Quote from: Trev on June 18, 2024, 02:19:51 PMHaving to stick the heating on in the middle of June

June so far has been the warmest January since records began.

Quote from: Circlepit on June 17, 2024, 09:02:12 PMThe biggest gripe I have at the moment are these cunting moths. I've no idea where they are coming from. Small very airy faerie looking bastards.
The hoover comes out every evening and it's them or me.

Small, black, almost oval shaped (with the wings closed) bugs? Mainly in the bathroom? If so, I have these pricks too. Every summer.

Found a remedy this year. Put a small capful of bleach or Dettol down your sink and bath plugholes. Let it sit, all day while you're at work if you like. Chase it down with a kettle of boiling water, rinse/repeat for a few days. Seems to have worked.

I imagine that just boiling water would be sufficient but I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.

I'll be on that so. The cunts.

People who blame skill issues on software or the hardware.  It is a fucking skill issue you dumb cunt fuck. 

And relax. 

Quote from: Anvil on June 19, 2024, 12:32:20 PMPeople who blame skill issues on software or the hardware.  It is a fucking skill issue you dumb cunt fuck. 

And relax. 

Deal with this all day in work. We call it a PEBCAC error (problem exists between computer and chair).

If I didn't work remotely, I would have suplexed this fucker this morning!   Couldn't deal with this everyday. 

PEBCAC haha, haven't heard that since my Dell days

Bosses and/or customers asking you to do a "quick job" when they have no idea how long the task will take.

"You might just do a quick job for me"

Quote from: Blankety Blank on June 19, 2024, 05:16:28 PMBosses and/or customers asking you to do a "quick job" when they have no idea how long the task will take.

"You might just do a quick job for me"

We'll get out early today, boys. Here's a list of 75 quick jobs you can do...


Like someone coming in half an hour before closing on Friday with a two hour repair: "I need that for the weekend, could you do it quick before you go home?" Always a case of at least double the charge (AKA Asshole Tax) or "I need a part, I won't have it 'til next week". Usually the latter.

Had that a few times when doing paid proof-reading. "Can you proof-read this article, but don't spend more than 4 hours on it." How long I have to spend on it depends on how bad your English is mon ami!

Everything I have to do at work takes fucking ages and is mummified in red tape so the geniuses that turn up at 10 to 4 on a Friday desperately pleading with me to do some mildly life changing shit for them that most likely can't actually be done deserve extra hot coal in hell when their time comes and I think an extra shovel or two for every time they say please and tell me how fucked they are if I can't help them.

Quote from: Blankety Blank on June 19, 2024, 05:16:28 PMBosses and/or customers asking you to do a "quick job" when they have no idea how long the task will take.

"You might just do a quick job for me"

"I have these X projects with X deadlines. Would would like me to take this new project on after these deadlines? Or push back one of the of other projects?"

"Could you help me to deprioritize some of my other tasks so that I can take this on?"

"What can I take off my plate to ensure I have room for this"

Use them wisely  :P

Quote from: Mooncat on June 20, 2024, 04:38:07 PM
Quote from: Blankety Blank on June 19, 2024, 05:16:28 PMBosses and/or customers asking you to do a "quick job" when they have no idea how long the task will take.

"You might just do a quick job for me"

"I have these X projects with X deadlines. Would would like me to take this new project on after these deadlines? Or push back one of the of other projects?"

"Could you help me to deprioritize some of my other tasks so that I can take this on?"

"What can I take off my plate to ensure I have room for this"

Use them wisely  :P

Had a boss before with a habit of laying on the work very thick so I would just ask "I can be in one place at a time, which one would you like?"