Dread Sovereign - Alchemical Warfare Vinyl..Quality Stuff.. Hard to top this artwork

Celtic Frost - To Mega The room

Ritual Chamber - Obscurations
Never listened to them before. Dunno if I'll go back to it but enjoyed it.

Quote from: open face surgery on January 27, 2021, 04:16:50 PM
Celtic Frost - To Mega Dave The room

Ritual Chamber - Obscurations
Never listened to them before. Dunno if I'll go back to it but enjoyed it.
Fixed that for you...  :laugh:

Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery
The Black Dahlia Murder - Unhallowed
Darkest Hour - Hidden Hands Of A Sadist Nation

Watain, Watain and more Watain.
Some Motörhead to break up the devil hugging.

Midnight - Sweet Death and Ecstasy & No Mercy For Mayhem.

Fuck me these lads take a massive dump on modern day Venom/Venom Inc. Saw them years ago, only got around to getting their records lately.

Barathrum - Eerie

Never checked out Barathrum til last weekend. Hailstorm was a interesting listen. The guitar sounds like it was recording from another room. Reminded me of Rob Bryden doing his impression of a man in a box.

Was about to go back to it but went for this to broaden the horizons. This is def more accessible but still good and bizarre. Liking the sound of it.

That's a brilliant description  :laugh: going to give it a go. I have one of their albums,  Sataanaa or something like that. It never did much for me.

Edit. Saatana!

Seems to be some awful gash out of them. Everything on Spotify sounded absolutely terrible.

I listened to a minute or two of the first song from Eerie and gave up. I like the shitty fucked up production. It's a pity that the music is so bland and terrible.

Just finished Eerie and ya, some of it is nearly nice but I enjoyed it. Will def be going back to it.

Try Hailstorm. Have that on again and it's a lot mankier and demented.

Spite - Antimosiach
One of my favourite recent black metal albums, so many catchy riffs (I know that's not everyone's ideal for black metal), runtime flies by like crazy.

Had it on last week for the first time in a few months. Absolute ripper. Think there's a new one dine as well.

Dark Funeral-Secrets of the Black Arts. 25 years old today. It may lack some of the in your face ferocity so prevalent on their self-titled EP but it makes my top ten of favourite Swedish black metal albums of all time. The title track used to get plenty of airtime on MTV's Into the Pit and ended up buying the album on the strength of that video. Has stood the test of time remarkably well. Where Shadows Forever Reign up next. Their best album since their debut according to many.