Finally finished William Burroughs' "The Soft Machine" having read it in bits and pieces over the last few months.  I don't even know how I feel about it or what happened.  Some of it reads lovely and the general madness of it, the oppressive unknown systems and time travel, all great.  But I haven't a fucking clue what actually happens in it, it is totally wild, the cut up method is impossible but also sort of lovely to engage with.  Can't fuckin wait to read a normal book after it mind.

Horsing into Blood Meridian again. Read this 15 years ago and really struggled at the time.

I'm about 100 pages in and it reads easier than I remember. Of course I've read a bit of McCarthy ams the likes of Movy Dick since so maybe I'm a better reader than before!

Quote from: Don Gately on September 29, 2023, 08:55:28 AMHorsing into Blood Meridian again. Read this 15 years ago and really struggled at the time.

I'm about 100 pages in and it reads easier than I remember. Of course I've read a bit of McCarthy ams the likes of Movy Dick since so maybe I'm a better reader than before!

Recently started trying to reread it and had almost the exact same experience for about the same length of time. Might be different for you, but I found he eases you into the book at the start and then it gets really difficult. Once they're a few chapters in of properly touring from place to place in Mexico was when it started to become obtuse for me.

Quote from: Mooncat on October 01, 2023, 04:15:57 PM
Quote from: Don Gately on September 29, 2023, 08:55:28 AMHorsing into Blood Meridian again. Read this 15 years ago and really struggled at the time.

I'm about 100 pages in and it reads easier than I remember. Of course I've read a bit of McCarthy ams the likes of Movy Dick since so maybe I'm a better reader than before!

Recently started trying to reread it and had almost the exact same experience for about the same length of time. Might be different for you, but I found he eases you into the book at the start and then it gets really difficult. Once they're a few chapters in of properly touring from place to place in Mexico was when it started to become obtuse for me.
Yes I thought that might be the case but I'm 150 pages in after the weekend and still enjoying it alot and getting through it easily enough.

Quote from: ochoill on September 28, 2023, 12:15:48 AMFinally finished William Burroughs' "The Soft Machine" having read it in bits and pieces over the last few months.  I don't even know how I feel about it or what happened.  Some of it reads lovely and the general madness of it, the oppressive unknown systems and time travel, all great.  But I haven't a fucking clue what actually happens in it, it is totally wild, the cut up method is impossible but also sort of lovely to engage with.  Can't fuckin wait to read a normal book after it mind.

I've only read Naked Lunch and Cities of the Red Night. Can definitely recommend the latter. Once I ever get around to having time to read fiction again, high up on my list is the other two parts of the Red Night Trilogy.

Quote from: ochoill on September 28, 2023, 12:15:48 AMFinally finished William Burroughs' "The Soft Machine" having read it in bits and pieces over the last few months.  I don't even know how I feel about it or what happened.  Some of it reads lovely and the general madness of it, the oppressive unknown systems and time travel, all great.  But I haven't a fucking clue what actually happens in it, it is totally wild, the cut up method is impossible but also sort of lovely to engage with.  Can't fuckin wait to read a normal book after it mind.
I only started Junky and am enjoying it. I've read Naked Lunch and thought it was mental ha ha. I will read more of his stuff for sure

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 02, 2023, 10:18:32 AMI've only read Naked Lunch and Cities of the Red Night. Can definitely recommend the latter. Once I ever get around to having time to read fiction again, high up on my list is the other two parts of the Red Night Trilogy.
Soft Machine is also part of a trilogy so I will eventually get to the next two in it too.  I definitely enjoyed SM as completely arseways as it is but you would definitely need to be in the form for it.

Quote from: Necro Red on October 02, 2023, 10:35:08 AMI only started Junky and am enjoying it. I've read Naked Lunch and thought it was mental ha ha. I will read more of his stuff for sure
Junky is meant to be sort of autobiographical right?  I heard of it in name only.  Naked Lunch, someday I will read it, I was actually looking for it when I found SM for a fiver instead in the bookshop.  Definitely will go back too but yeah jesus I needed something different after it lol

I finished The Wren, The Wren, the new Anne Enright, and really enjoyed it. Her last one, Actress, didn't do anything for me so I was glad that this one was more engaging.

Started into Victory City by Salman Rushdie and it's off to a flying start unlike his last one, Quichotte, which was pure grand. I listened to an interview with him the other day and, Allahu Akbar, he seems to be well on the mend. He lost an eye which is fucking insane to think about, but seems to be otherwise strong and healthy and he is back writing. Legend.

Added a few more charity shop finds to the ever growing pile of books that I need to get around to reading. One of them being a copy of Moby Dick for €2. There's a bookmark still in it a quarter of the way through, guess that's the target to beat  :laugh:

Fuck Moby Dick.  One of the few books I ever gave up on.  Often think about it, there's still a copy on the shelf here someone gave to me as a gift.  Someday maybe I'll tackle it again and get through it.  If only there was some sort of literary thematic comparison for this

All I can say is, it's worth it. Or is that just something people who've read it all say..? Only one way to find out!  :laugh:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 04, 2023, 03:20:44 PMAll I can say is, it's worth it. Or is that just something people who've read it all say..? Only one way to find out!  :laugh:

Could be a while before I find out given how fuckin slow my reading has gotten all while the stack of books keeps growing!

I did love In The Heart of the Sea and that disaster did influence the writing of Moby Dick but that was a real easy read, Moby Dick for beginners perhaps   :laugh:

Finished Ring a week or so ago and enjoyed it.
A lot less creepy than the film, and just very different in general, but still a great read.

Currently on Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary. Very entertaining, to say the least.

Once that's finished, I have a fair few to choose from.
Moby Dick is on the kindle but I reckon I'll put that off a bit longer :P

Coincidentally, it's the only book I've ever read in full on a Kindle, on holidays years ago.