It's no news that there's scum gardai who love an opportunity to go overboard, and like Democrats discovering conspiracy theories during the week, it's just as funny when leftists all of a sudden talk as if the gardai are saints. Unfortunately unlikely, but it'd be great to see some of them disciplined, especially for that old woman. But where/how was it established that the boy was standing in his own front garden when he was pepper-sprayed? I only saw the video of the mother talking about it in the midst of the protest and she just says "he's over there."

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 17, 2024, 02:15:45 PMIt's no news that there's scum gardai who love an opportunity to go overboard, and like Democrats discovering conspiracy theories during the week, it's just as funny when leftists all of a sudden talk as if the gardai are saints. Unfortunately unlikely, but it'd be great to see some of them disciplined, especially for that old woman. But where/how was it established that the boy was standing in his own front garden when he was pepper-sprayed? I only saw the video of the mother talking about it in the midst of the protest and she just says "he's over there."

Dead right. There are Scum Gardai and Scum Protesters but I'm still of the belief that most of either cohort are not scum. Think about the Good Protesters and Good Gardai that make up the majority and now think about the events underpinning the reactions of each. I think the same holds true for the majority of migrants but the same does not hold true for the government. They are all bad and indisputably so. Surely that is the one bit of common ground everyone can meet in the middle on.

Also the Garda Commissioner being ex-RUC is unforgivable. That surely can't be in any way contentious either. It's not contentious among the Gardai as was evidenced by the overwhelming vote of no confidence in him not so long ago. It's like the government are taking shit and smearing it in our faces doing a thing like that. Unforgivable. That is not inclusivity, it's actually incitement to violence as evidenced by the RUC-style tactics and catholic-in-NI-style reactions to the very sight of the New Age Black And Tans beating and pepper spraying tolerance into 70 year olds and small children at a protest near you.

This whole IPAS thing - if you follow the money - is the most gruesome possible form of human trafficking based capitalism behind the mere facade of egalitarian socialism that one could possibly imagine. It's beyond disgraceful and tantamount to treason that our own supposed government is in full support of it.

It's as if people have learned nothing since 2020 when it was all laid out in graphic terms in our real lives just how filthy and rotten that the whole system of everything really is.

How come nobody occupies Wall Street anymore? Did it all get fixed then so that movement had no need to exist anymore? I must brush up on what ended it actually I can't remember this minute

Two more arson attacks in the last two days: Crown Paints in Coolock and the old Railway Hotel in Limerick.

Saw the Crown Paints factory one and I can't understand how they'd have gotten past security given how famous the place has suddenly become. Didn't hear about the Limerick one. I condone neither despite being generally sickened by the whole situation

After a protest last night on the Grand Canal that was against the Government evicting refugees from camping there the protesters pulled all of fencing down that has been put up over the last few weeks.

#6201 July 19, 2024, 06:11:11 PM Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 06:28:30 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: mickO))) on July 19, 2024, 03:53:01 PMAfter a protest last night on the Grand Canal that was against the Government evicting refugees from camping there the protesters pulled all of fencing down that has been put up over the last few weeks.

Yeah but pro migrant protesters are not a public order issue even when they clearly are. It's what is known as political policing and the New Black And Tans, led by EX-RUC (good fucking lord that's just the fucking pits) are very much au fait with it and the rest of us clearly need re-education and conversion therapy until we agree with it. Currently the Nationwide Neurolinguistic Programming Initiative through the evening news and the national papers as well as official government correspondence is not doing the trick, but the pepper spray and baton approach currently in operation in tandem with the aforementioned NLP is really starting to see results. Oh wait no, it's making everyone wake up to the human trafficking based sickening capitalism and wealth transfer that is happening under our noses, supported by government, gardai and government funded non governmental organisations but not to worry, some more persuasion should fix all that and get us really liking the fucking sickening carry on.

Folk pulling down temporary fences and folk frequently setting private property on fire don't require the same level of policing. There's nothing political about that. It's common sense. Unless you've taken a serious blow to the head.

Quote from: astfgyl on July 19, 2024, 06:11:11 PMYeah but pro migrant protesters are not a public order issue even when they clearly are.

I read it cost Waterways Ireland over 150k to put the fences up so will be some cost in fixing it and replacing the damaged ones but sure it's all in the name of a good cause so they will of course get a pass.

I suspect that astfgyl has indeed taken some sort of a blow to the head, or is in the midst of a nervous breakdown, or perhaps needs to lay off whatever shit he's clearly taking on a regular basis. Either way, please give it a rest lad. Delete your Instagram, or Facebook, or tiktok or whatever. Go for a fucking walk and clear your head. You'd be surprised at how inconsequential some of this stuff actually is once you filter out the noise.

#6205 July 19, 2024, 07:46:27 PM Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 07:53:11 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
It cost Waterways Ireland around 150k to clear the tents and put up the fences in the name of health and safety. The legal costs and potential damages incurred against them due to paralyzing a man in the process will prob set them back a lot more than that.

Edit: In the meantime, Crown Paints in Coolock has been set alight again.

The thickest thickos in Thickotown. Is it not being patrolled to avoid this, though.

Equally, the spastics in Limerick burned a building due to be used for students. Great doing their own research involved, clearly.

Does anybody know if planning permission is being applied for for these IPAS centres or has the state found a work around and in doing so denied people the right to object?

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on July 19, 2024, 09:34:14 PMDoes anybody know if planning permission is being applied for for these IPAS centres or has the state found a work around and in doing so denied people the right to object?

In 2023 the Government changed the legislation so that any facility which is to be used as a migration centre will not need planning permission.

Quote from: mickO))) on July 19, 2024, 09:40:20 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on July 19, 2024, 09:34:14 PMDoes anybody know if planning permission is being applied for for these IPAS centres or has the state found a work around and in doing so denied people the right to object?

In 2023 the Government changed the legislation so that any facility which is to be used as a migration centre will not need planning permission.

Thanks Man, I thought as much, what a fucking shower of insidious cunts they truly are.