Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 19, 2024, 06:27:10 PMFolk pulling down temporary fences and folk frequently setting private property on fire don't require the same level of policing. There's nothing political about that. It's common sense. Unless you've taken a serious blow to the head.

Let's see what would happen if fences were pulled down at migrant centres. You well know how that would go and that's also common sense unless you've taken a blow to the head

Quote from: John Kimble on July 19, 2024, 07:18:34 PMI suspect that astfgyl has indeed taken some sort of a blow to the head, or is in the midst of a nervous breakdown, or perhaps needs to lay off whatever shit he's clearly taking on a regular basis. Either way, please give it a rest lad. Delete your Instagram, or Facebook, or tiktok or whatever. Go for a fucking walk and clear your head. You'd be surprised at how inconsequential some of this stuff actually is once you filter out the noise.

Good man yourself. I would suggest that you turn off your RTE and National Radio and stop reading national newspapers and reading The Journal. But then you'd probably tell me to fuck off with my stupid ad hominem shit that doesn't actually address any of the points that you haven't made with that waste of time of a post.

Do you think I don't leave the house and go to work and pay my taxes like any other cunt does and do you think you have some sort of smarter view than I do because you've learned to enjoy having your shit pushed in before having it smeared in your face by your government

Well give me your view on it then instead of that shite

We have corrupt insane legislators, a corrupt banking system, corrupted education system, broken health system dominated by corrupt private interests, no housing and a corrupt planning system, no proper indigenous manufacturing/processing industry (the IDA are corrupt), corrupt judiciary, corrupt policing service, no national defence (no nation as we don't appear to have borders any more), we are being over-run by illegal aliens sucking up our money and resources, and a brainwashed indigenous population fat and ignorant on a diet of propaganda and state manipulation, but sure its all "inconsequential" and certainly nothing a bracing walk can't sort out.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on July 19, 2024, 11:31:16 PMWe have corrupt insane legislators, a corrupt banking system, corrupted education system, broken health system dominated by corrupt private interests, no housing and a corrupt planning system, no proper indigenous manufacturing/processing industry (the IDA are corrupt), corrupt judiciary, corrupt policing service, no national defence (no nation as we don't appear to have borders any more), we are being over-run by illegal aliens sucking up our money and resources, and a brainwashed indigenous population fat and ignorant on a diet of propaganda and state manipulation, but sure its all "inconsequential" and certainly nothing a bracing walk can't sort out.

Jaysus lad I'd nearly have to go for a walk after reading that  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

What I would like is for someone to take any of the points you've made and present the counter argument (after a nice walk of course!) so that people with head injuries like myself can learn to accept the conversion therapy like they have. Now nothing will change or anything but with the proper engagement from the government and national broadcasters and newspaper articles calling me the far right then maybe I can simply learn to like the bumming and the shit being smeared in my face due to rampant capitalism of the worst kind imaginable

#6214 July 20, 2024, 12:36:31 AM Last Edit: July 20, 2024, 12:46:50 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
The only thing I'd find objectionable there is taking refugees, asylum seekers, etc. (who for the most part are just normal people trying to modestly improve their less than modest lot) and seemingly putting them on a par with an almost uniformly corrupt elite who knowingly and gratuitously fuck over the masses to grossly improve their already fattened lot. On the whole, you're going to find way more sound folk in the first group, and that's why personally I'd throw in with them against the establishment. Who are not only responsible for every other money sucking and resource mismanaging gripe you list, but also mismanage the refugee situation itself in terms of both money and resources.

Quote from: astfgyl on July 19, 2024, 11:47:44 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on July 19, 2024, 11:31:16 PMWe have corrupt insane legislators, a corrupt banking system, corrupted education system, broken health system dominated by corrupt private interests, no housing and a corrupt planning system, no proper indigenous manufacturing/processing industry (the IDA are corrupt), corrupt judiciary, corrupt policing service, no national defence (no nation as we don't appear to have borders any more), we are being over-run by illegal aliens sucking up our money and resources, and a brainwashed indigenous population fat and ignorant on a diet of propaganda and state manipulation, but sure its all "inconsequential" and certainly nothing a bracing walk can't sort out.

Jaysus lad I'd nearly have to go for a walk after reading that  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

What I would like is for someone to take any of the points you've made and present the counter argument (after a nice walk of course!) so that people with head injuries like myself can learn to accept the conversion therapy like they have. Now nothing will change or anything but with the proper engagement from the government and national broadcasters and newspaper articles calling me the far right then maybe I can simply learn to like the bumming and the shit being smeared in my face due to rampant capitalism of the worst kind imaginable

I feel your pain man, as someone with an acquired brain injury myself (I fell over and hit my noggin when I was a ladeen and ever since when I open my eyes all I can see is reality) it would be very beneficial if someone would tell me what I should be seeing so that I could at least pretend to be retarded.

Ah here I can only wish you the best. It's a long road but I eventually got declared retarded

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 20, 2024, 12:36:31 AMThe only thing I'd find objectionable there is taking refugees, asylum seekers, etc. (who for the most part are just normal people trying to modestly improve their less than modest lot) and seemingly putting them on a par with an almost uniformly corrupt elite who knowingly and gratuitously fuck over the masses to grossly improve their already fattened lot. On the whole, you're going to find way more sound folk in the first group, and that's why personally I'd throw in with them against the establishment. Who are not only responsible for every other money sucking and resource mismanaging gripe you list, but also mismanage the refugee situation itself in terms of both money and resources.

One thing I'd like to get straight is that I do not in any way blame the refugees for coming here. Even the raping and murdering ones. Being realistic if I was a raping murderer from Somalia I couldn't think of a better place to start a new life with a new identity than Ireland.

That is the reality. Do you have any argument against that at all or have we finally achieved pure equilibrium?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 20, 2024, 12:36:31 AMThe only thing I'd find objectionable there is taking refugees, asylum seekers, etc. (who for the most part are just normal people trying to modestly improve their less than modest lot) and seemingly putting them on a par with an almost uniformly corrupt elite who knowingly and gratuitously fuck over the masses to grossly improve their already fattened lot. On the whole, you're going to find way more sound folk in the first group, and that's why personally I'd throw in with them against the establishment. Who are not only responsible for every other money sucking and resource mismanaging gripe you list, but also mismanage the refugee situation itself in terms of both money and resources.

Sure why don't ya Illegally enter Nigeria, tear up your passport, call them racist, demand they accommodate feed and clothe you at their expense and throw in with them over there against their corrupt establishment. What could go wrong? Bring down the Nigerian elite and then the for the most part normal Nigerians  won't have to come over here at all and everyone is happy. Problem solved. (just using Nigeria as an example)
Fuck me lad, If you think foreigners dependant on the state are going to join with you to bite the hand that feeds them you're more naive than I thought.
I don't think you understand the scale of this problem and furthermore I have a suspicion that you yourself have no proper sense of national identity

jaysus. Pure getting the popcorn out here after that last line. I have my suspicions that the lad is a Shinner as well which will make it even harder to answer for him if true

Yes, I know it's Gript so take it with a huge pinch of salt but still a fairly bleak video.

Morrigan: I have a robust sense of national identity, it's just not steeped in imported ideas about blood and soil, so you can consider me unruffled by your suppositions.

Gript: Alludes to social deprivation which pre-dates immigration but doesn't detail it, doesn't push for the government to address it. Typical far right, they couldn't give a shit about Irish people from deprived areas beyond how they can be mobilized to their cause.

The (proper) left angle on migration has always been clear: address domestic social deprivation; combat the kind of ravaging global imperialism which gives rise to mass emigration (everyone ready for the 2 million Gazans who've been left with nowhere to live all with the blessing of every major western power?); welcome in a spirit of genuine integration and constructive cooperation those people already on the move.

Centrist "liberals" and the right? Don't address domestic social deprivation; exploit ravaging global imperialism for private gain for the upper crust; pay lip service to welcoming refugees but do absolutely nothing constructive towards integration and cooperation, banking on the far right to mobilize anger generated via social deprivation to turn on the immigrants rather than on the architects.

It's all right there to be seen by anyone who has eyes that can look beyond their own navel.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 20, 2024, 11:19:47 AMMorrigan: I have a robust sense of national identity, it's just not steeped in imported ideas about blood and soil, so you can consider me unruffled by your suppositions.

Gript: Alludes to social deprivation which pre-dates immigration but doesn't detail it, doesn't push for the government to address it. Typical far right, they couldn't give a shit about Irish people from deprived areas beyond how they can be mobilized to their cause.

The (proper) left angle on migration has always been clear: address domestic social deprivation; combat the kind of ravaging global imperialism which gives rise to mass emigration (everyone ready for the 2 million Gazans who've been left with nowhere to live all with the blessing of every major western power?); welcome in a spirit of genuine integration and constructive cooperation those people already on the move.

Centrist "liberals" and the right? Don't address domestic social deprivation; exploit ravaging global imperialism for private gain for the upper crust; pay lip service to welcoming refugees but do absolutely nothing constructive towards integration and cooperation, banking on the far right to mobilize anger generated via social deprivation to turn on the immigrants rather than on the architects.

It's all right there to be seen by anyone who has eyes that can look beyond their own navel.

Sound man. That wasn't meant as an insult by the way, just an observation, right or wrong of it.

It doesn't bother me. I'm a Gaelic revivalist, unified Ireland man through and through: two aspects we see precious little of represented among the majority of the far right heads, especially the ones from Dublin, more and more of whom seem to identify more with ulster loyalists and BNP lads than they do with any Irish speaker whose skin happens to be a shade darker than parchment. Same time, sure enough, plenty of "progressives" who've lost all notion, even abstract, of their roots. Found myself the other day arguing with some mook claiming it revealed a "superficial" sense of national identity when John Mullane, still exuberant with the thrill of a great match, said our Irishness is rooted in the GAA. I left him with plenty to chew on about what Irishness might mean today, if anything, had a passionate group of our ancestors not felt that level of dedication to starting associations like the GAA, Conradh na Gaeilge, agus araile. Would we even be an independent country at all today??

Cowboys Ted, they're a bunch of cowboys! 

Sure we're pretty much cut from the same cloth so lad.
I'm a died in the wool nationalist and unified Ireland man too. I want to see the end of partition and a one nation island controlled by the Irish, for the Irish.
My worry is that if the island is flooded with foreigners and our culture diluted and bastardised by outside influence, what Ireland is there left to unite.
A nation may be defined by its borders but it is sustained and nurtured by its people.
Integration is a myth, if anyone from anywhere can be Irish, no one is Irish.