Marxist waffle. It'll never happen, not in this old world.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 26, 2020, 10:00:09 AM
Well it's kind of strange wording. I mean, simply saying we are aiming to build stronger communities that look out for each other makes a lot of sense. In fact, it's a sentiment that seems to ring true across the spectrum of politics, but when it comes from the left it's considered communism by the right, and when it comes from the right it's considered insular and nationalistic by the left! I'm not really sure what that has to do with the nuclear family, though, particularly when you consider the strides western countries have made in terms of the acceptance of gay culture- and the arguable over-correction there too in terms of the over-emphasis on gay culture and the various interconnected elements of such in every aspect of life these days from shops pointlessly displaying rainbow flags and the gayness of tv and media- not a big issue,  but certainly a remarkable one. Gay couples can adopt kids, live where they want, work where they want etc. so to make out like BLM are fighting for some distant utopia when half of what they are supposedly struggling for is already the world they live in makes me scratch my balding head in confusion. Just my view on it. I'm sure I'll be told I'm wrong and that I am blind to the real power struggle behind the illusory one being presented by the puppet master etc etc... I am just about intelligent enough to make sense of existence as I see it without adding extra layers of intrigue  :laugh:

Yeah the community stuff you mention makes sense to me too. The text on their website sounds graaaand to me, but 'dismantle the nuclear family' sounded like they were coming for me :) but looks like a case of Purple Monkey Dishwasher  :)

Haha true. There's a fair bit of purple monkey dishwashering flying about on both sides. I think there is a sensible middle ground where good ideas can be hashed out if we can let go of ideologies a bit.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 25, 2020, 11:53:56 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 25, 2020, 03:49:33 PM

The machine read some of my comments and fed me this. Of course the guy could be a capitalist plant, but what he says is pretty funny in light of current events.

Everything he says here is an echo of discourse that was already mainstream in the US via Sidney Hook, James Conant and ultimately McCarthy beginning in the 1940s, taking form initially through the purges of "communist" university staff and then spilling over into the media and elsewhere. The calls for an overhaul of education are identical, and in the US they have always been applied.

From where I'm looking, the difficulty of the ideological battle between freedom of thought and totalitarianism (i.e. in a system built conceptually on the idea of freedom of thought, how do you combat a thought system that supposedly wishes to eradicate freedom of thought without in the process undermining that core concept of freedom), the battle that James Dewey grappled with unsuccessfully up until his death, was ultimately defused by the totalitarianism of the cult of a self that is defined by the set of commodities each individual accrues and identifies themselves (their "self") with. Peterson's fantastical idea of "cultural Marxism" is just another echo of the same phantom against which the necessity for self-assertion, grounded in the notion of "freedom of thought", is again shored up. Ideologically I don't see that really anything essential has changed, but the means, the media (as in, plural of medium) through which any and every side are communicated are more liquid, some would now say gaseous, than ever; meaning ungraspable. If the medium is the message, then the message is now ungraspable. But consumer capitalism embraces all of it, feeds on all of it, as it always has.

I'm sure if I followed that rabbit hole I'd find what he says was certainly already old news in 1984

Yeah, consumer capitalism will feed on anything, even to the point of selling us communism to make a buck. I feel a lot of what goes down in general regarding pushing one ideology or another boils down to simple consumer capitalism and you've hit the nail on the head with that assertion.

Even the likes of BLM is mass marketed to the point where the initial idea gets swallowed up along the way and someone somewhere is making money off it, even in indirect ways where things like gun sales or similar go up. The rainbow movement is more mass marketed shit shoved down all of our throats as well and even the supporters of these movements fail to see that they are simply being marketed to, however altruistic their aims seem to be on the face of it. "Look, it's rainbow themed shampoo. I'm washing my hair for equality!" I'm not particularly singling out those two groups either, they are just the most obvious two at the moment off the top of my head.

Bill Hicks was discussed a bit in the comedy thread, and whatever one may think of his being funny or not he was absolutely bang on about marketing. Not that he was the first or last to see how truly insidious it is.

Hicks' politics were basically imported wholesale from Chomsky; "Chomsky with dick jokes" he was once nick-named. So, once again, but this time with a link, set aside the time to get through this monument* of media analysis if you're interested:

*Again, disclaimer, I'm not saying it represents absolute truth or anything like it, but as a time-capsule presentation of topics ranging from media and marketing to media and propaganda to media and censorship, there's nothing really more comprehensive out there, and you'll be stunned at the revelation of just how little things have fundamentally changed.

Yeah I'll give that a watch. Probably take me a few goes but I'll take more of it in that way

#457 June 26, 2020, 06:39:08 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:26:49 PM by mugz

Quote from: mugz on June 25, 2020, 05:04:56 PM...but those things are old now and of no consequence.

In a lot of ways, we're all old now and of no consequence, but at least I'm trying to help in what limited ways I can.

What the utter fuck are you on about?
How are we all old now?
What about people who aren't old?
What about people who are older than other people but still aren't particularly old?
Who exactly are "we"?
What about those that are of consequence?
What the fuck does that even mean?
How are you trying to help?
Again, what the fuck does that even mean?
Are you referring to volunteering for meals on wheels? Or just emptying the bins at home? Or posting vague shite masquerading as profound statements on internet forums?
Dialectics...Bezmenov...Stoichkov...Hegel...Djemba Djemba...stuff...words etc

#459 June 26, 2020, 07:32:40 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:27:32 PM by mugz

It's not that I don't like what you're saying, it's more your inability to articulate a single coherent thought. Whatever. Maybe what you're saying is so incredibly profound it literally transcends comprehension.

And just so you know, I've been quoting Berkovitz before it was fashionable to listen to him.

Quote from: John Kimble on June 26, 2020, 08:29:38 PM
And just so you know, I've been quoting Berkovitz before it was fashionable to listen to him.

Is it fashionable to listen to him? I'll probably never do it again. I did enjoy that one short video but it's nothing I haven't thought all by myself while not swallowing it hook line and sinker at the same time. Like I see a lot of things but I'm still none the wiser and that clip is no different. I'd go away thinking what is the point of him saying any of that, that the objective of the enemy is to create chaos and then sowing it in at the end by saying the only way is to fight back against it all, creating more chaos and just adding fuel to the fire inherent in the idea.

Like he is interesting but also pointless

#464 June 26, 2020, 10:20:31 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:28:08 PM by mugz