May 12, 2019, 12:32:26 AM Last Edit: May 12, 2019, 12:38:34 AM by Eoin McLove
There are some songs that just tap you immediately into that headspace where the fist develops a life of its own and aims for the sky, the spine glows, the brainball tingles and everything makes absolute sense in the moment.  Transcendence? For us dorky music cunts it's religious. It's the thing you never felt while being dragged to mass on a Sunday morning and the thing that survived through the college years (and subsequent "grown up" years) and you gave up trying to explain to other people.  Right now I'm blasting some Mourning Beloveth and while they have an inordinate amount of utterly moving music, for me,  Dead Channel is the one that has me levitating tonight.  What songs get you there?

Nokturnal Mortum - Україна (Ukraine) has been the one lately that never fails to make me feel like I'm bound for battle.

Other than that, some of the french stuff like Forteresse (French Canadian, and most of the MNQ scene really...), Necropole, Suhnopfer, Aorlhac has that real epic feeling towards them.

In terms of transcendence, you can never go wrong with Urfaust for that. The ritualistic feeling of the songs that swing and sway through the simple and repetitive riffs and howling vocals never fail to put me in a trance.

Although I have many other examples to describe as truly epic, The Devil's Blood "the madness of serpents" is probably the one that hits the highest point of liberation and detachment from anything surrounding me.

I will never understand people that go through their lives listening to those same handful of songs and go wild every time a very popular tune hits the speakers somewhere. On the other hand, sometimes I think that the obsession most people into metal have towards finding more and more new music prevents us from experiencing more often what a total casual listener finds utterly easy to achieve even if not giving it a thought. One can't have it both ways...

Was going to some promos right now but fuck it, a "The Thousandfold Epicentre" spin is a must now...

For me it's Empire Falls by Primordial- first time I heard it I was like this is the greatest metal song to come along the pike in the years- could never get sick of hearing it.

Coincidentally, the first track I thought of was The Sickness by Mourning Beloveth.

 Bastard Samurai simply because I have Snakes.. spinning here in the background, epic tune.

Quote from: Wiseblood on May 12, 2019, 11:01:59 AM
Coincidentally, the first track I thought of was The Sickness by Mourning Beloveth.

So many to choose from their catalogue realistically. 

Dead Channel a great shout. A highlight on an already classic album in my book. Are they up to anything new these days?

I'll suggest the opening track off the Vemod full length.
Never fails to take me to the stars.

Cool album.  I haven't listened to it in ages.

The solo in Dead Channel  8)

Have Formless on now after a disgraceful few months of no MB on the house sound system

im not even that much of a power metal fan but this song gets me everytime. pure metal perfection.

Watain - Waters of Ain.

There's something inexplicably nostalgic about opening a song with "Take me home."

Some beautiful moments overall, but the section kicking off around 6:20 is always hair standing up on the back of my arms time. That riff coupled with excellent lyrics is something special.

"Do not mistake me for a star,
Though I'll shine like them at night,
But behold instead the darkness in between them,
The Devil's light."

Then the lull, finally kicking into Selim Lemouchi's solo, takes me elsewhere. Made all the more interesting knowing how his life ended.

Magnificent stuff altogether.

The final section of Jane Doe by Converge

First song that made me feel like that was Disposable Heroes.

I think doom-y stuff lends itself well -

Solstice - Graven Deep
Solitude Aeturnus - Opaque Divinity
Candlemass - Demon's Gate
Anathema - Restless Oblivion
Triptykon - Goetia