Today -

Absu - Absu
Absu - Tara
Hellripper - Coagulating Darkness

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on May 22, 2020, 09:14:57 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on May 21, 2020, 09:08:37 PM
Ministry - Twitch

Great album apart from the 2 versions of Over The Shoulder which are tainted by the worst possible vocals. Got the 5 pack of early albums in the post today to replace my old beaten to death copies, so it's Ministry for the evening I reckon
Pity Uncle Al has turned into an absolute pleb these last lock a years.

Ah jaysus he went to the bad years ago. Soon as Paul Barker fucked off it was over for Ministry. Hardly even fluked 2 good songs since

no chance that's a mike and the mechanics semi-tribute

Baroness - Gold & Grey

Took me ages to get into but there's actually some good stuff on here, the mix is all over the shop though.

New Vader album. Haven't listened to them since Litany. This is one of my favourite releases this year, really good stuff. Incineration of the Gods is a great track that is easily on par with their early 90s stuff.  Those who don't like more modern-sounding productions will probably hate it, but anyway, give it a spin. Clocks in at under 30mins.

Quote from: mugz on May 22, 2020, 05:14:28 PM
no chance that's a mike and the mechanics semi-tribute

I'm struggling. Put me out of my misery?

Savage album and my introduction to Primordial. I picked up the most recent vinyl version from Metal Blade a couple of years ago, along with Calm Before Storm (another classic), so I'll have to fire them on over the weekend.

Re Primordial, Spirit was definitely their magnum opus for me, followed by The Gathering Wildness. It's such a pity that they went to shit after a brilliant 5 album run.

Today...DISCHARGE "Hear Nothing...". Thankfully I was in the safe confines of my kitchen as it is not safe to drive to.

Quote from: TurnTheAirBlue on May 22, 2020, 07:00:14 PM
New Vader album. Haven't listened to them since Litany. This is one of my favourite releases this year, really good stuff. Incineration of the Gods is a great track that is easily on par with their early 90s stuff.  Those who don't like more modern-sounding productions will probably hate it, but anyway, give it a spin. Clocks in at under 30mins.
I was a Vader fanatic from mid 90s until mid 2000s,but skipped a load of more recent stuff,might give it a try!

I have Storm Before Calm here on CD and I always thought it was well played produced etc but still a bit pedestrian in the grand scheme of things and might I be on to something in thinking they get a bit of a bye for being Irish? Saying that, I thought Where Greater Men Have Fallen was decent.

That Discharge album is serious btw

Spirit ,and Storm ...are Primordials best albums imo,Storm probably shades it for me!.

Quote from: astfgyl on May 22, 2020, 07:41:15 PM
Quote from: mugz on May 22, 2020, 05:14:28 PM
no chance that's a mike and the mechanics semi-tribute

I'm struggling. Put me out of my misery?

beggar on a beach of gold has a similarly titled track but I know deep down ministry didn't do a cover of it, though it could work  :laugh:

Quote from: astfgyl on May 22, 2020, 09:16:07 PM
I have Storm Before Calm here on CD and I always thought it was well played produced etc but still a bit pedestrian in the grand scheme of things and might I be on to something in thinking they get a bit of a bye for being Irish? Saying that, I thought Where Greater Men Have Fallen was decent.

That Discharge album is serious btw

I think Primordial's international acclaim speaks for itself. There may be imperfections in their albums but essentially you are dealing with a band who sound like no other band so those discrepancies become part of the overall experience, at least for me. The first two albums are great in their own ways, and are very much the sound of a band getting closer to their definitive style. Particularly 'Imrama' and indeed the preceding demo (also deadly), where you can hear their various influences quite clearly.  Spirit is where they became 100% Primordial and from then on they have moved around in their own style to varying degrees of success,  with some minor updates added to their sound, those updates shining through most obviously on their last album which is a fucking great return to form after the previous two that were creatively treading water a bit.

Malokarpatan - Krupinske Ohne

Black Magick SS - Rainbow Nights

Long oul time since I've loved two new releases as much.

The BMSS stuff does it for me on so many levels. Not a weak track on the album. It's only half metal, but is full of the sort of triumphant confidence that takes great metal music to the next level.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on May 22, 2020, 09:28:45 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on May 22, 2020, 09:16:07 PM
I have Storm Before Calm here on CD and I always thought it was well played produced etc but still a bit pedestrian in the grand scheme of things and might I be on to something in thinking they get a bit of a bye for being Irish? Saying that, I thought Where Greater Men Have Fallen was decent.

That Discharge album is serious btw

I think Primordial's international acclaim speaks for itself. There may be imperfections in their albums but essentially you are dealing with a band who sound like no other band so those discrepancies become part of the overall experience, at least for me. The first two albums are great in their own ways, and are very much the sound of a band getting closer to their definitive style. Particularly 'Imrama' and indeed the preceding demo (also deadly), where you can hear their various influences quite clearly.  Spirit is where they became 100% Primordial and from then on they have moved around in their own style to varying degrees of success,  with some minor updates added to their sound, those updates shining through most obviously on their last album which is a fucking great return to form after the previous two that were creatively treading water a bit.

I think they've been poor since after TTND. The great songs saved that one but it's there that the vocals started to go to shit. Trying hard for a classic 80s style that's not there and foregoing most of the roughness and grit. They were better when Alan was a shitter and more realistic singer. I'm not sure what the actual music is like as the vocals go over the top of everything for me.

Still, Journey/spirit /storm as good as anything out there.