Absu - Tara

Can't remember the last time I listened to it. Great album despite the cuntish kick sound when he takes off.

Voivod - Dimension Hatross

Dread Sovereign - Alchemical Warfare
Hour of 13 - s/t
Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart
Minotauri - II

Circle of Dawn- Savonian Supremacy.  My first proper spin of this one (ie through proper speakers) and it ain't disappointing me in any way. Stylistically much the same as the debut but with a bigger production.

Metallica - Load/Reload, been done to death but there's a hell of an album between those two

Dying Fetus - Wrong One to fuck with

Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells
Funeral Mist - Devilry

Impaled Nazarene - Manifest
Axis of Advance - Landline & Obey

Katatonia - Dead Air
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Tribulation - Where the Gloom Becomes Sound
In Solitude - Sister

The new Wolvennest single Disappear...



Mercyful Fate - Melissa & Don't Break the Oath
Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon

Spectral Lore - Sentinel
Superb, though I still favour Gnosis and III above it, atm. Chaotic but with flashes of catchy riffs that stay around JUST long enough to embed on the memory before the next hyper segment kicks in. Took me a few listens to get into it but it's really good stuff.

1349 - Beyond the Apocalypse

Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao