Listening to a scatter of newer releases (mainly death metal) with interchangeable riffs, artwork and vocals and I'm bored to tears. Looking for any albums with vocals that are truly unique, or even divisive. Few that come to mind are

Blood Revolt - Indoctrine. War metal with mostly clean vocals courtesy of Alan Averill. Never got into this myself fully, but the idea was an interesting one.

Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare. Sean Killian's voice is instantly recognisable and definitely not for everyone. I think it works perfectly on this album.

Longings Past - Meadows of Maseilya. Same vocalist as Enchanter - Defenders of The Realm but here he brings a lot of bizarre inflections and phrasing to the Vocals. On a few tracks he tries to cram in as many words as possible into the verses but somehow still pulls it off.

Killian's voice is what puts me off Vio-Lence, I like the tunes but can't stand him. Ditto Baloff and Exodus, I can't listen to Bonded By Blood at all, give me the rerecorded version any day.

Scott Jeffreys from Confessor instantly came to mind when I saw the thread title. Took me a long time to come around to his voice but that first album is a personal favourite now.

Alan Tecchio in Watchtower. There's lads who do high stuff but he does really, really high and just stays there. I wouldn't have it any other way, though.

Masvidal through the vocoder on Focus. The first time hearing it was mental. It's fundamental to the sound, though. Genius stuff.

Always loved Killian too. He sounded demented, really twisted rather than just another mundane thrash growler.

Tardy from Obituary. When SWR came out there was nothing else like it.

Also... David Vincent, Bow to me, faithfullyyyyyyyy


I discovered Inquisitor through a thread like this on the old forum. So, Inquisitor.

"I anti-chriiist, I came to fleeeeeeeesh!"

Abbath. Nobody else sounds like him for better or worse. It's not unhinged or that odd but it is something different to the rest.

Paul Catten on the Medulla Nocte albums.
When I first heard it I thought it was shit but soon changed my mind. Anything else would not have worked.

Harald Mentor's delivery on the first Ride for Revenge album is brilliant. Dead eyed monotonous and hypnotised sounding.

I think Indoctrine probably the best thing Nemty ever put his name to.

It's a great album. I'll have to root it out for a spin.

Atilla's performance on Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas could be classified as both?

I remember getting into black metal and being so put off initially by the vocal approach on that one. Since of course come to regard it as utter genius.

Absolutely. Takes a bit of time to wrap your head around what he's doing because it's so far away from what most BM singers do, but when you get into it you wouldn't want it any other way. Controversial opinion: DMDS with Dead on vocals wouldn't have been as good...*

* I would still like to hear it all the same. One of each would be nice. I'll have to dig out the boxset at the weekend  8)

I'd listened to Nevermore for years before ever getting into Sanctuary, got a bit of a shock hearing those massive high notes on Refuge Denied

Unique - Pete Steele, obviously enough.  You'd pick him out in a song in milliseconds.

Oddball - Aldrahn / Dødheimsgard, on A Umbra Omega it is completely ridiculous but absolutely class.

Both, to a degree - Devin Townsend.  Unique enough to be quickly recognisable, odd in that he could be up to fuckin anything on his albums vocally.

A mention here for Al Jourgensen on TLORAH too, I was only listening to "You Know What You Are" in the car there and it is like a swarm of wasps singing to you.  Class.