Polls schmolls...did they not have Hillary as a shoe in the last time?

As outraged as people are by the murder this week, the reaction will have a lot of people in the middle worried. People with families, not idealogues or people with agendas, the majority of us who sit in the middle and try to sift through the hidden agendas and the disingenuous argumentation, be they ultra right Christian or Leftist, marxist leaning whatever.

I wouldn't write anyone off right now. If the Democrats had any sense they would have had Tulsi Gabbard in there instead of Biden who I seriously doubt swing voters will get behind.

Exit polls are generally much more reliable. But speaking of breaking things up, it's the fucking two party system that needs breaking up!

I also wouldn't be overly surprised if Trump wins again. He's playing to that 85-90% very well by baiting the left into portraying themselves as hysterical, and the Democrats have gone from bad to worse since last election.

I think he'll walk it, personally. Biden is a personality vacuum in a popularity contest.

#303 June 04, 2020, 02:50:48 PM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 02:53:46 PM by The Butcher
The democrats are complete idiots going for Biden, the only candidate I liked from their side was Andrew Yang, at least he came up with a huge range of interesting policies and ideas. Tulsi Gabbard would have appealed to many on both sides but didn't seem to make an impact. Democrats already had their pick, again to their detriment.

I was sure Trump was a shoe-in before these last few days unfolded, now I haven't a clue but we've a long way to go before November. It's mad to think that the biggest job in the worlds most powerful country is between two 70+ year old chumps...as BSC says, the two party system has not been working for Americans for a long long time and needs some kind of shake up.

How do things end up as a two party system anyway? How can anything be so black or white that one must choose one side or the other and be left with no choice which resembles something in between?

Realised this morning that I changed my profile pic on FB to a black square back in March after getting sick of the old one. I really wanted to use something that said nothing at the time. Is there any colour that represents nothing at all that I could use?

Quoting from the covid thread here:

"Just announced from autopsy results that George Floyd was positive but asymptomatic for coronavirus. Could be a bad omen for the COVID fallout of the protests."

I wonder if Derek Chauvin could use the idea that he was kneeling on Floyd to help him with social distancing as a sort of defence? Not really joking either, he will have to try come up with something in his defence and whatever it happens to be it is bound to be laughable.

Well, George Zimmerman got away with it. Daniel Pantaleo got away with it. Singer, Koon, Powell, Wind, Briseno and Solano got away with it. Why not this one?

I'm not ruling out the possibility that some or all of these 4 will get away with it to some extent. The other three obviously have a greater chance, but even Chauvin might find some sort of technicality to get off on. I can't imagine the shit that would kick off if that were to happen

Quote from: Juggz on June 04, 2020, 04:15:37 PM
Well, George Zimmerman got away with it. Daniel Pantaleo got away with it. Singer, Koon, Powell, Wind, Briseno and Solano got away with it. Why not this one?

Yeah, I was reading this earlier today which is basically the mirror side of that list of names:

Sorry it's from The Guardian; Breitbart, Quillette, and The Daily Caller don't go in for this kind of analysis. But, unlike those sites, while the interpretation in The Guardian may not be to everyone's tastes, they do make it very easy to click your way back to proper source material, which should be everyone's gold standard for media outlets in this day and age.

#309 June 04, 2020, 05:09:47 PM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 05:15:45 PM by Caomhaoin
The same could be said for all of Steven Crowder's (in no way a journalist, a commentator) arguments, his material is impeccably cited, and if I put you and him in a room alone, I'd imagine only one would come out. He's very loud, obnoxious and his arguments, although correct in my view, would infuriate you or anyone leaning left. But everything is beautifully cited.

The Guardian pays that Owen Jones to write op-eds, that's grounds for boycotting it outright.

But sure I'll have a look, fuck it.

Edit - The first link leads back to the Washington Post, an even more biased publication! Like a Marxist circle-jerk!

Quote from: astfgyl on June 04, 2020, 03:07:03 PM
How do things end up as a two party system anyway? How can anything be so black or white that one must choose one side or the other and be left with no choice which resembles something in between?

Realised this morning that I changed my profile pic on FB to a black square back in March after getting sick of the old one. I really wanted to use something that said nothing at the time. Is there any colour that represents nothing at all that I could use?

it's like you're typing all your comments from a Truman Show style office floating somewhere above the human condition; your calibration is perfect. Anyway afaik all colours numbers shapes letters tones words are bound up with meanings

better not to go along with anything at all.

Quote from: mugz on June 04, 2020, 05:11:48 PMAnyway afaik all colours numbers shapes letters tones words are bound up with meanings

better not to go along with anything at all.

I reckon a photo showing Megadeths Youthanasia on top of a pile of every Megadeth album post Rust in Peace would do nicely.

cryptic writings is unfairly maligned. even risk is 50%  excellent

Those blacks on whites videos doing the rounds are a bit testy. Turning the average people on the street against you is really going to further your cause.
Won't be surprised to see the army coming in if this keeps up.

there's a 90s metal song lyric 'black on black white on white', maybe stuck mojo?

It's all just nonsense really, and even worse all this synthetic rioting and racial provocation makes it impossible to deal with genuine situations, to have genuine discussions about what' we're trying to do as a society, where we want to go.

It's almost  like it's a deliberate underminement of  serious issues. But then again that means we live in a world where almost everything is an outright lie or a complex misdirection.

Up to you to decide whether they do deliberately insane nonsense to keep people asleep or if they do it because they're indirectly trying to wake us up, or in true masonic fashion, they want to wake us up to sleep in a new dream.....