Like Clockwork is fantastic but a very different vibe to any of the early stuff.

Would have loved to see that lineup of Homme, Oliveri, Lanegan and Grohl though.

I saw them on the SFTD tour, in the Ambassador. Excellent show.

"Rated R" and "...Like Clockwork" for me.  But I'm a fan of it all really, even if that last album is very very weak it still has the odd moment of decency on it.

Them Crooked Vultures are decent too, always enjoy that album when I remember to put it on.  Saw Nick Oliveri solo in Dolans last year and it was good craic, did some acoustic versions of QOTSA stuff amongst his own, including an excellent version of Autopilot.  Ended up on stage alongside 30 odd other people singing Feel Good Hit Of The Summer after he gave us all a lash of Tequila.  Good sport

I saw him with the Dwarves in the Grand Social last year, about 10 minutes before their set some punk oul wan with a mohawk started shouting shite at him, when he came off the stage she tried to give him a hug and he blanked her, I thought he was about to deck her though given his reputation  :laugh:.

Era Vulgaris is a class album and maybe my favourite of their's outside of Them Crooked Vultures which is league's ahead. The rest just never fully grabbed me.

Saw John Grant last year and he was great, then Elbow came on and I left. What a cunt of a band!?

Cathedral- Forest of Equilibrium.  Really digging this album lately. I actually love Lee Dorrian's vocals on this album. The half growled, half melodic approach sounds the business.

Necrot- Mortal
Iron Maiden - S/T
Iron Maiden - Killers
Iron Maiden - Live After Death
A fine morning.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 05, 2020, 01:40:59 PM
Cathedral- Forest of Equilibrium.  Really digging this album lately. I actually love Lee Dorrian's vocals on this album. The half growled, half melodic approach sounds the business.

I'd never heard anything like it at the time. I remember an interview with him at the time, where he said he wanted his voice to sound like he was dying, and it's a good description.

Have Them Crooked Vultures on here, it's not bad at all. Sounds exactly like QOTSA to me.

Like a better version. Mad rhythms. Obviously riffs written around beats.

Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengenance
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness
Ominous Resurrection - Judgement
Venus Star - Nigredo Expulsion

Quote from: Carnage on October 05, 2020, 03:54:15 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 05, 2020, 01:40:59 PM
Cathedral- Forest of Equilibrium.  Really digging this album lately. I actually love Lee Dorrian's vocals on this album. The half growled, half melodic approach sounds the business.

I'd never heard anything like it at the time. I remember an interview with him at the time, where he said he wanted his voice to sound like he was dying, and it's a good description.

Haha, yeah, that's a spot on description.

Desert Sessions has some of my all time favourite Homme songs, highly recommend people here download them. Preferably while smoking a delicious joint.

Been listening to Endless Pilgrimage and Odori Sepulcrorum by Grave Miasma a lot recently. Absolutely lethal releases. One of the few modern-ish death metal bands I still have time for. I think I saw on their FB that they had planned to record their next LP this summer? Anyone know if they got it done? Very exciting.

Excited for that one, myself. Endless Pilgrimage was so good.

I'll be getting it the minute I can. Been wanting a new album of theirs for a long time.