Regarding code words, I knew a guy who was working late Saturday in the KFC in Ballymena. Phone rang and the guy at the other end simply said "Codeword Sierra. Stop serving RUC or your staff will be targeted."
Now, they had just served a squad of them who were eating outside, so he nervously approached them and told them what happened.
They rang it through and said it was just a prank and not to worry about it.

Several months later they heard that the guy who did it was in a naughty gang and yes it was a prank but Sierra was an actual code word at one point.

I think there's going to be some offence taken to the new Anti Racism Action Plan and the choice of spokesperson. Tis a bit ridiculous.

#6167 July 03, 2024, 03:16:09 PM Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 03:18:29 PM by stearl
Just an example of a quote from the rapporteur to whom I think your referring astfgyl:

"I eat potatoes all the time, so it won't be too hard for you to go to an African restaurant and eat an African meal. Bring four or five friends with you, I guarantee it won't disappoint."

A brilliant decision to appoint her.

Aye that's her. I think she said ribena was racist at one point :laugh:

Well tbf it wasn't exactly like that but she thought the waiter might be racist for fucking up her order rather than just thinking they fucked up.

Honestly this shit is counterproductive and will cause far more racism than it ever solves.

I work with a Nigerian woman and we get on great and one day I said something was a bit racist while she was in the room and the other lads there said to me you can't say the word racist in front of a black person I mean like what the fuck sort of attitude is that when we're all working together. Obviously she didn't give a fuck because the conversation was nothing to do with her and I thought we'd reached equality years ago but the likes of that crap to me seems racist and stupid more than saying the word does.

It's like everything has to be forced rather than just happening naturally when people integrate over a few years. I know plenty of black people and this shit doesn't even come into conversation and I'd expect them to give as much of a fuck that I'm white as I do that they're black, ie none. Like I might ask them about the culture where they come from if they're not born here but I'd ask a white English lad the same thing.

It's just fucking stupid really to the extent I wonder if it's actually designed to drive enough stooks to open racism so that hate speech laws can be brought in by trojan horse

I don't think our government are that clever to be honest.

But, it is easy to see how the likes of Dr Joseph can harden the views of those in the middle ground with the racism around every corner schtick.

I had the pleasure of attending a remote workplace seminar with her in 2021 - I was not convinced at all - plenty of senior management nodding like dogs though.

Aye maybe I'm giving them too much credit there but just look at how that limerick girl getting the beating is being spun now and I wouldn't put it past them to take every opportunity even if they didn't exactly plan it. She's certainly making the most of her moment in the sun as well but it seems to be driving in the wrong direction to me. Immediate talk of hate crimes rather than just applying the laws we have and maybe sending lads to prison for violent crimes. Like if a lad is going to do that, I don't think hate speech legislation will be the thing that stops them but a good strong sentence might. A lot of the news and social media lately seems to be sort of race baiting too. Indeed most likely for clicks but it could lead to some weird censorship if it stays going

Quote from: astfgyl on July 03, 2024, 05:49:30 PMA lot of the news and social media lately seems to be sort of race baiting too. Indeed most likely for clicks but it could lead to some weird censorship if it stays going

This has defo grown in the last few months and defo for clicks.

Yeah it seems to be universal as well rather than any one side. Only social I look at is twitter and it seems the monetization of clicks on there has really accelerated things. Hopefully that'll die down too and folks will ignore it more. Me included. I almost have the timeline cleansed at this stage because some of the baiting was working a bit too well on me and the more I clicked the more I got so I had to go back to liking cats and fails for my scrolling addicted fingers. But yeah even the proper papers seem to be at it in their socials now because even bad attention is better than none for media companies.

#6173 July 03, 2024, 10:03:21 PM Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 10:14:24 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Speaking of racists, the election season here is absolutely wild. Too many things to remember, but to give the general scene, the Front National apparently didn't fully "vet" all their candidates. Turns out one of them, a woman, organized an armed hostage situation in a townhall in the 90s. Another was under investigation for undeclared earnings but his case was thrown out last year because he is under guardianship for "deficient mental capacity" making him ineligible for office too  :laugh:

Edit: this photo is just taking the piss out of the RN, not an actual candidate. Sorry, the madness makes the line between satire and reality so thin :laugh:

There's so many candidates doing a better job than anyone else could of making fools of themselves in interviews, etc., though. Never seen the likes of it. The Irish head the balls had nothing on some of this lot, holy fuck!

"It's not racism Bill, it's Ethnic Criticism"

Throwing this in here because it's likely the most politically bent thread but it's sort of a random thought too.

Anyway so I came across a clip of nigel farage earlier and found myself agreeing with him. This of course set the old alarm bells ringing in my head and it got me thinking:

Most people have a favourite between one side and the other in general and not too many of us are political extremists at all i would think, but with all the things we've seen as long as we've been paying any attention to politics; what in the name of God would make any of us support any of the lying bastards? Serious question, and I'm as guilty as anyone of falling for some of it sometimes but how many fucking times are we going to be codded and not just go for all out civil disobedience? Nothing works for anyone anymore and it's all fucked unless some sort of global occupy wall street effort takes off but what will be the final straw if anything?

Also, the term Populism is bandied about as a dirty word but what's wrong with politicians endeavouring to carry out the will of the folks who elected them? I think it has been made out to be a dirty word so that the political cunts can feel superior and be our masters rather than the servants they're actually supposed to be.

This isn't just because of the farage thing either, I just became suddenly disgusted with the whole thing when I went to vote in the local and euro elections lately and I haven't really been able to come back from how sickening it all really is. All of it

Quote from: astfgyl on July 04, 2024, 10:39:57 PMThrowing this in here because it's likely the most politically bent thread but it's sort of a random thought too.

Anyway so I came across a clip of nigel farage earlier and found myself agreeing with him. This of course set the old alarm bells ringing in my head and it got me thinking:

Most people have a favourite between one side and the other in general and not too many of us are political extremists at all i would think, but with all the things we've seen as long as we've been paying any attention to politics; what in the name of God would make any of us support any of the lying bastards? Serious question, and I'm as guilty as anyone of falling for some of it sometimes but how many fucking times are we going to be codded and not just go for all out civil disobedience? Nothing works for anyone anymore and it's all fucked unless some sort of global occupy wall street effort takes off but what will be the final straw if anything?

Also, the term Populism is bandied about as a dirty word but what's wrong with politicians endeavouring to carry out the will of the folks who elected them? I think it has been made out to be a dirty word so that the political cunts can feel superior and be our masters rather than the servants they're actually supposed to be.

This isn't just because of the farage thing either, I just became suddenly disgusted with the whole thing when I went to vote in the local and euro elections lately and I haven't really been able to come back from how sickening it all really is. All of it

Quote...only 57% of respondents aged 18 to 35 felt democracy was preferable to any other form of government, against 71% of those over 56, and 42% of younger people said they were supportive of military rule, against just 20% of older respondents.

Quote from: TheRuts on July 06, 2024, 10:34:38 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on July 04, 2024, 10:39:57 PMThrowing this in here because it's likely the most politically bent thread but it's sort of a random thought too.

Anyway so I came across a clip of nigel farage earlier and found myself agreeing with him. This of course set the old alarm bells ringing in my head and it got me thinking:

Most people have a favourite between one side and the other in general and not too many of us are political extremists at all i would think, but with all the things we've seen as long as we've been paying any attention to politics; what in the name of God would make any of us support any of the lying bastards? Serious question, and I'm as guilty as anyone of falling for some of it sometimes but how many fucking times are we going to be codded and not just go for all out civil disobedience? Nothing works for anyone anymore and it's all fucked unless some sort of global occupy wall street effort takes off but what will be the final straw if anything?

Also, the term Populism is bandied about as a dirty word but what's wrong with politicians endeavouring to carry out the will of the folks who elected them? I think it has been made out to be a dirty word so that the political cunts can feel superior and be our masters rather than the servants they're actually supposed to be.

This isn't just because of the farage thing either, I just became suddenly disgusted with the whole thing when I went to vote in the local and euro elections lately and I haven't really been able to come back from how sickening it all really is. All of it

Quote...only 57% of respondents aged 18 to 35 felt democracy was preferable to any other form of government, against 71% of those over 56, and 42% of younger people said they were supportive of military rule, against just 20% of older respondents.

Actual democracy is fine even when I don't agree with the results. That is the point of it after all. I have an 18 year old daughter and I use her and her friends as a barometer of how politically clued in they are, and they haven't a notion to the extent that out of at least 20 of them I asked not one was even registered to vote. Neither was I at that age and yknow what it's a great place to be. I'm just utterly disillusioned with the choices on offer between the current crowd and the alternative and it's so bad that I'd nearly just keep what we have rather than what was on offer as the other side. I guess it's the natural order of things that I'll never be able to understand the youngfolk other than to understand that they are young and I am not. Ah well, at least they won't feel the slow creep of the digital surveillance state the way I will. Fuck yknow they might even enjoy being poor lol

That's a fairly fascinating survey, nice share Ruts. Here's the full thing for anyone bored:

Out of the 30 countries surveyed, under "Percentage of respondents per country who say it is important to them to live in a country that is democratically governed," Russia came significantly last at only 65%, almost a full 10% behind Saudi Arabia in 29th place. Neither countries we'd think of as being de facto democratic, but very interesting implication that it's the Russians who apparently care least of the two about their undemocratic concrete reality.