Yeah feeling a bit "oh shit, here's that bridge I said I'd cross when I come to it" of late.

Quote from: Carnage on January 31, 2025, 01:05:48 PMThe oul' getting old thing. Near daily reminders that time is ticking away and not to our advantage ('our' here referring to my peer group and those of a similar age). Another lad I went to school with died this week, and in the round table catch up it came up that another lad is now a grandfather, one of many I'm sure. And it's only going to become more common as time passes.

I was saying the other day to herself that I don't really fear death, but I'm not a fan of aging

I don't mind the physical end of getting old, aside from the inevitable aches and pains that occasionally pop up, and situations like "I'll be careful getting over that wall/fence" or having to be careful going up and down stairs (dodgy knee), but grey hair and all that doesn't bother me.

It's more that time is passing so quickly, more visibly as I get older. My nephew's ten, it seems like yesterday that he was born, and not that long before that his mother was. Now with former classmates dropping off and grandkids coming along, that's when the Fuck I'm Old Effect kicks in.

The hangovers are the worst.

Time is the biggest thing, second half and you hope for extra time

When you can't trust a fart.

Quote from: Born of Fire on January 30, 2025, 06:15:00 PMLucky for me then that I do the vast majority of my book buying in charity shops! The peeve being that I end up buying way too many and have nowhere near enough time to get through the ever growing pile  :laugh:

Aye, constantly looking for King and cheesy Marenghi-esque paperbacks.

#6637 February 04, 2025, 04:07:07 PM Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 04:13:22 PM by StoutAndAle
Selling stuff on I do it the odd time if something has more life/value left in it than dropping at a charity shop or clothes bank.

Jesus wept, there's some fucking barmpots out there.

I have something up there for (in my opinion anyway) a very fair price - €65.

Barmpot €20 OFFERED inc. post to Carlow

I refused it.

"What wud u considr fair?" asks Barmpot

"Somewhere near the asking price and I'll cover the postage."

€1 OFFERED for PM purposes to discuss.

€1 offer accepted.

You have one new private message from Barmpot.

"€20 including the postage Carlow - take it or leave it."

I said that I'd prefer to leave it.

Next thing I know I have a message "You have new feedback".

This cunt has left negative feedback for me - "Impossable to deal wit. Would not accep fair, gennine offer. No messages time waster." (spelling theirs, not mine).

I didn't think that you could leave a seller/buyer review til after the deal was done.

Dealing with dopes on Adverts probably turned me hair grey. It also highlights just how fucking thick the Average Joe actually is.

I feel this one. Trying to sell a bunch of music gear online (plus other stuff) and it's all the same shit. Someone asked if I could deliver an $80 vacuum to them in Calgary. That's about a 3.5hr drive from me. Offered me $60.

The biggest thing I find though is people ghosting. The amount of times I've agreed to sell something and then organized my evening to be at home to meet them and they just vanish. Or just generally people saying they want it and then not responding to further replies. I'd say without exaggeration that 95% of my messages of interest are people who ghost.

I had one guy a while back who was faffing around about buying a pair of rock climbing shoes. Was interested then not interested, then back to interested, then going to check out someone else who was selling but might take mine if that fell through. Eventually he says ok I'm going to try on another pair with someone tonight, but if they don't suit I'll take yours tomorrow. That night though someone else messaged, said they were interested and came right away and bought them. Other guy messages and says the other pair he was trying on didn't suit and he'd come for mine the next day. When I tell him I've just sold them, god he called me all the cunts of the day over a bunch of messages. He was absolutely furious. And it was genuinely lost on him the irony that he'd been doing the exact same thing for about a week at this point. It was pretty eye-opening though about how self-involved and how self-unaware about it people can be. Makes the culture wars of the past decade make a bit more sense.

Ah jaysus, we could have a whole thread only on Adverts tales. It's a rich seam of gowl behaviour. I have a pile of stuff up, which I think is priced vary fairly, and it'd break your fucking heart. The cheaper stuff seems to attract the bigger head-the-balls. I've a guitar up there listed cheaper than the fucking bridge on it sells for alone. I thought it'd move quickly but I'm over 30 questions in. Had one lad who put in an offer I accepted, the fucker then vanished, didn't log in for a week. I put up a guitar a couple of weeks ago, got a lad who put in, and then withdrew, two offers within the first 6 hours. I then figured out it was a lad who had jerked me around before, it's his fifth or sixth account. He gets banned then opens up a new account and continues making several offers for all kinds of stuff every day. The fucker once strung me along saying he had a broken rib and couldn't meet me, but could I deliver it to him in Balbriggan. I live in South Tipp. Since I was heading up to Dublin anyway, I said ok, only for the cunt to go silent on the day, wouldn't answer his phone, but I could see in his comments he was arranging to meet a lad at Connolly Station to buy a Les Paul from him.

It's an amazing place.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on February 04, 2025, 06:12:45 PMI live in South Tipp. Since I was heading up to Dublin anyway, I said ok, only for the cunt to go silent on the day, wouldn't answer his phone, but I could see in his comments he was arranging to meet a lad at Connolly Station to buy a Les Paul from him.

It's an amazing place.

Christ above.

I would have gone down to Connolly and wrapped the Les Paul around his fuckin' head.

Or just as the deal was being done - roared at the other seller "SWAP FOR ANYTHING IN MY ADS?"

I have some bits and pieces lined up but the though of haggling with cunts who take the piss puts me right off

Quote from: The Heretic on February 05, 2025, 05:20:12 PMI have some bits and pieces lined up but the though of haggling with cunts who take the piss puts me right off

I have gotten to the stage where I see my price, my "no offers below" and I try leave it at that.

Of course, there's still the odd time that I see dollar signs and want the thing gone. Hence engaging with a gowl the other day.

On the subject of - or rather Done Deal in this case, my brother told me a great one a few years ago.

Lad that works for him was heading off to Australia and started to sell some of his tools, motorbike etc. Shit you can't take with you basically.

Did a deal on one of his bikes with a person online. The buyer asked if the bike could be brought around to his house.

"I have no way of getting home if you buy the bike." said the seller "Could I meet you somewhere?"

Arranged a meet. Buyer never turned up leaving the other hanging around until he got pissed off and drove home. Later that night, he got a text;

"Sorry bud. Was on the way when I met someone, went for a few pints, got sidetracked. Still interested."

Now - I would have told this langer to fuck off. But... dollar signs and the move to Oz was only 2 weeks away.

"OK. Same place to meet?"

"Gimme your address, bud - I'll call tomorrow night."

And that was the last he heard from this lad til he got a text from his landlord saying that some bollix had turned up steaming drunk and started abusing the people renting the house because they had no motorbike to sell him.

"I'm in Australia."