This is the documentary you need to watch if you think you've got it all figured out, if you're still insisting that there is no "racial" issue at this point in history.

African-American males make up 6.5% of the population of the US but 40.2% of its 2.3 million prison population (the largest prison population in the world). If you can't explain that, don't worry: 100 minutes of your time and you'll understand.

Ok, I'll give this one a look but making a guess at it, is it anything to do with the fact that young black males are more likely to come from deprived areas, thus forcing them towards crime more often than middle class whites? That would of course still make it a racial issue along the line, as the black population had to end up in the most deprived areas somehow. Is it anything like that?

I was watching something about the 3 strikes law and the private prisons before, and it did seem to affect a disproportionate number of the ethnic minorities. It almost looked as if someone wanted to make money off them.....

For what it's worth I do think there are racial issues at play worldwide, but I wonder would fixing the social problems and striving to shrink the gap between rich and poor go some way to easing those tensions?

They also commit a worryingly and disproportionately high number of violent crimes, it can't be denied.

Before anyone jumps down my throat, I'm not excusing police brutality or denying the existence of racism. The principal factor in these arrest figures I've linked below are due to criminal behaviour, not widespread racism.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 07, 2020, 10:33:06 AM
Ok, I'll give this one a look but making a guess at it, is it anything to do with the fact that young black males are more likely to come from deprived areas, thus forcing them towards crime more often than middle class whites? That would of course still make it a racial issue along the line, as the black population had to end up in the most deprived areas somehow. Is it anything like that?

There's much more specific and sinister intent behind it than anything that prosaic observation about poverty can explain. That's why it's an important watch if you're interested in the subject. If you're going to watch it, do that first and then tell us what you think after.

Prisons are big business in the US (there are privately owned prisons in the UK too), and if we can take the identity politics out of it, these prisons need to be filled to keep profits ticking over. That's part of the reason for the very harsh punishments for various offences compared to Europe. The machine doesn't care much if it's dark or light coloured meat, I'd imagine.

If you care to learn, watch it. Nothing you're saying explains why 40.2% of the prison population is African-American. The enormous, over-whelming majority of them are certainly not there because of violent crime.

"Some criminologists think we could be simply confusing race for poverty or inequality: black people tend to offend more because they tend to be more disadvantaged, living in poorer urban areas with less access to public services, and so on.

If you control for deprivation, people of different races ought to be similarly predisposed to commit crime. Or that's the theory, at least.

There is a lot of research in this area, but a lot of it is contradictory.

This study of violent crime in deprived neighbourhoods in Cleveland, Ohio, found that reductions in poverty led to reductions in the crime rate in exactly the same way in predominantly black and white areas, suggesting poverty, not race, is the biggest factor."

That quote from the Channel 4 fact check pretty much sums up my feelings on it. I think there is an element of race too, but not as much as we are led to believe by the current level of protest. If one is an equal opportunities cop, there will be no distinction made between the colours of the offenders one shoots. Therefore, if more offenders are of a given race more of those will be shot..

The problem has to be fixed at the source. Give those from disadvantaged areas access to better education and job opportunities, provide them with affordable healthcare and get them out of tenement-style housing and provide this to all regardless of colour and watch the racist cop issue melt away in time. It would have to be a long game, played out over the course of a generation or two but it would also neatly sidestep the issue around positive discrimination, which is still discrimination however one wishes to look at it. Equality must be applied equally.

#322 June 07, 2020, 11:00:21 AM Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 11:06:36 AM by astfgyl
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 07, 2020, 10:53:51 AM
Prisons are big business in the US (there are privately owned prisons in the UK too), and if we can take the identity politics out of it, these prisons need to be filled to keep profits ticking over. That's part of the reason for the very harsh punishments for various offences compared to Europe. The machine doesn't care much if it's dark or light coloured meat, I'd imagine.

The thing I was watching before was pointing out how in the three strike states, it did seem as if certain minority groups were being targeted. Maybe the logic there was that seeing as the minorities were perceived as more likely to be involved in crime anyway, nobody would notice them being systematically rounded up for furniture making or whatever, but that is pure speculation on my part.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 07, 2020, 10:48:50 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 07, 2020, 10:33:06 AM
Ok, I'll give this one a look but making a guess at it, is it anything to do with the fact that young black males are more likely to come from deprived areas, thus forcing them towards crime more often than middle class whites? That would of course still make it a racial issue along the line, as the black population had to end up in the most deprived areas somehow. Is it anything like that?

There's much more specific and sinister intent behind it than anything that prosaic observation about poverty can explain. That's why it's an important watch if you're interested in the subject. If you're going to watch it, do that first and then tell us what you think after.

I will! It will be later though as the housework is calling and I'm procrastinating here as it is

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 07, 2020, 10:57:18 AM
If you care to learn, watch it. Nothing you're saying explains why 40.2% of the prison population is African-American. The enormous, over-whelming majority of them are certainly not there because of violent crime.

Define enormous, overwhelming majority.

I don't consider a Netflix documentary to necessarily hold all the answers, and the same can be said for the bureau of statistics.

Whatever about the States, we could do with locking lads up in our country a bit more. This chap who cut the young lad up in Drogheda and left him in a bin in Dublin was a hitman, terrorising people, with a mere 125 convictions to his name. Plenty like him out and about our fair isle.

Fuckin' psychopath. He got what was coming to him.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 07, 2020, 11:01:37 AM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 07, 2020, 10:57:18 AM
If you care to learn, watch it. Nothing you're saying explains why 40.2% of the prison population is African-American. The enormous, over-whelming majority of them are certainly not there because of violent crime.

Define enormous, overwhelming majority.

I don't consider a Netflix documentary to necessarily hold all the answers, and the same can be said for the bureau of statistics.

Sorry, scrap that as a claim; it's actually almost impossible to get to the bottom of. Listen, you can play the reliable source game until the cows come home, and no one document or source is going to hold "all the answers", just different perspectives. Multiplying your perspectives is the best you can do.

#327 June 07, 2020, 11:13:59 AM Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 11:30:59 AM by astfgyl
Quote from: Pedrito on June 07, 2020, 11:03:07 AM
Whatever about the States, we could do with locking lads up in our country a bit more. This chap who cut the young lad up in Drogheda and left him in a bin in Dublin was a hitman, terrorising people, with a mere 125 convictions to his name. Plenty like him out and about our fair isle.

Maybe we should bring in some sort of 3 strikes law.. The only problem with that would be that the prisons would soon be full to capacity, but if we were to privatise the prison service and allow those prisons to use the inmates as a source of cheap labour, and generate huge profits for the private owners that might sort that out too :laugh:

And to bring back my earlier point about it being a poverty and disadvantage issue, does Mountjoy have more inmates from Dalkey or Darndale? Are the Gardai and the courts discriminating against the poor, or are these folks committing more crimes because they are poor and the Gardai are simply doing their job of arresting criminals and the courts doing their job of convicting them?

The States is a crazy place. I did the whole J1 thing there for 3 Summers. I was in New York first time, Santa Barbara second and 3rd time and I used to go back a lot. The levels of violence you would see in bars and on the streets, especially my second time in California was eyeopening to say the least.

Ireland can be bad but when it kicks off over there everyone seems to bail in. Kids grow up quickly. Even on University campuses where I shared a place the second year I was over there was a lot of serious aggro. I distinctly remember one night when a bunch of black lads were coming after some jock lads and both sides armed to the gills..gunshots going off etc. Imagine that in Trinity College or UCD?

I also worked the door in a bar on the main strip in Santa Barbara. What was basically a riot kicked off one night. I had four guys trying their best to beat me to a pulp when the police came in. A cop.charged at me with his night stick and literally split me in two before I could tell him I was working there. Even so I was glad they were there when I looked up the street and saw the state of the guy Austin I was working with, some fucker doing wrestling moves on him, not a care in the world and his buddies stomping on him at every opporrunity. A standoff then resulted. Took hours for the street to calm down. I've seen loads of violence in bars in Ireland, but never this fuck the police and take them on stuff.

So, spend some time over there. It's easy looking from the safety of Europe and criticising, but it's about 100m people shy of the entire population of Europe and there are some hellholes in Europe too..they're just hidden better. Criminality is through the roof. Drugs have destroyed whole cities of people, inflicting untold misery. Violence is rife. I would also add that the education system is horrific and the disparity between rich and poor is simply mindnumbing to behold. All that said, I met some of the nicest, most decent people you could ever meet over there, from all ranges of life and all colours and creeds. It's an experiment though, a melting pot, and there is plenty hatred of the other coming from all sides. That balances itself out with a lot of really genuine decent people though..a work in progress.

#329 June 07, 2020, 06:44:32 PM Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 06:47:21 PM by Aborted
In the middle of all this the Austin PD posted up some images of thank you cards they got.. they are getting the piss ripped out of them.

Before you read the comments do you notice anything different... or not different about the cards!  ;D