Quotea real first in the air live ripper

For me ; Nameless, Redemption and Greater all bogged down by tracks that fall into that category. I find those albums incredibly difficult to return to on a regular basis. I do enjoy some of the tracks when they're performed live but when I'm listening at home it all seems a bit plastic, not what I want from Primordial at all.

Both Redemption and Greater Men are difficult listens, IMO.

As you said, Redemption looks fantastic, but I still haven't listened to it since it's release.
Greater Men though, I have tried to warm more to. but still not sold on it.

Exile... I haven't even given much thought to as I was so underwhelmed be the previous couple of efforts.
Been meaning to give it a go on positive comments about it on here.

#242 April 04, 2023, 10:44:26 AM Last Edit: April 04, 2023, 10:50:22 AM by Eoin McLove
For the record, I like the artwork for Where Greater Men Have Fallen. Not really into the artwork for Redemption at the Puritan's Hand.

Despite my fairly harsh overview of those two albums, the only reason I'm revisiting them is because I'm actually highly anticipating the new album.

Redemption is a brilliant album, I'm sure I've said that before. I love the artwork as well.
The one thing I don't like is going for the big fuck off opener for the first song.
It sounds forced and there for the purpose of being bang bang here we are rather than being there as a great song.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 04, 2023, 08:30:29 AMI stuck on Where Greater Men Have Fallen here for the first time in years. I only have this and Redemption on vinyl. I was never bothered buying the CD of either as they never did a lot for me but maybe a reassessment nine years on will alter my opinion of this one. Redemption remains a write off. Oh, I love the artwork. Pity they didn't use this on the next album which is so much better musically but visually dull.

The title track is a cracking opener- a real first in the air live ripper.

Babel's Tower is a trudge for me. The vocal melodies (if you could call them that) are tuneless and hard on the ear. I like the noodly guitar bit at the end though.

Come the Flood on now. Again, for me the vocals fall flat in the verses. The chorus is decent in an understated way, but the plodding music is hard to get thrilled by.

The Seed of Tyrants (the song titles have become a bit of an interchangeable blur across the last few albums) is off to a good start. High energy and reminiscent of Heretic's Age from the mighty Calm Before Storm. I like Alan's gruff vocals here. Not overly concerning himself with melody, rather letting a bit of aggression come back in. Not a classic, but decent.

Ghosts of the Charnel House. This is alright. Kind of hinted at some of the hard rock inspired parts that they did more convincingly on the next album. Not bad but not exactly brilliant.

The Alchemist's Head. Easily the best song the band has written in several long years. Beats everything else here and smashes everything on Redemption too. So dark, ominous, vicious, unpredictable and exciting with a blood curdling vocal attack that has been missing far too long. A cool evocative title for a cool evocative song. I would love the next album to have more of this type of thing.

Born to Night. I can't remember anything about this song but the intro is working for me. Solitary atmospheric guitar playing reminiscent of The Hosting of the Sidhe. I always liked the instrumental songs on the old albums... It has just gotten heavy and the riff is fucking good! Oh wait, this is the Black Rose one. The obvious nod to Thin Lizzy kind of takes the wind out of its sails; they should have built on their own cool opening heavy riff maybe. Not a bad old dittie despite the homage.

Wield Lightning to Split the Sun. Typical Primordial style with that swinging rhythm they are fond of, but more energetic than a couple of the earlier efforts of the album. Alan's vocals are good here too. Pitched more in the mid range to lower range which gives the ears a break from the high pitched yodelling. A good ending.

Far better than Redemption overall but at the time it hadn't enough positives to get me excited. I felt I was done with Primordial but then Exile Amongst the Ruins kicked my hoop. This is definitely better than I remembered even if it shows a band not entirely out of the doldrums.

It's a long time since I listened but I'm sorta nodding my head along with the praise of the standout tracks - the others are just part of that forgettable album mulch that's been on everything since TTND.

Your love of Exile is interesting too, I must give it a go proper. I was tapped out that stage.

Storm Before Calm on in the car earlier. Sun's First Rays is a little beaut and then into Sons of the Morrigan. What a song.

Spirit The Earth A Flame is the one I most come back to listing to. I find the albums can be a bit of a slog to get through. It has been awhile since I've listened to one straight through now

I'd have a lot of fondness for Spirit too. It's the album that introduced me to the underground back in the day.

That last gig they played in Dublin was top tier I must say. One of the best performances of theirs that I've seen to date.

Also, I'll be heading to Beyond the Gates in Norway in August where they're playing The Gathering Wilderness in its entirety. Very much looking forward to that.

Oh niiice, that'll be lethal.

Spirit and Storm absolutely rock da teach.

Lost all interest with Redemption though.

Only picked up WGMHF maybe last year as it was on special with Seasons of Mist and wouldn't have bothered otherwise. Can't say I've listened to it much since.

I've been told to give Exiles a chance, so maybe I will do eventually, it's only been 5 years like...

Just checked Wiki - Mick left this year??

What?? That's news to me too  :o

I was wondering why there was zero mention of him in the studio clips on AA's instagram. Footage of Ciarán at work but no Mick.
Thee must be a sex scandal.

Does anyone know why MetalArchives is no longer listing Micheál as a member of the band? Is he really gone?

He does indeed seem to be gone, not in any promotional photos or social media etc. I'm sure they'll announce in due course, he's been with them so long.

It seems Sean from last light has been filling in for some gigs.
Still no official word on the line up status.