July 09, 2021, 12:49:20 AM Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 01:17:55 AM by Eoin McLove
It seems there is no dedicated Qrixkuor thread so let's get one going. Invictus have put up the debut album,  Poison Palinopsia, for pre-order. There's a tiny snippet of music on the video which sounds promising. I've enjoyed this band in the live setting in the past and found their recordings interesting but a bit hard to penetrate resulting in my spending less time on them than I should have. Hopefully this one will have a little more clarity because Steve is a maniac on the guitar.

The album was recorded with a totally new lineup. Steve on guitar, and now on vocals too, with Dani from Grave Miasma (etc.) on drums and Phil from Vassafor (etc.) On bass, so no doubt that will affect the sound in some ways.

The artwork is fucking savage, I think. It's very reminiscent of Tool which is not a comparison you'd often see in the world of black and death metal, but it's got enough of a grotesque atmosphere with the choice of colours and morbid imagery for it to make sense. It stands out in a world of very predicable and worn out cliches.

I'm curious to have a read of the lyrics because, again, it seems they are covering their own unique ground. I'm anticipating this a lot more than I expected I would.


I wasnt familiar with them but the art work did catch my eye.

Quote from: Blizzard Beast on July 09, 2021, 07:13:56 AM
I wasnt familiar with them but the art work did catch my eye.
Very DMT inspired alright.

He talks about it being influenced by ayahuasca in an interview I read in a zine lately.

I think it's a masterpiece and works perfectly in 2 movements. More clarity than Three Devil's Dance but keeps the demented style that is Qrixkuor. As stated, Steve is a maniac on the guitar and this really highlights his talent.

That's what I was hoping. I think his playing is so nutty that cleaning up the production a little, giving each element a bit more space to be heard, wouldn't neuter the insane vibe they are going for. Maybe even enhance it.

Fup it, I just pre-ordered d'LP.

Nice one. Some sweet merch en route as well.

For easy access:


#7 July 12, 2021, 08:17:24 PM Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 08:27:40 PM by Pentagrimes
Got this for review and I think given the density of it I'll be hard pushed to listen to it again for a long time once I'm finished writing..but I will say it definitely delivers on the promise of what they've done before very well.  It's an exhausting piece of work but in a good way. It's an interesting thing in an increasingly populist genre to hear a death metal record and think "this is going to alienate people", they're a band who strive for a little bit more from the listener.

Big fan of Three Devils Dance. Looking forward to hearing the new one. So far the production sounds great to me. I couldn't care less about pristine production, everything needs its own identity and this sounds savage.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on July 12, 2021, 08:17:24 PM
Got this for review and I think given the density of it I'll be hard pushed to listen to it again for a long time once I'm finished writing..but I will say it definitely delivers on the promise of what they've done before very well.  It's an exhausting piece of work but in a good way. It's an interesting thing in an increasingly populist genre to hear a death metal record and think "this is going to alienate people", they're a band who strive for a little bit more from the listener.

Where you reviewing for man? Wouldn't mind reading some stuff.

Strange. I've seen similar said but I at no point find this, nor found it, a challenging listen.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on July 12, 2021, 08:17:24 PM
Got this for review and I think given the density of it I'll be hard pushed to listen to it again for a long time once I'm finished writing..but I will say it definitely delivers on the promise of what they've done before very well.  It's an exhausting piece of work but in a good way. It's an interesting thing in an increasingly populist genre to hear a death metal record and think "this is going to alienate people", they're a band who strive for a little bit more from the listener.

Now my interest is piqued even further. Would have been disappointed to hear a straightforward album from these lads in fairness.

I found Grave Miasma's new one a tougher listen.

#13 July 14, 2021, 12:00:26 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 12:11:41 PM by Pentagrimes
It's specifically the song lengths I found challenging. It's pretty relentless having 2 long death metal songs, and I suppose for context I listen to little to no death metal nowadays for the most part, so the density rather than the complexity is the issue for me I guess. Maybe challenging isn't the right word, perhaps "Gruelling"

Found the GM a fucking chore tbh, didn't like it at all.

Couldn't get into 3DD for a long time, was only late last year I think I threw it on out of interest. Felt like a diff record entirely - part of that prob due to overconsumption of similar-ish DM around that time. That sample sounds savage, will be interested to hear this. Can see the Tool comparison with the art for sure, definitely makes it stand out.

Big fan of the new Grave Miasma too, thought the art is gack.