night and day sleeping with it.  Put off getting checked for it for a long time, last year when I got it the doc basically told me I hadn't actually hit deep sleep in about ten years :laugh:

The cunt across the road who still has Christmas lights on her fence that light up every night. 

Quote from: ochoill on February 06, 2025, 09:07:00 AM
Quote from: The Heretic on February 06, 2025, 01:17:27 AMSleep Apnea - complete bastard of a thing, like waking up with a hangover, if I didn't have the CPAP machine I wouldn't function at all
On the auld machine meself nowadays and it is like night and day sleeping with it.  Put off getting checked for it for a long time, last year when I got it the doc basically told me I hadn't actually hit deep sleep in about ten years :laugh:

It's dangerous as well without it, can lead to serious issues, the mask fucks me off sometimes when it annoys me  other times it's grand, you full face or just the nose?

Quote from: The Heretic on February 06, 2025, 09:43:27 AM
Quote from: ochoill on February 06, 2025, 09:07:00 AM
Quote from: The Heretic on February 06, 2025, 01:17:27 AMSleep Apnea - complete bastard of a thing, like waking up with a hangover, if I didn't have the CPAP machine I wouldn't function at all
On the auld machine meself nowadays and it is like night and day sleeping with it.  Put off getting checked for it for a long time, last year when I got it the doc basically told me I hadn't actually hit deep sleep in about ten years :laugh:

It's dangerous as well without it, can lead to serious issues, the mask fucks me off sometimes when it annoys me  other times it's grand, you full face or just the nose?

Full face, yeah sometimes it's a fuckin pain but most of the time if I don't bollix about with the straps and keep the beard gone/tight then it stays fine.  Did you get that one too?

Yeah they told me it can cause all sorts of issues since the body just isn't getting enough sleep but even in the half a year or so I have it I notice a serious improvement in my energy and mood.  I don't fall asleep on the couch instantly after work anymore!

Quote from: ochoill on February 06, 2025, 01:55:11 PM
Quote from: The Heretic on February 06, 2025, 09:43:27 AM
Quote from: ochoill on February 06, 2025, 09:07:00 AM
Quote from: The Heretic on February 06, 2025, 01:17:27 AMSleep Apnea - complete bastard of a thing, like waking up with a hangover, if I didn't have the CPAP machine I wouldn't function at all
On the auld machine meself nowadays and it is like night and day sleeping with it.  Put off getting checked for it for a long time, last year when I got it the doc basically told me I hadn't actually hit deep sleep in about ten years :laugh:

It's dangerous as well without it, can lead to serious issues, the mask fucks me off sometimes when it annoys me  other times it's grand, you full face or just the nose?

Full face, yeah sometimes it's a fuckin pain but most of the time if I don't bollix about with the straps and keep the beard gone/tight then it stays fine.  Did you get that one too?

Yeah they told me it can cause all sorts of issues since the body just isn't getting enough sleep but even in the half a year or so I have it I notice a serious improvement in my energy and mood.  I don't fall asleep on the couch instantly after work anymore!

I had the nose mask then moved to the full face mask, but it kept pushing off when lying on my side so back to the nose one again, kinda caught between the 2 now, must get a new mask setup when I go the States next, under half the price over there than here!

Two of my mates have to use that sleep apnea machine. Got tested for it myself in Canada as it was free (well I paid for it through tax). I was delighted to hear that I not only didn't have it but my quality of sleep was very good to the point that I slept in the testing centre the way most people would sleep at home in their own bed. It is well worth it for anyone to get tested for it if you get the chance as sleep is the most important thing when it comes to health.

One of the lads I mentioned above was on a weekend away in Northern Canada and forgot his mask. He can't sleep without it so he went looking locally for one, due to it being a small town he spent hours looking and ended up buying one from a site similar to adverts here. It turned the mask he got was from the wife of an elderly man who had just died the week before and that was all that he could get. He was giving out all weekend because the mask stunk of cigarettes  :laugh: 

The other lad about 8 years ago collapsed while in a nightclub fell face first onto the ground and knocked the majority of his front teeth out due to both exhaustion and him being addicted to work. That was how he found out he had sleep apnea.

Quote from: mickO))) on February 06, 2025, 04:06:56 PMTwo of my mates have to use that sleep apnea machine. Got tested for it myself in Canada as it was free (well I paid for it through tax). I was delighted to hear that I not only didn't have it but my quality of sleep was very good to the point that I slept in the testing centre the way most people would sleep at home in their own bed. It is well worth it for anyone to get tested for it if you get the chance as sleep is the most important thing when it comes to health.

One of the lads I mentioned above was on a weekend away in Northern Canada and forgot his mask. He can't sleep without it so he went looking locally for one, due to it being a small town he spent hours looking and ended up buying one from a site similar to adverts here. It turned the mask he got was from the wife of an elderly man who had just died the week before and that was all that he could get. He was giving out all weekend because the mask stunk of cigarettes  :laugh:

The other lad about 8 years ago collapsed while in a nightclub fell face first onto the ground and knocked the majority of his front teeth out due to both exhaustion and him being addicted to work. That was how he found out he had sleep apnea.

Fucking hell!  :laugh:

I found our gradually by having a sore head in the mornings eventually moving onto sometimes jumping out of the bed at night thinking I was having a heart attack, which was scary as fuck, you basically you stop breathing at the brain kicks in when the oxygen levels drop and jump starts you.

The brother and mother have it. Both wear the face mask. When the brother got tested he had the second highest reading they ever had. Something like 54 events in an hour. They nearly didn't let him drive home.

Quote from: Ollkiller on February 06, 2025, 07:18:16 PMThe brother and mother have it. Both wear the face mask. When the brother got tested he had the second highest reading they ever had. Something like 54 events in an hour. They nearly didn't let him drive home.

I love that. They nearly didn't let him drive home.

These are the second highest readings we have ever seen. You are technically asleep right now! Letting out off the hospital to drive home would be incredibly irresponsible because you are a danger to yourself and every other driver on the road.... see you next week.

It's underlined too. Which is nice.

#6656 February 07, 2025, 08:21:38 AM Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 08:24:12 AM by ochoill
Quote from: Ollkiller on February 06, 2025, 07:18:16 PMThe brother and mother have it. Both wear the face mask. When the brother got tested he had the second highest reading they ever had. Something like 54 events in an hour. They nearly didn't let him drive home.
:laugh: Yeah I got 53, doctor told me she didn't actually understand how I wasn't constantly falling asleep.  I had it years but it obviously kept getting worse and I never realised.  I told her I had a busy job and a small child so I thought I was supposed to feel like that all the time.  "No, no you absolutely are not, please go get the machine next week before you have a heart attack".
(I was constantly falling asleep too in general, I was genuinely fucked up from it but for so long that I honestly didn't remember what not being tired felt like until I started using the machine)

Quote from: The Heretic on February 06, 2025, 03:10:37 PMI had the nose mask then moved to the full face mask, but it kept pushing off when lying on my side so back to the nose one again, kinda caught between the 2 now, must get a new mask setup when I go the States next, under half the price over there than here!
I can't use the nose one at all, just went straight for the face.  I do need a new mask though because the straps on mine are gone to shit.  Still on the thing paying monthly for it at the minute because they've to monitor my results for a year to see they are consistently low, will buy a machine outright once that's done.

More a peeve with myself but I really need to stop cursing or at least tone it down, was in the town there and the amount of people I called cunts while driving was crazy, I need to relax as most of them weren't doing a lot wrong.

Quote from: The Heretic on February 08, 2025, 11:39:33 AMMore a peeve with myself but I really need to stop cursing or at least tone it down, was in the town there and the amount of people I called cunts while driving was crazy, I need to relax as most of them weren't doing a lot wrong.

I can relate big time. With the kid as well in always cursing in front of him. I need to learn how to rein it in a bit.

I used to think used cunt too often but then I realised that the world would be a better place if more people called cunts, cunts.  Then those cunts might actually realise they are cunts and try and be less cunt like.