Just heard that the receptionists in our place were told to come in Friday by the manager. One girl walked in from Rathmines to the city centre during a red warning, and the fucking office empty! The prick that told them to come in didn't land in himself until the afternoon once it was safe! Absolute cunt.  >:( 

Right ear is blocked, annoying. Probably trapped air, it's happened before.

Quote from: astfgyl on January 26, 2025, 03:40:20 PMThat's a bad oul doing lads. I wonder if there's anything infrastructure wise that can be done to lessen the chances of strong weather knocking out so much of the grid for so long? Even if only concentrated on the most likely hard hit places, which are usually the western coastal counties

The ESB are starting to put a lot of the cables underground but then you have the issue of leaks for oil filled cables and if they need to be repaired it will cost a lot more and take a lot longer.

If they were to change the existing lines then people would have to be without power while some of the work is being done which people won't want either.

I wonder how the two boys are doing, if there's any improvement in their situations.

Heading to a dance class later, but have a touch of the ol' constipation.

Quote from: 101_North on January 21, 2025, 11:38:22 PM
Quote from: Mithrandir on January 21, 2025, 10:36:28 PM
Quote from: 101_North on January 21, 2025, 05:09:54 PM
Quote from: Mithrandir on January 17, 2025, 01:32:25 AMI started running/playing rugby over the last couple of years and was loving it, but started getting these severe crippling leg aches. So after a year of tests and appointments, turns out I have something called compartment syndrome and have 2 options,  get quite invasive surgery on both legs that would have me not being able to walk for 3 months or just put up with it and stop running any semi-substantial distance and give up any sport and the hopes of ever doing anything like rugby again. It's also considered an elective surgery because it's not degenerative and there's no risk to not having Surgery so would cost about 10k. Bloody disaster, maybe just putting me down would be easier  :laugh: I'd never heard of it before all this, couldn't it have just been the lotto I won?,

Had this same condition a good few years back. I never had the excuse of playing much sport and it took ages to diagnose as they initially discounted it. Have they suggested a fasciotomy on both legs? That's what I got done but one leg at a time. I was fortunate that it was covered on the NHS here. 10k is a fucking nightmare! Can't give any advice there except I consider the surgery to have been an unqualified success.

No way! Yeah fasciotomy is the one! They want to do 4 compartments in in each leg so 4 incisions but both legs at the same time. What was your healing process like? I've been told they're applying for special funding for me because of my age and because it was affecting my work but my last appointment I had some wanker doctor that basically talked me out of it while putting me on the waiting list for surgery so not sure if I'll even go through with it even if it's covered.

Yeah I got 4 done too. Part of me wishes I'd got both legs done at the same time simply because it doubled the recovery time getting them done separately. In both cases I had to walk out of the hospital as the physio wouldn't give me crutches...something about the tissue closing over if I rested too much. Not going to sugar coat it...it was bloody painful. The recovery time for both legs was only a couple of weeks but taking it easy for a while longer. The pain eased to easily manageable after a few days though.

I'm really glad I got it done. Made a massive difference as it was badly affecting me every day. I get the odd twinge every now and again but cured for the most part. Absolutely zero regrets.

Thanks for that, sorry I missed this reply. Thanks for that,  Nice to hear a positive outcome and a better perspective, will have to have another think.

When perfectly working roundabouts are converted into a traffic light system that ruins the flow and traffic has been terrible ever since.

Also the Opel Astra seems to have a shitty surge type fault with the lamp bulb holder/connector for tail/break lights - The rear right side went May last year and now the left rear side has gone  >:(  Can buy them off Amazon no bother so I'm wondering how often this will happen  :-X

Booking flights, site error'd while paying, had to go back to the start, total cost went up over 100 quid in two minutes because they knew I was buying them, cunts.

#6608 January 29, 2025, 02:01:16 AM Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 02:03:30 AM by Eoin McLove
I have bemoaned this in the past and it remains true today.  It might even be worse now. Going in to a book shop and almost every book on the shelves is written by female writers. It was glaringly obvious last week when I went in to buy a new book and today I got an email from Booktopia.com and out fifteen new titles being promoted a whopping one was by a male writer. One!!! I used to read women writers all the time but I have actually found myself physically incapable of picking up a book by a woman in recent times (unless I'm already familiar with her work). The only positive I'm finding is that because I don't want to buy female writers and my choice has become extremely limited, I'm taking more chances on writers I've never heard of before and discovering some really great new (to me) voices. Still though... very bizarre.

Everything comes in cycles, especially women! Men will be cool again some day  :abbath:

The BBC insisting on calling the possible three in a row Six Nations for Ireland a 'Three-peat'.

I'm not sure if it's American English encroachment or it's the language devolving. If you watch CRs Video Vaults or 60's and 70's Radharc or UK docs, even junkies and Glaswegian jailbirds seem more eloquent than your average college graduate now.

Even at the "woke" Guardian Australia, 15 of their top 25 picks for 2024 were by male authors.

#6612 January 29, 2025, 08:05:01 PM Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 08:08:20 PM by Eoin McLove
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 29, 2025, 01:59:45 PMEven at the "woke" Guardian Australia, 15 of their top 25 picks for 2024 were by male authors.

Interesting. It doesn't get reflected on the shelves. I wonder who is making these decisions.

I'm no doubt missing out on some great women writers which is annoying, but when it feels like something is being pushed on me I naturally find myself turning away from it.

#6613 January 29, 2025, 08:11:08 PM Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 08:13:18 PM by Caomhaoin
15 aborigines i supposé .