Of course, I'll never forget him supporting Maiden at the RDS and somebody hit him in the face with a shoe. Certainly woke him up a bit.

#1 February 01, 2021, 11:03:11 PM Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 11:05:57 PM by Blackout
Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on February 01, 2021, 10:53:47 PM

Of course, I'll never forget him supporting Maiden at the RDS and somebody hit him in the face with a shoe. Certainly woke him up a bit.

Unsurprising really as he has been a mess for years.

Love portrait of an American family and Antichrist superstar. Everything he released afterwards is utter garbage.

Whoever got him to support Iron Maiden deserves a shoe in the face themselves and is probably the same promoter who booked linken park to support metallica. Know your fucking audience ffs.

Quote from: Blackout on February 01, 2021, 11:03:11 PM
Love portrait of an American family and Antichrist superstar. Everything he released afterwards is utter garbage.

I am in total agreement. Great albums.

Twiggy had similar accusations or charges leveled at him as well. What a pair of cunts.

#4 February 01, 2021, 11:09:34 PM Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 11:14:40 PM by Airneanach
I usually have no overt investment or personal reaction to these kind of stories - and famed prick/Johnny Depp's drinking buddy Marilyn Manson being ousted in this fashion is hardly surprise of the century - but both me and my better half remained huge fans of his work and definitely ignored the writing that's always been on that particular wall because of the frequent charm and wit of his public persona, so it definitely stung a bit this morning.

Just serves as another reminder not to invest too much in these sorts of individuals. Not that I've done that for awhile anyway, but in my youth I was definitely someone who  latched on to both art and artist. Posters on the walls, dad asking questions etc. I used to internalise it as such a huge tragedy and failing of youth and culture that we don't really have proper rock stars anymore. Who needs 'em, though?

My favourite stuff is actually right out of the gates. That creepy, Scooby Doo punk shit they had in the Spooky Kids days before he got notions about himself. I'd love to have seen the original band before they were signed.

Horrible cunt, though. The way you've billed him in the thread title has me in stitches, by the way.

I had to take down a Manson poster for a while around Columbine. Haha. Even at 13 I was slightly embarrassed by him anyway but the tunes made up for it.

I think we all knew he was a bit of a cunt now to be fair.
Mechanical Animals is the album I'd go back to the odd time I'd take it into the head to listen to him now.

Christ above. I often do wonder what the fuck is wrong with these types of men who have to control. Whats wrong with a simple ould wank. If he is indeed a rapist fuck hopefully enough women come forward and he goes to jail.

Quote from: open face surgery on February 01, 2021, 11:18:04 PM
I had to take down a Manson poster for a while around Columbine. Haha. Even at 13 I was slightly embarrassed by him anyway but the tunes made up for it.
Heh, yeah it's strange thinking back on it - I guess prior generations had their own version of it - but I remember his press was big enough at the time that my first Manson record I bought clandestine and both thought I was a badass for doing so and also hid it from my parents because I was fucking mortified. They couldn't have cared less of course.

Not sure how true it is but I heard a story that when his entourage rocked up to a local bar after him and Dita Von got married in Waterford, they requested it be cleared of the locals only to be told to fuck off.

#10 February 02, 2021, 08:37:03 AM Last Edit: February 02, 2021, 08:39:31 AM by Eoin McLove
Scumbag behaviour. I wonder on some level what these women expected, though. There is clearly an attraction to this dangerous kind of character for certain women, and I can't help but wonder if they actually wanted to get a taste of a bit of S&M and then when they got it they realised they didn't like it? Who knows. It's very possible that he is incredibly charming in the first place, but just a piece of shit in reality.

That crossed my mind too but she was only 19 when they got together and he was twice her age. It couldn't really be said that she should know better.

Yeah that's fair enough. Still can't help but wonder...

Rolling on from the previous couple of posts, that might explain why fellow sexually extreme partner Dita Von Teese never had any "trouble" with him even though, perhaps, he was essentially the same person back then, but with a willing companion. Perhaps he just can't handle being told no, that he saw Woods as a project and lost it whenever she resisted being moulded in the way he wished. Things of this kind happen all the time, and people find it very difficult to extract themselves from these situations, such that it's no surprise that a long standing abusive relationship may have an engagement just before it finally breaks apart at the seams, despite his lawyers pointing to this as some kind of evidence that everything was going fine.

One problem for Manson now, given the kind of character he is, is that, to be honest, I think you'll have no shortage of individuals who will have fantasies they may now decide to express as realities, and it will be next to impossible to tell fact from fiction (saying that, I don't doubt what Woods specifically is saying at all - Dolores wouldn't lie about such a thing!).

With S&M there is a contract between the participants- safe words- so it is supposed to be a controlled and equal environment. With that in mind it out looks like the bowild Mardilyn was not playing by the rules in any way.

I wonder how Kevin from The Wonder Years is taking the news  :(