It's an endlessly fecund well to dip into.  The form is simple but capturing the essence is difficult.  There is an endless flood of average music that falls under the banner but some bands capture the essence.  How? Why?

Quote from: Beast Man on February 17, 2019, 12:11:03 AM
This film is pure gack but ill still watch it for the craic.....but the fact remains that this period produced some of the greatest black metal albums in our collections. And this is based on the creativity of youth and good musicianship, full stop, nothing to do with ole Beelzebub himself I'm afraid!!!. ...then when you look at the sociological aspect of it, it is laughable in its absurdity. That begins with looking at Norwegian society at this time, these were a bunch of lads barely out of their nappies who were well heeled and wanted for nothing. This scene came about out of pure boredom with their mundane (and very comfortable) lives. When your life is so safe, comfortable and mundane, you have to create drama and controversy out of something to give you some reason to get out of bed in the morning!!!....result = Norwegian black metal.

And the major factor in their boredom is a lack of alcohol or drugs which the rest of us teenagers in western society experimented with and it  kept us too busy concentrating on getting wasted or chasing skirt to worry about rebelling in the name of satan.. But these lads, because of their conservative (protestant in the main) society experienced none of the trappings of your normal (for example, Irish youth). So if your that bored as a teenager, and your parents are well off...what do you do? turn to satan and try and rebel!...they were quite sad really, but as I said, we did get some great music!!!

I canĀ“t imagine growing up without naggins and fingering. Funny, if I think about the lads I knew who were mad into black metal, many of them were well to do types whose parents were extremely strict and very much of the religious persuasion. The whole occult thing never appealed to me in the slightest, it seemed so negative and anti any sort of humanity or fun. I had a couple of friends who would dress up like vampires, pentagrams, the whole shebang and yet go to mass on Sunday with their folks. A kind of passive aggressive `"fuck you" to society. Obviously, the Norwegians took it to a different level, but yes, the "trueness" of BM took on Calvinistic levels of piousness, and could only really work in a country like that. The Irish would just laugh at lads like that, they would never have been taken seriously in the first place. Still, that fanaticism, can lead to great art.

I thought this movie had the kid from Home Alone in it for a while.

#124 February 23, 2019, 01:03:23 AM Last Edit: February 23, 2019, 09:49:30 AM by The Ancient Ones
Out now on your local friendly illegal download service. Just watched it. Overall I think it was ok in that it did give a reasonable account of the broad thrust of events. Whether some of the details are accurate or not will divide opinion but, frankly, only the protagonists themselves know for certain. The band and hangers on are pretty much portrayed as eejits throughout - there is very little sense given that rather than being (or possibly as well as being) a bunch of spas going around scaring old ladies, they were creating a new musical genre with genuine worldwide impact.

I can't see what audience they're aiming at with the film though. While it definitely suffers from a touch of Dawson's Creek, the violence rules out a young audience. And it's not played 'straight' enough to make it the serious drama it probably should have been. The cast do their best but, overall, I just don't buy them in the roles. Overall, I think it would have been better with a different cast and a more serious tone - either that or just play the whole thing for laughs.

Edit: and loathe as I am to include a trigger warning, Deads suicide scene is exceptionally graphic and prolonged and may be upsetting for some.

Almost finished watching it. I cannot imagine what someone with no knowledge of the story would make of this movie. Apart from the members of Mayhem at the start and then Varg, no characters are introduced and it would be difficult to keep track of who is who or what's going on. Terrible acting for the most part, bad comedy but compelling viewing all the same. Funny movie.

Have watched it yesterday evening. Am not really sure how/what to comment, honestly :-/ I had to watch it, there was no way of avoiding it, but it was mostly 2 hours of wasted time.
It was not funny enough to be seen as a comedy, the script, acting and casting were a disaster.....Not all things in life should have a point, but I really see no point, or potential audience for this movie.

Watched it over the weekend.
It wasnt as bad as I initially feared. Would I watch it again probably not.

Yeah it wasn't great and i'd agree that if you didn't know the story you were probably wonder wtf was going on. Very shallow characters, crap acting and comedy and as mentioned a few very graphic scenes not for the faint hearted.  An entertaining watch I guess for the metal community but disappointing execution. Nice to see Grieghallen in it.

Watched it last night, and I did find it somewhat entertaining, albeit quite cringe inducing in parts.

I think the main takeaway for me was realising just how young they were when they crafted something as impressive as De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Never gave it much thought when I first encountered this whole thing in my teens, but looking back now from my 30's it really is an impressive feat of musicianship at that age. 

I still want one of those I love Transylvania shirts.

In saying that, I've always wondered whether Jon Nodtveidt was tipping the hat to Dead when he said in a letter shortly before his own suicide: "I'm going away for a long, long time. I'm going to Transylvania."

Quote from: Floss on February 26, 2019, 09:25:49 PM
Varg gives his thoughts

What a surreal video...him talking about his knife getting stuck in the skull and having to wrench it out.

Quote from: Pedrito on February 28, 2019, 09:54:09 AM

What a surreal video...him talking about his knife getting stuck in the skull and having to wrench it out.

My thoughts exactly. Nuts.

Quote from: Pedrito on February 28, 2019, 09:54:09 AM
Quote from: Floss on February 26, 2019, 09:25:49 PM
Varg gives his thoughts

What a surreal video...him talking about his knife getting stuck in the skull and having to wrench it out.
That was probably the bit for me that the film hammered home. It's not like I forget that he's a murderer, but seeing a reenactment of the crime (discounting all the cringey parts the film throws in) made me think of just how brutal it must have been, and how fucked up Varg really is. Same with Faust too

Other than that was ok, better than I was expecting but my expectations were rock bottom. Some nice cinematography, but I don't reckon I'll ever watch it again