Quote from: astfgyl on August 10, 2024, 05:15:55 PMDo you think that everything I say is not in civic interest? Read it all. Think about it.

I am for freedom and I can't believe that anyone else isn't. Sometimes I think people took that mad shit just so they wouldn't be anti

I think most people took the vaccine because they have seen how vaccines have saved millions of lives over the last hundred years. I took the vaccine and when I got covid it was a hell of a lot better than my non vaccinated friends who got it at the same time.

The fifty lads at least that I know who didn't partake are all the solid finest.

As are all the lads I know who did take it

#6497 August 10, 2024, 10:25:38 PM Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 10:29:54 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: Ollkiller on August 10, 2024, 06:22:45 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on August 10, 2024, 05:15:55 PMDo you think that everything I say is not in civic interest? Read it all. Think about it.

I am for freedom and I can't believe that anyone else isn't. Sometimes I think people took that mad shit just so they wouldn't be anti

I think most people took the vaccine because they have seen how vaccines have saved millions of lives over the last hundred years. I took the vaccine and when I got covid it was a hell of a lot better than my non vaccinated friends who got it at the same time.

What about me then who didn't take it and still got the vid but was not a bother

Edit: I'm not anti at all either. I think it's worth saying that i don't think anyone is wrong for thinking different to me

Edit 2: I still think everyone was sold a pup though

Quote from: Ollkiller on August 10, 2024, 06:22:45 PMI took the vaccine and when I got covid it was a hell of a lot better than my non vaccinated friends who got it at the same time

Quote from: astfgyl on August 10, 2024, 10:25:38 PMWhat about me then who didn't take it and still got the vid but was not a bother

Given the sheer amount of stuff you read and watched about various aspects of COVID over the space of two years or so, I'd be curious how well your chosen sources equipped you to answer a legitimate epidemiological question like that for yourself.

Quote from: Ollkiller on August 10, 2024, 06:22:45 PMI think most people took the vaccine because they have seen how vaccines have saved millions of lives over the last hundred years. I took the vaccine and when I got covid it was a hell of a lot better than my non vaccinated friends who got it at the same time.

I think most people took the vaccine because they just wanted things to get back to normal, or because they felt pressured into getting it by family or society.

I didn't take it and breezed through covid twice, possibly 3 times. Some people I know who took the vaccine said that the dose of covid they got after the vaccine was way worse, compared to the dose they got before they got the vaccine. Some friends reported the opposite. Different strains, different lifestyles, yada yada who knows?

I'm not anti-vaccine, I got hepatitis and rabies shots when I knew I was going to a jungle in South East Asia, and would be hours away from decent medical attention.

But getting a covid shot because of an allegedly shit handling of a crisis in Italy where a bunch of old people died, and I'm about 40 years younger than the average age of people dying, and with no underlying medical conditions? Yeah, nah.

Should probably move this conversation to the covid thread though.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 12, 2024, 05:58:41 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on August 10, 2024, 06:22:45 PMI took the vaccine and when I got covid it was a hell of a lot better than my non vaccinated friends who got it at the same time

Quote from: astfgyl on August 10, 2024, 10:25:38 PMWhat about me then who didn't take it and still got the vid but was not a bother

Given the sheer amount of stuff you read and watched about various aspects of COVID over the space of two years or so, I'd be curious how well your chosen sources equipped you to answer a legitimate epidemiological question like that for yourself.

I would just throw that question right back at you in reverse. You might be in the science loop but that doesn't mean you knew any more than I did. Seems to me you were just willing to throw your lot in with big business and I wasn't. But sure hey, whatever you thought would buy the freedom back....

And yeah I'm with Giggles on not ruining the thread with it. The only reason I brought it up was because of censorship and misinformation. I really couldn't give a fuck about covid other than the awful push to line the pockets of the pharma lobby

#6501 August 12, 2024, 11:49:05 PM Last Edit: August 12, 2024, 11:52:53 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Giggles on August 12, 2024, 10:05:30 PMI'm about 40 years younger than the average age of people dying, and with no underlying medical conditions

Do you know how many people, in general at any given time, have underlying medical conditions they're not aware of? The two people I know who didn't get vaccinated and winded up in ICU both thought they were fighting fit to combat COVID without assistance. So did I, and probably I was. But that's the big question, the big public health question that had to be reckoned: how many of those who got vaccinated only under duress, those who wouldn't have bothered getting vaccinated without significant pressure, how many of those, thinking they were fighting fit, would nevertheless also have ended up in an emergency room, in an ICU, or in the morgue? With all the attending consequences of that, first and foremost being the immediate stress on the health service.

At the peak of the vaccine rollout, when there was only about 7% of the Irish adult population still unvaccinated, that population nevertheless accounted for just over half of ICU admissions. So imagine if everyone had just been given the choice and not 7% but 30% or 40% of the Irish adult population had decided they were fighting fit enough. The two of you would have been grand, and probably I would have been grand, but that doesn't counter what the epidemiology statistics state pretty loud and clear, which is that many people, including in our age group, would have been fucked and would have consequently fucked the health service.

Pfizer being utter cocks doesn't enter into this part of the equation. Nor does Pfizer being utter cocks mean that the vaccine developed on the basis of decades of research was "mad shit." All the people shrieking about the vaccine being "experimental gene therapy," etc., were spreading misinformation which was landing people in ICUs and getting some of them killed. Was there a different kind of misinformation being spread aimed at making Pfizer, etc., rich (mandating for young children, endless boosters, etc.)? Of course, naturally: welcome to capitalism! But they're distinct issues nonetheless.

A lot of people seem to think alright they just cobbled together a vaccine. A friend of mine works in that area, and like you said, he told me how it's based on countless years of research. Last I'm gonna say on it. I'm done talking about covid.

When I was writing that post, I was actually going to add "to my knowledge" after the no medical conditions part, but I didn't bother as I assumed that was a given. And here you are pouncing on it  :laugh:

I get what you're saying with the numbers, but I'm not interested in debating any of that. I was just merely replying to Ollkiller and Emphyrio's posts.

I wouldn't convince nor discourage anybody about the vaccines because what they do is none of my business.

I took the risk, I'm still alive and the state didn't have to hand over money to Pfizer on my behalf. Win win if you ask me!

Fuck COVID and fuck Pfizer. We have our points of agreement gentlemen. More or less.  :laugh:

This could go in crimes, but since it's about the riots:

QuoteJudge Robert Linford then rounded on Cann telling him that according to his police interview he discussed with them "about the better use of taxpayers' money and why people were having to pay to keep these people in this country after committing such heinous crimes."

Judge Linford then launched a stinging rebuke to Cann saying: "So let's look at how the taxpayer have been funding your activities over the last 38 years - let's see what you've cost the country: you've got 10 aliases, four fictitious birth dates, you're 51 years of age, you've been convicted of 170 offences, you been convicted of theft, arson, taking cars, handling stolen goods, obtaining by deception, burglary, dangerous driving and possessing bladed articles. In all over the years that you've been visiting the criminal justice system you've received sentences totalling 357 months in prison, many of them concurrent.

"In other words, nearly 30 years. That Mr Cann is what you've been costing this country and you sit there in that interview and saw fit to be critical of others. You have no right whatever to say who should or should not be in this country."

Told!  :laugh:

 :laugh: he got fucking scalded but he should have been locked up for all his other crimes long ago

How is this cunt out and about with that record? Incredible. Richly deserved mauling n'all :)