All The Witches Dance is a masterpiece too.

Tis indeed and Secret Sudaria is also class.

Dechorence  - Unitarity
Decapitated - Cancer Culture

All the Witches Dance and Secret Sudaria are tree only two I have. I must pick up Into the Drape if there is a reissue available. I love the sound of it with the high clanky bass.

Mourning Beloveth- Dust.

Into the Drape and Mourn Path are the only releases that haven't been reissued since Iron Tyrant did all those releases 15 years ago.

40 Watt Sun - Take me in. Apparently this was a bonus track on some edition of The Inside Room and I never knew it existed until maybe a year ago and it's a beaut! The perfect segway from Warning to 40 Watt Sun. Did everyone already know this tune? It's on YouTube anyway for anyone interested. Wish he'd kept this stuff going, the last album did nothing for me. New album on the pipeline too but that'll probably be even more mellow.

I thought that sing was ok but I haven't listened to it in years. I like the last one but have yet to pick it up.

Marduk - Viktoria
Carpathian Forest - Morbid Fascination of Death
Desaster - Hellfires Dominion (Metalized Blood  :abbath: )
Hammerfall - Legacy of Kings
Anathema - Eternity
Enforcer - Death by Fire

Gojira - From Mars to Sirius. Haven't had it on in years and it's only OK going back to it, whereas in my head it was great.

Misery Loves Co. - Not Like Them. Another one that was better in my memory but hasn't really got a lot going for it. The cover of Complicated Game was very annoying.

Ah it is fairly great now, in terms of uniqueness if nothing else. Have always preferred The Link myself, but From Mars To Sirius definitely has more of a uniquely 'Gojira' sound to it.

Yeah I really loved it all along but I dunno it just didn't hit the spot this time. Felt too long or something. There are some fantastic tunes on there but the full album was a chore. The Link is also great in my memory but again haven't had it on in a couple of years. Also quickly lost interest with anything after FMTS.

Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese. Musically it's fairly decent but the vocals are annoying for the most part. Still not bad overall

Hyperdontia - Nexus Of Teeth.
Grand Magus - Wolf God
Torture Rack - Primevil Onslaught.

With regards to Gojira, i still hold FMTS in high regard.
Thx drum sound ruined The Way Of All Flesh. The kick drum sounds so clicky I can't listen to it. Overly long. As a result I never bothered with what came after. Are any of them worth the time?

New Necrot track dropped today,sounds good!

Artwork is fuckin atrocious.