this thread is brilliant. grown men giving out about a bloody movie  :laugh:

That makes no sense whatsoever.  To the gallows.

Quote from: astfgyl on February 14, 2019, 11:18:15 AM
I don't think that the imagery is embarrassing in itself, just that people who take it in any way seriously should be embarrassed.


We're going to need a bigger gallows.

It'll be like the end of Hang 'Em High by the time this thread runs its' course

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 14, 2019, 10:54:43 AM
Could all the wimps crying about metal being ludicrous and embarrassing please leave the hall. It's fucking pathetic.

Anyone who claims to like black metal but finds the imagery embarrassing should be made to have a sword fight with Rob Darken. Hung,  drawn and drowned in a sauna.

Rob Darken? Sauna? Fuck that. Dance off round 3.

Aaaaaaanyway, yer man asked a question, I answered, just my opinion is all, couldn't care either way if people take it seriously or not at the end of the day or understand why my take on it puts anyone else out. I'm more of a Cthulu n' graveyards imagery kinda guy than a Satanic Philosopher. Tis all good.

I just REALLY wanna see how they portray Fenriz in this anyway.

#111 February 14, 2019, 11:55:04 AM Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 11:58:01 AM by Pedrito
Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 14, 2019, 10:54:43 AM
Could all the wimps crying about metal being ludicrous and embarrassing please leave the hall. It's fucking pathetic.

Anyone who claims to like black metal but finds the imagery embarrassing should be made to have a sword fight with Rob Darken. Hung,  drawn and drowned in a sauna.

Agreed..I used to go on like that before, attacking black metal for taking itself too seriously, but with the passage of time, and seeing how everything in life seems to be reduced to these kind of arguments, I find I´m pushing back against that way of thinking. We haven´t seen a movement like it in art previous or since. It deserves to be looked at properly, not in some shit, boiled down, Hollywood way, and the musical context and wider social implications etc etc are all as worthy of a sociological/philosophical/anthropological/whatever investigation as any other artistic, musical or social movement.

On the point about metal in general being ridiculous and pathetic yadda yadda, well, again, we could literally take any art form, any fashion, any means of expression and reduce it down to those types of black and white, and frankly one dimensional, arguments. The genre sprang out of different environmental factors, a huge generational reaction against religion and conservative family values amongst countless other reasons. Again, I was never too into the occult/satanic side of metal, but it exists for a reason, and a very good reason at that. 

Finally, the whole cult aspect of metal and people taking themselves too seriously, is repeated across all cultures, across all genres of every type of endeavour that mankind puts his mind to. I know Irish guys who dont sleep after Arsenal or Utd lose. Its what people do. I find it pathetic, but I just ignore it, don´t waste time with it. Lads are precious about their black metal, I dont see what is gained from constantly telling them that theyre wrong. The argument was repeated for nearly 20 years on the old MI and it's not going to change.

Can't believe I'm sticking up for Black Metal..jesus, I have a job to do  :laugh:

Quote from: Pentagrimes on February 14, 2019, 11:29:22 AM

I just REALLY wanna see how they portray Fenriz in this anyway.

Varg mentioned Fenriz just sat about drinking beer and didnt really give a shit about what was going on, if true which my guess it is, then will be very interesting to see how they will portray him. 

So for any Dublin heads who actually want to see the film in a cinema:

Don't know if this is just a one off screening or what as there are none others listed as yet. Just my luck I won't be here for it.

Is this video recorded on a phone in a cinema? wtf...

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 15, 2019, 09:33:36 AM
Is this video recorded on a phone in a cinema? wtf...
No the whole film is recorded like this to keep that lo-fi BM aesthetic

So much I don't understand about what's happening here. The haircut? The milkshake? What?
This definitely leans towards the "so bad it's good" premonition.

Seems as though Akerlund misconstrued Autopsy procedure for a change of heart on Euronymous's part. Artistic licence and all that.

#119 February 17, 2019, 12:11:03 AM Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 12:12:41 AM by Beast Man
This film is pure gack but ill still watch it for the craic.....but the fact remains that this period produced some of the greatest black metal albums in our collections. And this is based on the creativity of youth and good musicianship, full stop, nothing to do with ole Beelzebub himself I'm afraid!!!. ...then when you look at the sociological aspect of it, it is laughable in its absurdity. That begins with looking at Norwegian society at this time, these were a bunch of lads barely out of their nappies who were well heeled and wanted for nothing. This scene came about out of pure boredom with their mundane (and very comfortable) lives. When your life is so safe, comfortable and mundane, you have to create drama and controversy out of something to give you some reason to get out of bed in the morning!!!....result = Norwegian black metal.

And the major factor in their boredom is a lack of alcohol or drugs which the rest of us teenagers in western society experimented with and it  kept us too busy concentrating on getting wasted or chasing skirt to worry about rebelling in the name of satan.. But these lads, because of their conservative (protestant in the main) society experienced none of the trappings of your normal (for example, Irish youth). So if your that bored as a teenager, and your parents are well off...what do you do? turn to satan and try and rebel!...they were quite sad really, but as I said, we did get some great music!!!