Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on August 27, 2021, 10:56:38 AM
Watched a video last week of a nurse from a Derry hospital in distress. She said that the hospital was full of VACCINATED people and quite a lot were in a bad way. She was begging people not to get vaccinated and especially the youth and children.

Where are you getting this 62% unvaccinated figure from la?

You're taking the piss man!

Quote from: astfgyl on August 27, 2021, 11:34:36 AM
Those "unvaccinated" figures include people who have only their first dose taken and also those who are less than 2 weeks out from their second dose.

No, they're completely unvaccinated. One-dose vaccinated make up another 15%, and the remaining 20% or so (again, fully communicated by the HSE) are indeed "double-jabbed." I lumped the one-dose vaccinated and fully vaccinated together in my toy example, even though technically it weakens my side of the argument.

From the article linked above, quoting the HSE executive:

""The vaccination status in ICU, 62% of ICU cases currently in hospital aren't vaccinated at all.

"They haven't had any vaccination, which is very high proportion of the population who have not been vaccinated.

"15% are partially vaccinated, the remaining 20 to 23% are fully vaccinated.""

Quote from: astfgyl on August 27, 2021, 11:34:36 AM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 27, 2021, 10:51:11 AM
Just reflecting on that figure I relayed there now. In a country (Ireland) where 85% of the adult population are fully vaccinated, 62% of those who are in ICU are unvaccinated. Do the statistical implications of that resonate with you?? Let's go with toy figures to make it easy to mentally manipulate: take a population of a million. 850,000 are fully vaccinated, and out of that 850,000, 48 individuals are in ICU. That's 0.006%. The other 150,000 are not vaccinated, and out of them 62 individuals are in ICU, or 0.04%. Compare those percentages and what you get is that you're 15 times more likely to end up in ICU if you're not vaccinated than if you are.

Those "unvaccinated" figures include people who have only their first dose taken and also those who are less than 2 weeks out from their second dose.

Are you looking forward to your booster?

It's a risk/benefit thing as I see it. I wonder what the risk/benefit ratio was for Roy Butler? Should have been offered to the vulnerable and been done with it, but that's greed for you. Which also brings it back to the "it's different this time". It isn't.

I like a lot of what you say and how you think but you show yourself up on this thread quite regularly. The conspiracy nut style does you no favours.

I've said it before, but of course big business and those in positions of power are manipulating the situation for their own gain. We, the proles, the serfs are being pushed around and controlled and fed shit. That's always been the case. You act like it's something new.

Of course there will be boosters. It doesn't take much knowledge of virology to call that one from the very earliest days of covid.

#3243 August 27, 2021, 02:29:08 PM Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 02:58:07 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 27, 2021, 11:42:25 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on August 27, 2021, 11:34:36 AM
Those "unvaccinated" figures include people who have only their first dose taken and also those who are less than 2 weeks out from their second dose.

No, they're completely unvaccinated. One-dose vaccinated make up another 15%, and the remaining 20% or so (again, fully communicated by the HSE) are indeed "double-jabbed." I lumped the one-dose vaccinated and fully vaccinated together in my toy example, even though technically it weakens my side of the argument.

From the article linked above, quoting the HSE executive:

""The vaccination status in ICU, 62% of ICU cases currently in hospital aren't vaccinated at all.

"They haven't had any vaccination, which is very high proportion of the population who have not been vaccinated.

"15% are partially vaccinated, the remaining 20 to 23% are fully vaccinated.""

Fair enough. I had read different but if that is the case, that is the case. If we get through the winter with a similar ratio, I will consider the vaccination programme a success. Be back next March with the answer unless it changes in the meantime.

Quote from: Grim Reality on August 27, 2021, 11:48:42 AM
I've said it before, but of course big business and those in positions of power are manipulating the situation for their own gain. We, the proles, the serfs are being pushed around and controlled and fed shit. That's always been the case. You act like it's something new.

You've said this to me before here, and I fully expect most on here to disagree with me on this, as evidenced to me by the everyday reality I live in. It's grim! Just because it's nothing new doesn't mean we can't do anything about it, and one doesn't need conspiracy theories when it is all being played out in reality right in front of us in a non-theoretical fashion. Problem reaction solution, over and over. Keep the masses terrified and they will buy whatever is being sold. Not confined to health either. It's everywhere.

QuoteOf course there will be boosters. It doesn't take much knowledge of virology the pharmaceutical industry to call that one from the very earliest days of covid.

It's back to the risk/benefit for me anyway. There is fuck all in it for me in taking the vaccine as of this minute. Others might feel different and that's up to them. I have yet to advise anybody not to do it. I will however take pot shots at the propaganda where I see it.

I have also watched the video from the Derry doctor (was familiar with her from The Irish Inquiry videos on youtube), and have no reason to believe she is lying and putting her career and reputation on the line like that for nothing. I'm going to remain in the control group for the time being but to be fair that is nothing to do with her video which is only out a few days.

The last two times a pandemic-busting vaccine was rolled out in a hurry, it ended badly. No rush into this one without proper results to go on, which we don't have.

I'll edit here rather than go again, but further to the point of the unvaccinated being more likely to end up in ICU than the vaccinated, there is work being done which indicates far more durable immunity from natural infection. 13 times better, this study suggests https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/natural-immunity-is-stronger-than-vaccination-study-suggests

Still advocating for the Great Barrington Declaration over here!

#3244 August 27, 2021, 03:12:23 PM Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 03:15:08 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Ah, so it was a GP, not a nurse. No wonder I couldn't find it. Let's have a look so...

Ah, and she's not talking about a hospital, but an out-of-hours GP clinic (christ almighty KC, you really just absolutely don't give a fuck what kind of nonsense you transform stuff into...)

If you want to know, honestly, what my conclusion after watching that video is, then it's much the same as my conclusion is after watching a Gemma O'Doherty video: this Anne McCloskey has, since when I don't know, become a paranoid delusional and is projecting her paranoid delusions onto everything she does in life, including meeting and talking with patients at an out-of-hours GP clinic, the vast majority of whom are vaccinated, in the same way that the vast majority of them had tea for breakfast. She claims that she will only rely on "real world" data, which she then makes clear means only what she has seen with her own eyes, and not any of the official figures. Except that, her own eyes are clearly not seeing things right. She's telling us that she's keeping herself awake at night worrying about the consequences the "experimental gene therapy" is going to have on humanity, and if she's telling the truth at least about not getting enough sleep and about over-working herself, then she's not helping matters.

Absolutely right that she be suspended; god only knows what kind of things she's been saying to patients at the GP clinic, many of whom, vaccinated, sure, but may be there due to causes that have absolutely nothing to do with the vaccination.

Also, she doesn't have a career to put on the line; she retired two years ago, she says, and only came back to work last April. She says this just before saying that "this time last year there was nothing." I guess that's her relying only on "real world" data again, because Northern Ireland had a surge in cases this time last year. Anyway, I wouldn't say I think she's lying either. I think she no longer perceives the world the way it is.

This thread needs a laugh. Would an ivermectin self-medicating woman shitting herself at the supermarket do the trick??

#3246 August 27, 2021, 03:29:00 PM Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 03:35:04 PM by astfgyl
I would say that's fair enough about the Derry Doctor, but then I would say the same should have been applied to the covid scaremongering doctors in 2020, telling people who were there for things unrelated to covid that they are now covid patients. Do you think she is lying? She has a lot to lose...

Anyway I've already said her testimony had no bearing whatsoever on my position, although the Roy Butler story made me take notice a bit, more because of the media coverage than the fact he died, because let's face it, a single death from a vaccine is not unheard of in any given year and is usually simply thought of as unlucky.

I apply a certain risk/benefit analysis to taking yokes as well and am happy with the extremely low level of deaths involved. Look at the papers when a few people died off the yokes that we were told not to take though compared to the papers when someone dies from the vaccine that the government are telling us to have. A few deaths is used to frighten us out of the bangers but written off as extremely low risk when it's a vaccine. And there is a buzz off the yokes as well which is very nice. I have also said here that my own reason for not taking it is not to do with safety issues and more of an exercise in how long I can continue to say no and still participate in society. So far I've been to the inside of the pub, the cinema, laser tag and bowling since the passports were introduced, so it's going ok so far.

Anyway, lightening things up a bit...

I had that written before your attempt to lighten things up. It must be a Friday thing!   

#3247 August 27, 2021, 03:59:15 PM Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 04:34:08 PM by astfgyl
And yes, an IVM user shitting themselves is always welcome, as are people eating the horse paste. I wonder do many of the Africans taking it for river blindness shit themselves as well when they take the human dose? It reminds me of the couple who drank the fish tank cleaner after Trump praised the HCQ. I should get on the Telegram vaccine injuries as well. Some of those are even funnier. I dunno if it's the Bell's Palsy or the all over body shaking that does it for me best. Here's one with a quite ironic name https://twitter.com/Angelasfreenews/status/1420437383007322112 I see a lad saying Niacin is the cure as well, so there should be some funny outcomes there soon too.

Miracle cures! 

Quote from: astfgyl on August 27, 2021, 02:29:08 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 27, 2021, 11:42:25 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on August 27, 2021, 11:34:36 AM
Those "unvaccinated" figures include people who have only their first dose taken and also those who are less than 2 weeks out from their second dose.

No, they're completely unvaccinated. One-dose vaccinated make up another 15%, and the remaining 20% or so (again, fully communicated by the HSE) are indeed "double-jabbed." I lumped the one-dose vaccinated and fully vaccinated together in my toy example, even though technically it weakens my side of the argument.

From the article linked above, quoting the HSE executive:

""The vaccination status in ICU, 62% of ICU cases currently in hospital aren't vaccinated at all.

"They haven't had any vaccination, which is very high proportion of the population who have not been vaccinated.

"15% are partially vaccinated, the remaining 20 to 23% are fully vaccinated.""

Fair enough. I had read different but if that is the case, that is the case. If we get through the winter with a similar ratio, I will consider the vaccination programme a success. Be back next March with the answer unless it changes in the meantime.

Quote from: Grim Reality on August 27, 2021, 11:48:42 AM
I've said it before, but of course big business and those in positions of power are manipulating the situation for their own gain. We, the proles, the serfs are being pushed around and controlled and fed shit. That's always been the case. You act like it's something new.

You've said this to me before here, and I fully expect most on here to disagree with me on this, as evidenced to me by the everyday reality I live in. It's grim! Just because it's nothing new doesn't mean we can't do anything about it, and one doesn't need conspiracy theories when it is all being played out in reality right in front of us in a non-theoretical fashion. Problem reaction solution, over and over. Keep the masses terrified and they will buy whatever is being sold. Not confined to health either. It's everywhere.

QuoteOf course there will be boosters. It doesn't take much knowledge of virology the pharmaceutical industry to call that one from the very earliest days of covid.

It's back to the risk/benefit for me anyway. There is fuck all in it for me in taking the vaccine as of this minute. Others might feel different and that's up to them. I have yet to advise anybody not to do it. I will however take pot shots at the propaganda where I see it.

I have also watched the video from the Derry doctor (was familiar with her from The Irish Inquiry videos on youtube), and have no reason to believe she is lying and putting her career and reputation on the line like that for nothing. I'm going to remain in the control group for the time being but to be fair that is nothing to do with her video which is only out a few days.

The last two times a pandemic-busting vaccine was rolled out in a hurry, it ended badly. No rush into this one without proper results to go on, which we don't have.

I'll edit here rather than go again, but further to the point of the unvaccinated being more likely to end up in ICU than the vaccinated, there is work being done which indicates far more durable immunity from natural infection. 13 times better, this study suggests https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/natural-immunity-is-stronger-than-vaccination-study-suggests

Still advocating for the Great Barrington Declaration over here!

Just responding to the risk/benefit bit as the reason not to take the vaccine.

Would you not consider the chain of infection angle?

Like the main reason for young and healthy to get vaccinated is not to protect themselves. It's to attempt to stop being a link in the viral spread which may infect and kill a vulnerable person (parent, relative, friend...) but leave you with just the impression of a mild cold.

It's only the vulnerable who need the vaccine primarily to protect themselves. The rest of us do it for the benefit of wider society.

Says a black metal misanthropist!!!!

Jaysus don't be encouraging him!

Quote from: Grim Reality on August 27, 2021, 08:28:46 PM
Like the main reason for young and healthy to get vaccinated is not to protect themselves. It's to attempt to stop being a link in the viral spread which may infect and kill a vulnerable person (parent, relative, friend...) but leave you with just the impression of a mild cold.

It's only the vulnerable who need the vaccine primarily to protect themselves. The rest of us do it for the benefit of wider society.

Do you catch a cold/flu every year and if so, have you ever thought about how many vulnerable people you could potentially kill by passing it on, prior to Coronavirus?

Flu is a killer no doubt about it, and a lot of people catch it every year. So why don't the government pay for our flu jabs.... to save lives and for the benefit of wider society right?

No sarcasm intended here by the way, genuine question.

70% of calls to Mississippi state poison control centre regarding ingestion of veterinary ivermectin:

Being a red state, I guess the influence of Fox 'talk to your expensive doctor about taking the vaccine, but ivermectin, go for it!' News is pretty strong there.

Quote from: Giggles on August 27, 2021, 08:48:26 PM
Flu is a killer no doubt about it, and a lot of people catch it every year. So why don't the government pay for our flu jabs.... to save lives and for the benefit of wider society right?

Worst flu year in the last 10 years in the US, 2017-2018 season, 61,000 estimated deaths. COVID, 650,000 estimated deaths. COVID is not the flu. COVID is not H1N1. This time it is different.


Why do you have to ruin a perfectly legitimate, informed and smart post with a completely dumb remark about red states and Fox News? Maybe you were trying for a laugh, but it's not your strong suit!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 27, 2021, 09:31:33 PM
Why do you have to ruin a perfectly legitimate, informed and smart post with a completely dumb remark about red states and Fox News? Maybe you were trying for a laugh, but it's not your strong suit!

Fox News are undoubtedly responsible for a significant portion of vaccine resistance in the US, and they're simultaneously pushing ivermectin. I wasn't trying for a laugh; it's a tragic fact. Yet another one from dumb remark grand central; Fox News.

#3254 August 27, 2021, 09:37:51 PM Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 09:40:45 PM by Giggles
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 27, 2021, 09:21:04 PM
Worst flu year in the last 10 years in the US, 2017-2018 season, 61,000 estimated deaths. COVID, 650,000 estimated deaths. COVID is not the flu. COVID is not H1N1. This time it is different.


Right... but I'm not talking about comparing stats, I'm talking about the mindset.

Have any of ye ever genuinely given a fuck about passing on the flu and killing a vulnerable person prior to covid?
I'm sure some of ye may have put off visiting yer granny if you were proper dosed up.
But have any of ye, having already known that flu kills x amount of people per year, ever made a conscious decision not to go to the shops, or go to work while you were sick, for fear of passing the flu onto somebody in an attempt to stop being "a link in the viral spread"?