#30 November 10, 2023, 08:08:33 PM Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 08:10:10 PM by Eoin McLove
I had a proper sit down with White Hart!, undisturbed and with the lyrics in hand. What an experience. Slidhr has always walked its own path and this album is no different. It creates its own world with so many details to elicit joy once you focus on it. The acoustic parts that drop in here and there for mere seconds denoting doom before the songs shoot off in some new direction are a treat and being able to read along to the lyrics really heightens the experience for me. It makes me focus more closely on the vocals, which then tunes my ear in to the layering that is often happening there. I assume it's the new bassist singing in the background in a lot of the songs. His Viking delivery works brilliantly. I'm trying to figure out which part has Richard from Unyielding Love and I think it's towards the end of Sacred Defiance, but who knows. He's not even referenced in the inlay so is he there at all? A bit of intrigue never hurt.

The artwork is growing on me and the booklet on the vinyl is laid out beautifully. There's only one way to follow it up... The Futile Fires of Man  8)

Been listening last couple of days too, will have to pick up a copy as it's just killer.