I know the ending as well so not a hope I'll watch it now but I think the fact it's a musical was enough to put me off

Quote from: leatherface on October 04, 2024, 11:21:54 PM
Quote from: Mooncat on September 30, 2024, 03:52:16 PMWatched the first two Evil Dead films over two nights. Absolute classics both of them. Ive always preferred the first one though. I can't believe how good it is for what is essentially film students making a no budget film in the woods. I also prefer its relentless intense horror tone to the more comedy stylings of the other two.

The whole card reading/"one by one we will take you"/ankle stabbing scene is one of my favourites in any film ever.

Still one of only two films a girlfriend has ever made me turn off  :laugh: (the other being Demons)

Evil Dead 2 is / was way better . A remake with humour and better filmmaking techniques. A Masterclass.

I don't necessarily disagree, but I still like the first one more. There's something so punk rock about it. Both are amazing classics though!

I tend to always lean towards the first one, even in cases where the sequel is generally considered better. Give me the first Terminator or Godfather any day. Alien/Aliens is a tie.

Ok Road Warrior is better than Mad Max...

I've actually never watched the first Evil Dead, must remedy that some time.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 09, 2024, 08:37:06 PMI've actually never watched the first Evil Dead, must remedy that some time.

This would be the month to do it! It was the film I kicked off horror movie season with this year (not that I don't watch them year round either way...)

There's an early version/workprint/director's cut (I forget which) in the boxset I picked up a few years ago. Rough as fuck but it's a bit darker than the theatrical version.

But yeah, It's all about Evil Dead 2.

Quote from: Carnage on October 09, 2024, 09:16:43 PMThere's an early version/workprint/director's cut (I forget which) in the boxset I picked up a few years ago. Rough as fuck but it's a bit darker than the theatrical version.

But yeah, It's all about Evil Dead 2.

That sounds interesting, darker in what way? Are there extra scenes?

I think there were cuts made for general release, possibly reshoots to lighten the tone. I can't remember specifics as it's been years since I saw either version but that was my impression at the time.

I watched the Succubus last night. Pretty good for a modern horror. Kind of minimal the way it's shot and has somewhat of an original story. Worth the watch for spooky season anyway

Watched Longlegs last night. Thought it was great. Fucked up throughout and a few Hail Satans for good measure.

Watched Threads on BBC 4 the other night. Fair bleak stuff, surprised I haven't seen it before

Same as, I'd wanted to see it for ages. Not fun at all.

I'd always assumed that the quote at the start of The Possibility Of Life's Destruction came from Threads, but no.

What I find baffling, and it's probably me just being some kind of elitist asshole, but there is something dismal in the fact that Joker and all of that superhero spin-off shite is considered to be high art now. I imagine all those roles,  The fucking Penguin for fucks sake, is most coveted by actors who want to be taken seriously. Has society really become this spasticated?

Yes, and it's Marvel's fault for casting Downey in Iron Man. A talented but washed up actor in a big budget B-movie based on a C-list comic character. On paper it should have been a massive flop (particluarly after the Spider-Man fizzle and Fantastic Four dreck) but his charisma and the post-recession appetite for fluff made it a hit, and here we are.

Thankfully the superhero demand seems to be dropping.

I gave up on the Marvel stuff around the first big collaboration film (Avengers I think?) Watched a couple of the later ones and it's the same shite recycled over and over,  with the added hassle of needing to have watched the 20 odd previous films to know who's who and and why some lad is trying to destroy Earth, again

Ah yeah, the superhero stuff on its own is a boring brain melt for the most part, but even the good ones- the darker Batmans- become boring to me after an hour. I get it, they are dark and atmospheric, but the fact that it seems like the high watermark in acting these days seems to be when someone camps it up as The Joker just baffles me. I liken it to when Harry Potter wanted to be taken seriously as an adult actor and starred in several retarded horror films. Dogshit. But people seem to get so excited about people playing The Joker as though there is some sort of actual depth to the part  :laugh:  fuck off, you twits.