#495 June 25, 2024, 02:48:14 PM Last Edit: June 25, 2024, 02:49:58 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
There were all kinds of corrupt shenanigans went on around the vaccine and its controversial roll-out to all age groups, but as I said at the time and as I'd still maintain now, those who loudly and repeatedly equated COVID with "the cold" and the vaccine with "experimental gene therapy", etc., made themselves a significant hindrance to addressing the real shenanigans and thereby a boon to those who were behind them. Moreover, the only two people I personally know who ended up in intensive care (one aged ~45 for three months, the other aged ~60 for five, both Irish) had both refused the vaccine based on that precise ill-informed belief that COVID was just a cold and that the vaccine was more dangerous than it. So if you're an adult of say 40+ who didn't get vaccinated and didn't end up getting seriously ill, you should maybe consider yourself more lucky than "right".

An irony of the twilight zone remark there is that, as weird as it absolutely was that a loud minority of people were going around flexing their boosted vax status as a badge of honour, there were just as many who weren't vaccinated also flexing that status just as loudly, if not louder, as a badge of honour. But in the latter case, they were putting others' health and lives at risk in the process by amplifying the false notion that nobody needed the vaccine. Well, two people I know lost months of their lives and very nearly died because of listening to that notion, so you'll forgive me if I go on keeping any social ostracization cost (which, yes, certain people were subjected to) firmly in perspective with the concretely greater cost of being socially ostracized due to winding up in ICU or the grave.

Who the fuck flexes either being vaccinated or not being vaccinated? The state of that mentality perplexes me. If it works, as I said, then darwinism will sort that. You do know that the common cold is very dangerous for the aged and infirm and kills many every year? But it's fine for most. Whole thing's redundant anyway because it ran its course one way or the other. Absolutely not against any vaccine but vehemently against them being forced. Rest is fluff and personal preference

QuoteAn irony of the twilight zone remark there is that, as weird as it absolutely was that a loud minority of people were going around flexing their boosted vax status as a badge of honour, there were just as many who weren't vaccinated also flexing that status just as loudly, if not louder, as a badge of honour. But in the latter case, they were putting others' health and lives at risk in the process by amplifying the false notion that nobody needed the vaccine. Well, two people I know lost months of their lives and very nearly died because of listening to that notion, so you'll forgive me if I go on keeping any social ostracization cost (which, yes, certain people were subjected to) firmly in perspective with the concretely greater cost of being socially ostracized due to winding up in ICU or the grave.

I just wanted to go about my life to be honest. I'm pro - vaccination. Just paused for thought this time. My choice. I never went around telling anyone what they should or shouldn't be doing or flaunting my non-vaccination (In that one instance) status.

Your statement that "there were just as many who weren't vaccinated also flexing that status just as loudly, if not louder" is factually inaccurate. The majority of the population here took it 85%. I think you're in France - so 80%. So mathematically speaking, no. Louder, maybe a small section of actual tin foil hat merchants constantly filled up social media feeds with theories of lizard overlords, 5G or whatever. Of no interest to me and didn't represent the demographic I believe me or others like me fit into.

This language brings me right back.  "Putting others lives at risk". The classic virtue signal. "I'm protecting others" as I hop on the plane for my holidays or go to a gig or meet my mates in the pub. In 2024, you don't have to be a scientist to understand how a vaccine works, what it offers in real terms or indeed how a virus spreads.

We all made sacrifices in one way or another for right or wrong. It galls me when it's implied that those of us that didn't take it were uncaring or selfish - we made a huge sacrifice by Not taking it. Couldn't go anywhere. No cinema, No Travel, No restaurants. So it was huge, the kids suffered. Isolated. Vaccinated did not mean bulletproof - and once the data rolled in depending on brand proved to be only vaguely effective. Ironically I think we did our part by sequestering ourselves. I found it gas that people that travelled or moved around were surprised to be getting COVID multiple times and happy enough to blame/shame those that didn't take it. In our home we've only contracted it once, with this type of thing I think natural immunity >>>> vaccination. I never thought it was an "Auld Cold" but the mortality rate ran at about 1.4%, If you take age (<65, no underlying health conditions) into account it significantly lowers. It's was never the equivalent of an Ebola outbreak.

Trying not to get into an argument with you, you're entitled to your thought process but the two isolated illustrations you have mentioned in respect to people being hospitalised or whatever doesn't really wash. Everyone carted out similar such examples to justify discrimination shaming or promote their own heroism - we all heard multiple tales of the mythical fit as fuck individuals in their 20s that ended up hospitalised or worse. Want to know where I got all my info from? Two places - The HSE website, and The Central Statistics office website. The stats were updated frequently, the vast vast majority of those that passed were unfortunately in compromised aged brackets with and/or compromised health. They needed to be protected for sure, but I'm still not sure mass vaccination in this particular case was the answer due to the speed in which it was developed.

A couple of bullets from Peak Pandemic

QuoteAlmost 84% of those who contracted COVID-19 in September and October and admitted to an ICU had an underlying health condition

QuoteAlmost all (97%) of those who contracted COVID-19 in September and October and admitted to an ICU and who reported being vaccinated had an underlying health condition

There are great tables in those sites that you can really delve into the stats- all still available. I'll pull a quick example, on a peak week in 2021 there were 44 deaths, 32 of those had underlying conditions, 5 didn't and 7 recorded as unknown. 37 of those individuals had been vaccinated. 38 of them were over 80.

Finally, I'm actually in the industry. My background is science. It's a fact the vaccinations were rushed out the door, the knowledge around MRNA is there for sure but the (Understandably) rushed nature of release should've in my book caused people to consider their options slightly even for a second. I believe these vaccines were safe, but I'm not sure they were necessary for everyone It comes down to choice, you weigh up the risk and consider the benefits etc. It should've never been mandatory. I respect your choice, but don't beat me down for making a different one.

If you have 90 vaccinated people and 10% of them flex about it and 10 unvaccinated people but 9 of them flex about it, then you have as many unvaccinated as vaccinated flexing about it. Those are toy numbers to illustrate what I meant and how it's independent of total vaccine uptake %, but on the whole my experience (real life contacts + online) was that a higher proportion of those who didn't get vaccinated were more vocal about that fact. Certainly I personally had no end of unvaccinated people telling me all about why that was the case. And then two of them ended up in ICU. And I didn't use that to justify any kind of discrimination, but yes I did use it to try to convince other people I knew in similar age brackets, potentially with underlying conditions they were either unaware of or had never taken seriously up to that point, to ignore anything they'd heard about COVID just being a cold or the vaccine being more dangerous than it and to get themselves vaccinated. For their own personal good plus that of their families should they fall seriously ill and no longer be on hand as husbands, wives, parents, etc.

So don't interpret anything I said as beating down on you (or anyone else) for your personal choice not to take the vaccine: I didn't ostracize anyone who didn't take it. But the unvaccinated I personally spoke to about it, incl friends and family, almost invariably had a totally BS conception of the risks involved. And it was specifically the spreading of such BS which I said above put lives at risk. I stand by that. And I also don't believe the universal roll-out was necessary, I thought that was clear from the first sentence of my post.

QuoteSo don't interpret anything I said as beating down on you (or anyone else)

Speaking in general terms and from my experience/treatment through the pandemic. Didn't take it personally, though I did categorically disagree with some of what you said.


Mr Dolmajian, who is from Montreal and in his 40s, has not regained consciousness and was brought to the Mater Hospital "and is unresponsive" in the intensive care unit.

Poor chap, hopefully he recovers. Wonder what would have happened had he simply refused to come back from the North, I assume the psni could still just bring him could they?

Ah yeah it's just for the plebs that were made wear face masks on pain of arrest. It obviously isn't for the enforcing cunts.

For us all, in this together, be kind

Lol lol lol


And there is what was always going to be the inevitable punchline to this one. I knew it when she was getting all the attention that she'd be a tool for something and this was all too predictable. Tougher sentencing for violent crimes I think is something we can all get behind but those hate speech laws can fuckin do one


He died, lads. The poor man died after being attacked by 2 absolute low life scumbags. Desperate. RIP Neno Dolmajian

That's fuckin rotten is what it is. Shits should be locked up for good. Poor chap going out like that.

Seen that yesterday - awful stuff.

Nolan up to his old tricks again.

QuotePiotr Grycuk (45), who was caught with over 10,000 images of child sexual abuse material, of which 30 were described as being in the most serious, sexually explicit category, has been given a fully suspended sentence.

Getting fairly ridiculous here