That's it exactly. It's an obsession. That's why I find it hard to reduce it to playing 5 aside, or even to reduce it to mere hobby status even when my own activity has become relatively minimal. Maybe it's down to how much meaning you put into it and get back out of it. Gigging and selling records is cool, I'm not against bands gaining that type of success, but I think there are other, deeper rewards to be reaped from the minor inconvenience of standing in a cold shed when you're tired after a day's work.

#211 May 19, 2020, 10:48:21 AM Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 10:51:14 AM by ochoill
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm obsessed, but would never delude myself that at this point in my life there's anything in it beyond the love of making music itself.  I genuinely enjoy playing with the band.  I enjoy playing the few gigs I do, a lot.  I like to sit down with people and create an entire piece, music, art, get the CD done, and I enjoy releasing it out to people even if fuck all heads listen to it - it doesn't matter.  But so long as I can keep writing and creating then the rest falls aside.  Absolutely none of what else goes with music matters if the music isn't being created with genuine sincerity and for the love of it, itself.  Otherwise you're just knocking out some product, or creating content to otherwise fluff the idea of a band.  Pretty much every activity I do, bar playing the odd video game, relates back to it somehow - making the music, playing it, listening to other music, making art based on it, recording it, talking bollocks about it, building pedals, learning instruments, reading about it, going to gigs, being obsessed with gear.

The reality of life though gets fairly heavily in the way, a lot, and tends to force it to be demoted.  No harm, it happens, people have to make the choice.  Only a few are lucky enough to be able to hit a reasonable balance where they can be heavily invested in it, at even a low level, without much sacrifice.

#212 May 19, 2020, 12:35:00 PM Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 12:36:35 PM by Pentagrimes
I still do it so I'm obviously still interested in it for sure,and like Matt said music is the love of my life but I think I've just got more love for the sounds than the mechanics of making it. I'm definitely more of a fan than a participant. Weirdly things like doing the podcasts or a spot of music writing are more exciting to me lately so it might just be an age thing. I find writing songs far more difficult the older I get.

Remind me of this when I'm playing to 4 people in Wexford next Spring or something lads  :laugh:

Was out of bands for a few years until I moved to cork. Didn't know how much I missed it until i joined one again. Jamming is my main love. Just getting in a room and creating something with sound people. Gigs are great but it's the creative process i love more.

Quote from: Ollkiller on May 19, 2020, 01:42:13 PM
it's the creative process i love more.

Same but more so now that I'm mid 30s, I don't see myself going back to gigging unless something compelled me to do so in the future post lockdown but I doubt it.

Speaking of the creative process, brother sent me this from Oz, told me to make a metal song out of it  :laugh: :abbath:

Quote from: open face surgery on May 19, 2020, 10:06:25 AM
Well, I fucking love it. More or less all I think about is music and/or music related. Conceiving it and writing it , then recording it and playing it live. Love of my life.

I'm the same Matt. I love playing guitar,  writing,  rehearsing,  recording,  gigging,  the whole fucking lot. You're either into or not.

Quote from: General Lee on May 24, 2020, 02:56:33 PM
Quote from: open face surgery on May 19, 2020, 10:06:25 AM
Well, I fucking love it. More or less all I think about is music and/or music related. Conceiving it and writing it , then recording it and playing it live. Love of my life.

I'm the same Matt. I love playing guitar,  writing,  rehearsing,  recording,  gigging,  the whole fucking lot. You're either into or not.

Spot on

#217 July 13, 2020, 01:20:18 PM Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 01:22:24 PM by Pentagrimes
Yeeeeeah..ignore about 80% of what I said up there, very clearly unable to stop :laugh:

 Positivity overload, someone hack Pentagrime's account?
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

#219 July 14, 2020, 01:31:05 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2020, 08:13:53 PM by Pentagrimes
Smart cunt, aren't you?

There we are now, balance restored. :abbath: :laugh:

Yup, still there then 8)
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: hellfire on May 17, 2020, 02:32:17 PM
Foraoisí gan Iniúchadh from Wexford. Only heard of them from a friends timeline on Facebook. Really good stuff! According to Bandcamp the lad is only 14.

hey, i am foraoisí gan iniúchadh, thank you for your guys's feedback. yes i was 14, now i am 15.
Foraoisí gan Iniúchadh

Nice work! Keep digging deeper, now that school is off!

Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on January 13, 2021, 11:02:07 AM
Nice work! Keep digging deeper, now that school is off!

every single day, even when i had school. i was always thinking of riffs in my mind, now that i can actually record whenever i want is absolutely an asset.
Foraoisí gan Iniúchadh

Good man. I wish I'd been making black metal when I was 15! I'm spending most of my listening time with 90s BM and doom these days. There's so much to explore and so many potential creative avenues that haven't yet been exhausted by bands and scenes. I wish you luck on your journey of discovery!