Quote from: Squigs on July 16, 2021, 12:16:44 PM
Couldn't get into 3DD for a long time, was only late last year I think I threw it on out of interest. Felt like a diff record entirely - part of that prob due to overconsumption of similar-ish DM around that time. That sample sounds savage, will be interested to hear this. Can see the Tool comparison with the art for sure, definitely makes it stand out.

Big fan of the new Grave Miasma too, thought the art is gack.

Thought the GM art was brilliant myself. Was the same with the former Qrixkuor release but once it clicked it was excellent.

Simply incredible. 50 minutes of this type of warped and chaotic death metal should be far harder to endure than it is but the production and the playing/songwriting all just work together beautifully. I'm astonished by it, and that's after one listen. There's a lot of music to absorb,  and so many layers. Hopefully my LP arrives soon...

Edit. It sounds like there's fretless bass toward the end of the second song. Very fluid and warpy.

Yah it's brilliant, very engaging... The warped lead playing is great!

Just been giving these guys some attention for the first time, very impressive must order a copy of the new one.

I listened to it twice yesterday, but while totally occupied with some work, so it just kind of happened in the background. When I did briefly float into more attentive mode, it was certainly intense, and spurred me back to what I was doing. I think that's a good sign. Anyway, will try give it some proper time over the weekend.

My initial impression of it was that you have a central droning style riff in the vein of Irkallian Oracle and then you have these sweeping, incessant leads floating around it. The production is so clear that you can follow the main riffs, even if they seem to continuously morph into new patterns, and keep a thread of continuity going. It means you can focus your attention on different details in the surrounding chaos of solos and vocals at different times but you can always go back to the central part.

Only getting around to giving this a go while working this morning.

And my concentration and productivity has gone totally out the window.
Too much going on with it to fully commit to 100% to work duties.   :abbath:

The track lengths look a bit daunting, but hardly even noticed while playing in the background.
Well! Trying to play it in the background, anyway. My attention keeps getting dragged into some of the 'finer' details of the music.

Good stuff!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on August 04, 2021, 04:04:57 PM
Simply incredible. 50 minutes of this type of warped and chaotic death metal should be far harder to endure than it is but the production and the playing/songwriting all just work together beautifully. I'm astonished by it, and that's after one listen. There's a lot of music to absorb,  and so many layers. Hopefully my LP arrives soon...

Edit. It sounds like there's fretless bass toward the end of the second song. Very fluid and warpy.

I feel pretty similar to this about it after only the two listens.  Looking forward to diving into it again.  I definitely expected it to be harder going than it is, but you're right, the whole thing is put together excellenty so that it never becomes a task to listen to, and the production on it is great, it's clear without being polished or overcooked at all.  A grand surprise, had never listened to these lads at all before but was in the mood for something vicious last night so I just stuck it on blind.

I gave it a proper attack earlier today, a double listen again. It really does have everything that's great about this style. From the stuff I know (less than some of ye more permanent cosmic slime dwellers), it reminds me most of the heaviest parts of Tchornobog, which probably explains why I found it so easy to get into as that is one of my favourite albums of recent years.

I've listened to this the past couple of days, it really is a great piece of work. It's ambitious but it doesn't ever lose itself trying to be technical either, the riffs are still catchy. The whole thing just flows together really well.

I wonder if they'd be able to pull it off live.

That's it, yeah. It's not trying to bamboozle you with nonstop intricacy which becomes exhausting to listen to, at least for me. It's complex but doesn't lose itself in technique.

It flows and meanders perfectly. Incidentally like Esoteric or even Pink Floyd et al.

This is a serious, serious piece of work, ticks so many boxes. Its creative and exciting, doesn't get in its own way, overstay its welcome or unnecessarily overcomplicate things. Just the right amounts of everything I'd want from it. Magic.

I've listened to it a good few times now since my earlier post.  It just keeps getting better, definitely a highlight of the year so far.