Trump recommending to an Alabama crowd that they get vaccinated:

Obviously not going to try to say anything about that, well, except that I guess he ain't supping from Alex Jones & Co.'s cup anymore.

Fuck Trump, he's a gimp. A shape-shifting piece of shit.

Have some Australia instead, it's far more fun

#3227 August 25, 2021, 03:56:14 PM Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 05:38:53 PM by astfgyl
Who's looking forward to their boosters? 6 months! What an amazingly effective product. Talk about the emperor's new clothes..

QuoteReal world analysis would be expected to show less protection than clinical trials, and the vaccines were not trialled against the now dominant Delta variant of the virus.

QuoteVaccines still provide high levels of protection for the majority of the population, especially against the Delta variant


I actually know it's stupid but this lad makes me laugh every time

They are wondering what would be the best way to transport users to the facility. Might I suggest trains?

This one is causing me some cognitive dissonance.

Quote from: astfgyl on August 26, 2021, 02:40:16 PM

They are wondering what would be the best way to transport users to the facility. Might I suggest trains?

This one is causing me some cognitive dissonance.
Don't (get sucked into the vortex)

Caverne bloke talking about a few things including coronavirus.

In his general chat I find a lot of parallels with the way I think.

In terms of covid/vaccinations I still think you go with occams razor. They are designed to keep people out of hospital, a small proportional increase of which puts the entire health system under pressure. Which we do not want. Fin.

#3231 August 27, 2021, 09:51:37 AM Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 09:53:18 AM by astfgyl
Just because they are designed to keep people out of hospital does not mean that they are actually doing it. This day last year there were 5 cases in ICU and 29 confirmed cases in hospital. Today there are 55 cases in ICU and 307 in hospital. There have been 6.68 million doses of vaccine administered in the meantime. Apply Occam's razor to that there.

These things should have been properly trialed. They weren't, presumably because by the time they were approved the pandemic would have ended by itself like all of the other ones in the last 100 years which were not ended by vaccinations. Health system is screaming every winter in case you hadn't noticed. Investing in it over the years might have helped calm that hysteria a bit. Also relying on real world events instead of epidemiological modelling done on a computer might have helped. There's a lot of ways to apply Occam's Razor.

Anybody like history?

My favourite part is at 6 minutes where they explain how almost everyone was injected with a different formulation than the one which was submitted for approval.

Then there was the 2009 Swine Flu debacle, involving the Pandemrix vaccine. Really worth looking into that one too.

Edit: But this time it's different!

Here's another good one. The UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid says that vaccinations have saved 105,900 lives in the UK.

Can anyone tell me how he arrived at that precise number?

If this is the sort of shit that people are having fed to them by public officials, it's little wonder that people would question the integrity of the situation as it is presented.

Is where Ireland is at now, if it continues opening up back to normal levels, not exactly where you were arguing it should be last year? Tolerating a certain level of hospitalizations as a "cost" of increased freedom for everyone else? The majority of people in ICU in Ireland are unvaccinated (62%), and of those that are vaccinated the majority have underlying conditions. The same kind of underlying conditions which last year were being used by certain parties as a reason for saying we didn't need to impose any measures to prevent spread of the virus among those without such underlying conditions, beyond telling people who did have them to lock themselves up, or whatever.

And, yeah, this time it is different. The 2009 swine flu killed somewhere between 100,000 and 500,000 people globally. That's a far cry from the 4,500,000 estimated deaths so far from COVID. More detail? Okay, in the US an estimated 60 million people caught swine flu, but as it turned out it wasn't as serious as had been predicted, so in the space of 12 months from April 2009 to April 2010, out of those 60 million cases, only 275,000 ended up in hospital. Over a 12 month period. COVID? Well, there are 90,000 in hospital in the US with it right now, around 900,000 in total so far. Swine flu resulted in about 12,500 deaths in the US (I've said it before, but you gotta wonder why didn't they just "add on" more to that tally, if it was all just a scam to push vaccines), but COVID so far is at 650,000 deaths. So yeah, it is different this time. Pretty fucking different.

Just reflecting on that figure I relayed there now. In a country (Ireland) where 85% of the adult population are fully vaccinated, 62% of those who are in ICU are unvaccinated. Do the statistical implications of that resonate with you?? Let's go with toy figures to make it easy to mentally manipulate: take a population of a million. 850,000 are fully vaccinated, and out of that 850,000, 48 individuals are in ICU. That's 0.006%. The other 150,000 are not vaccinated, and out of them 62 individuals are in ICU, or 0.04%. Compare those percentages and what you get is that you're 15 times more likely to end up in ICU if you're not vaccinated than if you are.

Watched a video last week of a nurse from a Derry hospital in distress. She said that the hospital was full of VACCINATED people and quite a lot were in a bad way. She was begging people not to get vaccinated and especially the youth and children.

Where are you getting this 62% unvaccinated figure from la?

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on August 27, 2021, 10:56:38 AM
Watched a video last week of a nurse from a Derry hospital in distress. She said that the hospital was full of VACCINATED people and quite a lot were in a bad way. She was begging people not to get vaccinated and especially the youth and children.

Was she the one who got suspended?

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on August 27, 2021, 10:56:38 AM
Where are you getting this 62% unvaccinated figure from la?

From the HSE. It's in here:

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on August 27, 2021, 10:56:38 AM
Watched a video last week of a nurse from a Derry hospital in distress. She said that the hospital was full of VACCINATED people and quite a lot were in a bad way. She was begging people not to get vaccinated and especially the youth and children.

You capitalized the word "vaccinated" to emphasize what about this? Do you think this is persuasive? Do you want me to find you videos of nurses in distress begging people TO GET VACCINATED??

Yes.... and lots.....

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 27, 2021, 10:51:11 AM
Just reflecting on that figure I relayed there now. In a country (Ireland) where 85% of the adult population are fully vaccinated, 62% of those who are in ICU are unvaccinated. Do the statistical implications of that resonate with you?? Let's go with toy figures to make it easy to mentally manipulate: take a population of a million. 850,000 are fully vaccinated, and out of that 850,000, 48 individuals are in ICU. That's 0.006%. The other 150,000 are not vaccinated, and out of them 62 individuals are in ICU, or 0.04%. Compare those percentages and what you get is that you're 15 times more likely to end up in ICU if you're not vaccinated than if you are.

Those "unvaccinated" figures include people who have only their first dose taken and also those who are less than 2 weeks out from their second dose.

Are you looking forward to your booster?

It's a risk/benefit thing as I see it. I wonder what the risk/benefit ratio was for Roy Butler? Should have been offered to the vulnerable and been done with it, but that's greed for you. Which also brings it back to the "it's different this time". It isn't.