QuoteYouthanasia is a brilliantly written album. Beautiful solos throughout

That's it in a nutshell. It's a fantastic album, the last truely great Megadeth record. I see it more of a case of the band aging gracefully than being a cash grab. It's certainly far far superior to anything they've released from 2001 onward, most of those records get played once or twice then shelved. I think current Metallica and Megadeth especially sound pathetic trying to recapture their earlier sound. As pointed out already the songs on Youthanasia are so well crafted, there's not a wasted riff on the record. How many solos can you recall off later Deth albums? Each and every one on Youthanasia is memorable.

I think Megadeth did ok pushing on from here, Cryptic is a bit of a mess because they tried to please everyone. Risk is the blatant attempt to break into the more commercial arena but there's still a handful of good songs on it, they obviously believed in what they were doing. Literally everything after is Megadeth 101. Even the System Has Failed which people seem to worship for some reason.

Quote from: Cryptic Stench on July 30, 2019, 08:59:29 AM
QuoteYouthanasia is a brilliantly written album. Beautiful solos throughout

That's it in a nutshell. It's a fantastic album, the last truely great Megadeth record. I see it more of a case of the band aging gracefully than being a cash grab. It's certainly far far superior to anything they've released from 2001 onward, most of those records get played once or twice then shelved. I think current Metallica and Megadeth especially sound pathetic trying to recapture their earlier sound. As pointed out already the songs on Youthanasia are so well crafted, there's not a wasted riff on the record. How many solos can you recall off later Deth albums? Each and every one on Youthanasia is memorable.

I think Megadeth did ok pushing on from here, Cryptic is a bit of a mess because they tried to please everyone. Risk is the blatant attempt to break into the more commercial arena but there's still a handful of good songs on it, they obviously believed in what they were doing. Literally everything after is Megadeth 101. Even the System Has Failed which people seem to worship for some reason.

Nail on the head with everything you´ve written. Anyone who thinks that Youthanasia is a by the numbers job needs to watch the [ making of movie Evolver. It's an incredible opportunity to see the songwriting process, production and engineering process of a band at the height of their powers.  Mustaine definitely wasn't on drugs, he's actually the best he's ever been. Friedman is the one showing signs of not being entirely into it all though some of his performances on the album are godlike.

It's a band that is focussed, tight as fuck, and like a seasoned boxer, they can temper their power and bring it to the fore when they need to. The same band could play Rust In Piece and all them riffs equally as well, but they chose to streamline their sound, hold back on the erraticness and wildness of earlier efforts and focus everything on solid, punchy, tight songs. Rush did the same with Permanent Waves.

As musicians there are only so many times you can go for the 12 minute epic without boring the life out of yourselves. Youthanasia was a huge achievement for the band which can be felt throughout the documentary. After that album things got ropey. Cryptic is their last decent effort. System Has Failed and World Needs had some moments, but, similar to Metallica, their best days are behind them. All that said, seeing them in the Ulster Hall in 2005 is one of the highlights of my gig going life...they were incredible. 


Gigs that are only advertised on the internet/facebook. I've noticed an increasing number of "Not my gig but noone else mentioned it" posts in the forum (Steo's Hexis post earlier for example). I'd never have known Terzij DeHorde were playing Dublin this Thursday if Johan hadn't asked me if I was around for it either.

One would think the job of a promoter is to actually promote rather than merely set up a facebook event and hope for the best.

Even with that gig there's pretty much no information about it online either. All I've been able to find is a half-assed facebook page with no mention of times or price, and the bands aren't even linked to it so you'd have no way of knowing unless you were specifically trying to hunt it down.

Is there a large percentage of crowds at gigs who aren't aware there's actually a gig on, and they've simply went out for a pint and happened to have walked into a gig?

Quote from: Pentagrimes on July 30, 2019, 03:39:15 PM
Gigs that are only advertised on the internet/facebook. I've noticed an increasing number of "Not my gig but noone else mentioned it" posts in the forum (Steo's Hexis post earlier for example). I'd never have known Terzij DeHorde were playing Dublin this Thursday if Johan hadn't asked me if I was around for it either.

One would think the job of a promoter is to actually promote rather than merely set up a facebook event and hope for the best.

Yeah, I don't use facebook so it can be a bit of a nightmare finding out about gigs in advance. I always used metal ireland for this purpose as the gig forum was always quite active.
This forum is decent enough but the gig threads tend to sink like lead balloons.
Not that I have much time for gigs anymore anyway.

Quote from: Pedrito on July 30, 2019, 10:15:09 AM
All that said, seeing them in the Ulster Hall in 2005 is one of the highlights of my gig going life...they were incredible. 

Does anybody else recall some christians picketing this? I'm pretty sure one had a sign saying 'Megalife' and another with some sort of reference to 'reckoning day'  :laugh:  They did their homework in fairness. Although if they'd done enough they'd have found out that Dave is a christian.

I think its kinda essential to be on social media for info and  updates etc for lots of things.
You dont have to be friends with anyone or interact if its not your thing,just follow promoters and  bands etc to keep you updated.Social media can be painful ,but it has some good use too.

Exactly, I pretty much do that with my Facebook account, I've all my actual friends feeds hidden because I don't need to be reminded how awesome all their lives are 24-7.

Yeah, fucking hell..deleted my facebook over a year ago and then had to set up a bogus account just to follow venues/promoters who don't bother advertising gigs.  Annoying as fuck. And I don't check it very often so I still miss stuff !

Yeah that gig (I may actually just go post it for them cos even the band have had zero contact from the promoter about it) is the worst example I've come across recently. Like if your friends in another country are messaging you about a gig 20 minutes from your front door that you don't know about in a venue you pass every day, the person putting that on needs to cop the fuck on.

Its kinda hard to keep up in the modern era if your not on social media.Weather you're looking for info on a Restaurant,Bar,metal band,football team etc etc social media is the first thing they update with new news/info.

Going back when facebook took off it was all about the friends and interaction,its definitely changed into more of a advertising tool or a message board.

I find myself just scrolling past friends posting up bollocks every 5 min,and stopping at photos of a gig or match,or news about something im interested in.
Any of my friends that arent on social media are generally miles behind info wise.

Got rid of facebook at least 5 years ago and I would not bother my hole with a shell account for that kind of stuff. If their best effort is a post on facebook and I don't get to hear about it through other means, fuck them. Life is too short.

Quote from: Juggz on July 31, 2019, 10:07:57 AM
Life is too short.
for falling out with friends or family!? surely it isnt to short to  press an app on your phone to check for local gigs!?   :laugh:

Too short for anything to do with facebook. Fuck them.

I reckon if I set up a fake account I wouldn't bother checking it. Just not used to social media at all really.

I assume facebook has put the ancient and noble art of gig postering to rest too? I don't live in the city anymore so wouldn't see them. I only recall seeing posters for big gigs in recent times.

I'm not a fan of Facebook which was a major factor to setting up Metal Warfare in the first place. I don't always get round to making a thread for every gig I come across, but I do make sure to add them to the gig calendar, so I definitely recommend keeping an eye on it: https://www.metalwarfare.com/gigs/

When gigs get posted on the forum, they're added to the calendar. Other than that it's only really gigs I discover when browsing through the promoter list: https://www.metalwarfare.com/promoters-and-venues

If there's any missing gigs or promoters then please let me know and I'll get it all updated! Even if you can just fire me a link containing information, I'm happy to flesh out all the details and keep it up to date!

Quote from: Tee on July 31, 2019, 01:32:49 PM
I reckon if I set up a fake account I wouldn't bother checking it. Just not used to social media at all really.

I assume facebook has put the ancient and noble art of gig postering to rest too? I don't live in the city anymore so wouldn't see them. I only recall seeing posters for big gigs in recent times.

Packed in fb a couple of years ago and wouldn't go back. I never checked it regularly so still missed gigs. There's so many gigs happening in Cork these days and they are rarely advertised on Metal Warfare (I check here regularly). The only time I find out about them is posters around town, so flyering is still doing it's job.

Promoters/Venues aside, I don't know why bands wouldn't plug their gigs here.