On the production thread there, South of Heaven came up in the discussion..

I think it terms of imagery, feeling, resonance and power, it has to be one of the greatest album titles ever. I remember getting it on tape as a chiseler and reading the title..'South of Heaven', saying it in a dramatic way, letting it roll around in my head. 'Slayer, South of Heaven'..you almost didn't need to play the tape to be impressed. Later on reading Steinbeck's East of Eden, another title I love, added another dimension to the title, them being from California etc. although I have no clue if they were impacted by that at all.

I remember thinking 'what's south of heaven?' on the drive home in my parents' car and my answer was earth, here, and then when  the music started, jesus...ok so they're saying that this music is the soundtrack to everyday life, to my life, and in many ways it became a soundtrack to my life...mind blown at 15 or whatever age I was haha!

Any other album titles that come to mind, or that capture the essence of everything the music and band are about on that release?

Is South of heaven not a reference to hell?

Probably..I interpreted it differently

Just listening to the song, I think it's talking about society. 'Chaos rampant in an age of distrust'..sounds more real world than religious to me.

I always interpreted it as society's relentless march towards a hell-like state, on and on...

Unquestionable Presence always resonated with me. It has a boldness and weight to it, as a pairing of words, which rules out any ambiguity. The music remains a bold statement, too, made all the more incredible by how stoned they were.

Could go on so I'll keep it to three. Metal album titles tend to have an easy time sounding cool, in all honesty.

A Blaze in the Northern Sky - Just a perfect album title to introduce the Norwegian wave of black metal to the wider world. And what a cover. Proper "What is this shit?" stuff if you were flicking through a record rack.

Powerslave - Power sounds cool, slave sounds cool, combine them together for a badass compound word that contradicts itself and somehow describes the albums relentless pace and glory.

Antichrist Superstar - It's fucking brilliant. Just totally iconic, and representative of the de facto Satanic Panic of the 1990s that Manson transformed himself into. Those first three or four albums are still mustard, and he'll forever be an interesting performer and personality to me, still, even though he's essentially slowly dying live on stage now.

Three beauts there and Juggz nail on the head.on South of Heaven

I agree with the interpretation that SoH is a "hell on earth" type of affair.

For me, I think one album that always sticks out is Napalm Death's From Enslavement to Obliteration. The concept is far more frightening than a thousand horror films and the music sounds like the end of the world.

And for an album as genre-defining as Destroy Erase Improve I always thought the title felt appropriate.

Appetite for Destruction.

Just a badass, catchy title, but totally fits the sleaziness of the content. All of the glam bands at the time looked like One Direction in comparison.

#11 February 25, 2020, 04:16:19 PM Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 04:18:35 PM by Pedrito
Was iust going to write Somewhere in Time myself...what a title to capture the entire mood and sound on that album. It's like a sci-fi journey through history, literature, time and space..genius. There's a transcendental, timeless feel to the artwork, subjects and lyrics covered on the album captured perfectly by the album title.

Quote from: ldj on February 25, 2020, 04:02:57 PM
Appetite for Destruction.

Just a badass, catchy title, but totally fits the sleaziness of the content. All of the glam bands at the time looked like One Direction in comparison.

Ufff this could be coming in at number 1..doesn't get much better

Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?

Back when we all thought that Mustaine was the king of socially aware commentary. How times have changed with him yet the album title is possibly more relevant now than it was back then!