Marduk- those of the unlight

Inspired by this followed up with the Blood, Fire, Death trilogy of Nightwing, PDM and La Grande Danse Macabre.
Heights they may never reach again.

Quote from: Blackout on October 05, 2020, 09:57:55 PM
Marduk- those of the unlight

May? I think it'd be a safe bet to say they won't; Danse Macabre was almost 20 years ago, yet for some reason it's still in my head as one of their more recent releases.

Megadeth - Rust In Peace

The original version. Left it playing and it started on the remixed and remastered version as I bought all the fucking things when they came out and they're all ripped. For fuck sake it's so bad. You forget how bad. Just bouncing through a few tracks on other albums and played Symphony of Destruction. I can't believe they released that. Are the originals still deleted and the streaming sites have the remixed abominations? What was he thinking?

I knew not to go near Into The Lungs Of Hell. I don't ever need to hear those horns again.

I bought those remasters (Peace Sells to RIP) when they came out, not knowing how much he'd changed them. Fuck me but he knew how to fuck up in style. I must track down the originals, the remasters are gathering dust somewhere and there they'll stay.

What's even scarier is that their demo and debut are approaching their 30th anniversaries. The latter in particular still gets regular spins. Another gem courtesy of NFR. Think it was the only album of theirs released by that sadly defunct label.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 05, 2020, 10:44:14 PM
May? I think it'd be a safe bet to say they won't; Danse Macabre was almost 20 years ago, yet for some reason it's still in my head as one of their more recent releases.

#3156 October 05, 2020, 11:44:31 PM Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 11:48:11 PM by Paul keohane
I loved that era of Marduk,Heaven Shall burn,through to Danse Macabre.

Id have Panzer Division as one of the most furious BM albums of all time.

By their own admission the Reign in Blood of black metal (as it's often described) was never going to be bettered. That March 2001 Dublin gig where they paid homage to their first decade still ranks high on my list of all time favourite gigs. Supported by Dornenreich and Mystic Circle.

Quote from: Paul keohane on October 05, 2020, 11:44:31 PM
I loved that era of Marduk,Heaven Shall burn,through to Danse Macabre.

Id have Panzer Division as one of the most furious BM albums of all time.

Quote from: vinterland on October 06, 2020, 12:24:53 AM
By their own admission the Reign in Blood of black metal (as it's often described) was never going to be bettered. That March 2001 Dublin gig where they paid homage to their first decade still ranks high on my list of all time favourite gigs. Supported by Dornenreich and Mystic Circle.
Was at that gig too,cant remember a whole lot about it now tbh.

Panzer is in my top 5 black metal albums of all time, everything about the album from the production, the riffs, the drumming, the vocals etc etc just hits.

Yearning- With Tragedies Adorned.

Quote from: vinterland on October 05, 2020, 10:20:19 PM
Inspired by this followed up with the Blood, Fire, Death trilogy of Nightwing, PDM and La Grande Danse Macabre.
Heights they may never reach again.

Quote from: Blackout on October 05, 2020, 09:57:55 PM
Marduk- those of the unlight

Plague Angel and Rom are good.

np: Schammasch -Hearts of no Light

Quote from: Mags on October 05, 2020, 08:32:52 PM
Been listening to Endless Pilgrimage and Odori Sepulcrorum by Grave Miasma a lot recently. Absolutely lethal releases. One of the few modern-ish death metal bands I still have time for. I think I saw on their FB that they had planned to record their next LP this summer? Anyone know if they got it done? Very exciting.

Ya, the album is done. Just waiting on artwork. Is supposed to be out this year but that seems mad. Deadly album from the one listen I had.

Just Before Dawn- Precis Innan ...
The Rival Mob - Mob Justice.

Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation

A lovely sounding album if nothing else